The Kingdom of Sedraxis

Commander / EDH RegisteredDecksOffender

SCORE: 64 | 151 COMMENTS | 18583 VIEWS | IN 27 FOLDERS

Jadefreak says... #1

You might want the blue praetor from the mirrodin besieged block

March 23, 2013 7:09 a.m.

Demarge says... #2

I'd suggest having more ways to fill up your graveyard, stuff like Forbidden Alchemy , Windfall , or maybe even Wheel of Fortune .

As for lands Reliquary Tower isn't really what this deck wants as you don't have any real draw engines and you want the ability to discard. You also seem to have too many lands that enter play tapped, you also have a ton of colorless utility lands, the combination of these results in a very shaky manabase leaving you almost always to a slow start.

March 23, 2013 9:42 a.m.

Jadefreak says... #3

Yeah, reliquary is really quite the drawback when you want to fill your graveyard

March 23, 2013 10:40 a.m.

Zen_Toombs says... #4

It is a very solid deck for your first foray into Commander.

Several tips: You have too few mana sources. With only 37 lands (Maze of Ith doesn't count as a land slot, seeing as it doesn't tap for mana on its own) you need some more lands and some more ramp.

You also have a number of lands that aren't as helpful as they should be: Boseiju, Who Shelters All only protects a few spells you have, costs you life, and ETB tapped. Hall of the Bandit Lord is a consideration as well, as you lightning bolt yourself when you tap it to to give your very few beaters haste. You should also cut the bad duals you have so that you can add some ramp, and more swamps so that Cabal Coffers is playable. After all is said and done, you should have about 40 lands.

Good ramp to include in your colors includes Wayfarer's Bauble and Solemn Simulacrum - both should be in your deck, as Wayfarer's Bauble is a colorless rampant growth for non-green decks and because you can abuse the heck out of Sad Robot by casting and recasting him. Mana rocks are also fantastic, the cream of the crop including Sol Ring , Gilded Lotus , Coalition Relic , and some others. You should try to get your deck to at least 45 sources of mana, preferably more. Mana is super OP.

For creatures/other cards that seem weak: Bogardan Hellkite has always stuck me as weak, but lit me know how he plays. Cutting him also helps lower your average CMC, which is also good. Crater Hellion doesn't do enough to be a good wrath, and should be cut definitely unless your meta includes tokens. Scion of Darkness is neat, but he's just a more expensive Ink eyes. Sphinx of Lost Truths is cool, but unless you want the discard then you want something else, seeing as she is unkicked whenever you do anything but cast her from hand. Snapcaster Mage is cool, but you might not have enough instants/sorceries to make it worth it. Dance of the Dead is neat, but you may not need that many reanimator effects. I have no clue what Teferi's Veil is doing here, unless it interacts with unearth in which case it's a neat piece of tech.

You'll also want to add more draw and more wraths. The two best draw cards are Blue Sun's Zenith and Recurring Insight . You should run both. Wheel of Fortune could be good as well, as it can get you more cards in hand, screw with your opponents hands, and fill your graveyard. More wraths would include Decree of Pain , Life's Finale , Plague Wind , and Oblivion Stone . Some more counterspells would not go remiss either - Spell Crumple , Dissipate , and Counterflux are some of the fantastic ones.

March 23, 2013 11:04 a.m.

miracleHat says... #5

you might want to add Demonic Tutor Clone Phantasmal Image Reanimate Cabal Coffers (works wonders with urborg) Dissipate Counterflux Sol Ring Gilded Lotus Chromatic Lantern Coalition Relic Braingeyser Mind Spring Blue Sun's Zenith Black Sun's Zenith . Windfall is really nice. But for a first try, it actually looked pretty good.

March 23, 2013 11:39 a.m.

Oh wow, Thank you all for your feedback and advice, I've found it very useful!

@Jadefreak: I do see your point in Reliquary Tower . It would only make sense to want your hand to overflow on occasion so I can discard something useful.As for Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur I have definitely been considering this fattie, and I may just put him in the deck build, he is pretty darn good. I'm going to be working on the deck in the next couple days and I think he will end up finding room. Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it!

@Demarge: It's becoming more apparent as I playtest this that a lot of my lands seem to just be dead cards, so thank you for being the first to point that out. And I like the idea of Wheel of Fortune so that may just find its way into the deck as well, that seems like a good fit. Also I think I like Windfall just a bit more than Forbidden Alchemy . I will be doing some work soon and you'll be seeing some changes in that may include a couple of these. Thank you for your advice!

@Zen_Toombs and M12fox: I will be responding to your advice a little bit later, but something came up and I've really got to run!

March 23, 2013 12:38 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

What's your budget?

March 23, 2013 3:34 p.m.

BinkyBoo says... #8

Hey buddy! I just wanted to post these ideas before I forget. I think Wheel of Fortune could be useful as others were saying and I could as see Liliana of the Veil for discarding your hand to reanimate or unearth and messing with their hand also if it goes off you can use it to wipe the feild. Also I like Volrath's Shapeshifter . I hate you :3

March 23, 2013 5:01 p.m.

@ Zen_Toombs: I really appreciate all of your advice and thank you for complimenting the deck, it's good to know I'm at least going in the right direction, I would like to add my friend BinkyBoo helped me construct this deck and both of us are going on a journey into EDH together, so feel free to take a look at his too if you've got the time! Anyways, I am going to try to address everything one at a time.

In response to the lands, I really appreciate your advice, I found this as one of the hardest things to deal with and I'm still trying to find some things that would fit this deck well. As for Boseiju, Who Shelters All and Hall of the Bandit Lord I do agree, I don't have hardly any life recovery and the playtests have shown that I don't have a nearly enough lands that produce color. I will be adding Cabal Coffers and trying to find some lands that may be better fit, maybe you have some other land suggestions that I may have overlooked?

As far as mana rocks go, I think that you are absolutely correct, keep in mind I am playing by the French ban list, so as amazing as Sol Ring is, I'm afraid it is out..I have heard Coalition Relic is an amazing card, but I have a question about it in relation to it's rulings, it says "At the beginning of your precombat mainphase remove all charge counters from Coalition Relic. Add one mana of any color to your mana pool for each charge counter removed this way." Wouldn't that basically mean you would only get one mana of any color at your precombat mainphase and at the very most you would only have one mana of any given color at a time? I'm fairly confused by this card.Gilded Lotus I think is a very good card, would you recommend it over Chromatic Lantern ? Wayfarer's Bauble seems fairly good and will probably find its place as well as Solemn Simulacrum seeing how I do seem to get mana screwed a lot, not to mention the reoccurring ramp from the Solemn Simulacrum is pretty nasty.

I have been working with creatures and trying to tweak what could work and what would be effective and what not, and seeing how I haven't got to actually play this deck in person just yet I can only speculate on how effective some of the creatures can be. As far as Bogardan Hellkite and Crater Hellion I was basically going to use this as a re-usable field wipe that doubles as a creature, If they seem a little too weak in practice I will definitely have to take them out. Do you have any suggestions on creatures to replace the ones you said I should take out? I'd like to keep the deck creature heavy so it has good synergy with the commander. I think Sphinx of Lost Truths and Scion of Darkness Work well because the Sphinx has the option for me to discard creatures and bring them back if Sedris is on the field, And with Scion of Darkness he is a bit of a higher casting cost, but with all the Reanimator effects I can just discard him and bring him out earlier in the game, and I can cheat him out with Sedris's Unearth effect.As for Snapcaster Mage You may be right, I'll have to play around and see if he's even worth having in there.

And I'm not sure if I agree quite yet with taking out Dance of the Dead since I may add things that can dump my hand in the graveyard faster like Wheel of Fortune Also, yes Teferi's Veil and Sundial of the Infinite both work well with effects that say "Exile your creature at the end of turn" and makes it so Sedris's Unearth ability keeps the creature on the field instead of exiling them.In response to more counter and field wipes, I think you may be right and I will try to work some of those in, I think it could definitely benefit me with the Unearth of Sedris.

I really appreciate your extensive advice as it helps me to understand the format of Commander a little better, so thank you very much! :)

@M12fox: I do have a couple of those cards in my decklist already, but depending on if I feel like some of those cards fit, I will try to utilize more of them, I have especially been considering the card draw, so thank you for your advice and feel free to suggest any more if you have them!

@Epochalyptik: I would like to keep the cards I'm collecting right off the bat under 40 or 50 dollars unless the card is completely vital to the deck build, do you have any suggestions on what I may want to pick up, or what is worth cutting?

@BinkyBoo: I hate you too motherfucker. :)But I agree, I think Wheel of Fortune will be put in the deck for sure, and I actually like the idea if Liliana of the Veil so depending on if we decide she's going to be in the deck maybe we should try picking her up, if nothing else she's just an amazing card to have around in the keep binder. And does Volrath's Shapeshifter get the ability of the card it copies in the graveyard as it enters the battlefield? Because the way it is worded it seems like it doesn't gain the creatures ability. :O

March 24, 2013 3:29 p.m.

miracleHat says... #10

Dominus of Fealty can be pretty fun. you might want Sepulchral Primordial instead of Molten Primordial . Bottomless Pit might be nice. hope that helps.

March 24, 2013 4:04 p.m.

Volrath's Shapeshifter is badly worded. Basically, if the top card of your graveyard is a creature card, Volrath's Shapeshifter has its own text and it becomes a copy of that card as well.

You mentioned that your land base needed help. Ideally, you'd be able to afford to run 3 duals, 3 shocks, and 9 fetches. However, that may not be realistic according to your budget. At the very least, you should avoid running too many "enters the battlefield tapped" lands because they're slower than other options. Additionally, since you don't have access to green, you'll have to be creative about your color fixing. Chromatic Lantern and Coalition Relic are options.

Also, about your budget. Do you already happen to own the duals and Cruel Tutor ?

March 24, 2013 4:22 p.m.

Thank you Epochalyptik, I was wondering about that. And as far as the budget goes, Ideally I would like to have Cruel Tutor and the Dual lands, but at the moment I don't have the money for them, my birthday us next month and those are kind of on my wish list, Ha. Also I like to aspire to get things like that since I've got a trade binder and every time I go to trade someone anymore I don't find anything I need. So, I guess building this deck will help me get back into trading since I'll be looking for EDH staples now. Preferably, for the sake of my trade binder I would just like to use things under 40 dollars, but to build a deck, if the card is necessary, no expense is spared. And yeah, I've noticed that I'm gonna have to drop some things I really like to make room for mana fixers. I was wondering if maybe you could explain Coalition Relic 's wording to me? It kind of confuses me.

@M12fox: thank you for your suggestions, I think all of those cards could be fun to play with, and I especially like the idea of Sepulchral Primordial if I incorporate more discard!

March 24, 2013 5:06 p.m.

Coalition Relic has two abilities. The first allows it to function like a Manalith . The second puts a charge counter on it. At the beginning of your first main phase, you remove all charge counters on Coalition Relic . For each counter removed this way, you get one mana of any color.

This means you can leave Coalition Relic untapped, then put a charge counter on it if you don't need the mana that turn. Next turn, you'll get extra mana from the charge counter, and you can also tap Coalition Relic that same turn. It basically allows you to store one extra mana per turn cycle and potentially squeeze out two extra mana in the same turn. It also works well with cards like Voltaic Key .

March 24, 2013 5:11 p.m.

Oh that seems very useful, I think I may have to add that..

March 24, 2013 5:42 p.m.

I wonder about the efficacy of Vesuva . I'm not convinced any of your lands are really worth copying. Commonly, it would be used to copy Cabal Coffers , but I don't know if Cabal Coffers is consistent enough in this deck; it probably relies on Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth more than it should.

Some of your creatures seem too expensive to really be worth it. You might want to reconsider what effects are really worth including. For example, I don't think Avalanche Riders is optimal. Molten Primordial is pretty expensive.

March 25, 2013 4:01 a.m.

You may be right about the Vesuva but as I thin down the list I intend to make Cabal Coffers more effective since the deck is fairly black based.

And I disagree with the creatures not working, I think that Avalanche Riders can deal with pesky lands that may be plaguing the field, and wouldn't Molten Primordial be pretty decent in a multiplayer game since I would be able to take control of a creature of my choice from each opponent?

Is there any cards you might suggest in replacement of these cards?

March 25, 2013 4:31 a.m.

sylvannos says... #17

Reliquary Tower should be in most, if not all, EDH decks because of Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Howling Mine , draw seven spells, etc. played by opponents.

March 25, 2013 5:39 a.m.

shoeface33 says... #18

Omniscience Expensive, but im yet to lose a game where i get it (a regilar occurance with thtor)The main tjing with edh is sticking to your theme and seeing how it.goes :) maybe try the deck with a diffrrent commander just to see how it behaves. I switched out Kaalia of the Vast for Tariel, Reckoner of Souls and my deck played wag beyter, when i tried Lazav, Dimir Mastermind instead of Wrexial, the Risen Deep it didnt work out, so i swapped back

Also, you cant play grixis and not run Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker the dude is incredible!Looks good.over all :)

March 25, 2013 6 a.m.

Dandelo says... #19

Hey man, I put together a Sedris deck a while back and have some cards I think you should take a look at.

Conjurer's Closet lets you blink one of your unearthed guys a turn and therefore you get to keep him indefinitely.

Flayer of the Hatebound works well with Sedris as all your unearthed creatures will then deal damage when they enter. You could compound this damage with something like Warstorm Surge , Gratuitous Violence , or Furnace of Rath .

Shadowmage Infiltrator and Nightscape Familiar are two good utility cards so you can draw and play things for cheaper.

Insidious Dreams , Fact or Fiction , Faithless Looting , and Unfulfilled Desires are all good cards that let you dig through your deck while also discarding creatures for Sedris to unearth.

here's my full deck list if you want to see it. (for some reason it won't let me link it so here's the url)

March 25, 2013 6:29 a.m.

SpammyV says... #20

Conjurer's Closet and Deadeye Navigator let you turn Unearth into a permanent reanimation effect. When you flicker an Unearthed creature, it enters the battlefield again "forgetting" that it got there via Unearth, so they're not exiled at the end of turn. And they already fit in well with all of your ETB effects.

March 25, 2013 11:17 a.m.

2zettaslow says... #21

you forgot to add the commander to main deck btw.

March 25, 2013 6:22 p.m.

@Sylvannos: I think that usually that seems to be the rule, but when the point of your deck is to get things in your deck, I think it's better not to have a Reliquary Tower ! Don't you agree? I think if someone made me discard a lot, It might just be to my advantage! :)

@Shoeface33: I think that shifting my Commander would completely mess up the fung shui of my deck seeing how there is a lot of creatures that play off of returning to the battlefield.

@Dandelo: I think that Conjurer's Closet should definitely be in this deck, so thank you for reminding me of that, also Flayer of the Hatebound I like him better than the Furnace of Wrath and the Warstorm Surge and what not because he's got the same effect and I can reanimate him!As well as the other cards, I have considered many of them, and I think I may try to work in some, but this deck is in the early stages so I may be taking out some cards and putting many in, thank you for your advice, it has been very useful! :)

@SpammyV: I really like Conjurer's Closet and Deadeye Navigator is nice, but he kind of has the same effect as Conjurer's Closet but you have to constantly pay for it! Still something to consider though, thank you!

@2zettaslow: I think it's fairly pointless to add the Commander to the decklist because you can see your Commander on the side.. Looks like you forgot to do that with your Rafiq deck too though. Btw. :P

March 25, 2013 7:03 p.m.

miracleHat says... #23

have you thought of Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top . also, Pongify and Rapid Hybridization make excellent removal.

March 25, 2013 7:10 p.m.

SpammyV says... #24

The thing about Deadeye Navigator though, is that you get his effect as much as you want. You can Unearth, pair with the Navigator, flicker, choose not to re-pair, and now you've got full reanimator. Or, if you have untapped mana sources before the start of your next turn, you get to use more ETB abilities. Or even pair him with an important creature to act as a shield against targeted spells. They're both really good cards, don't undervalue the Navigator just because you have to pay for his ability.

March 25, 2013 10:45 p.m.

Zen_Toombs says... #25

MagicMike69: Deadeye Navigator is SUPER overpowered. You MUST add him. I disregarded him because I thought that because his exile effect makes the creature leave play, and Unearth's "Exile it ... if it would leave the battlefield." would mean that the creature doesn't come back. However, I read the rulings on Unearth and it actually mentions flicker effects!


March 25, 2013 11:13 p.m.

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