The Kingdom of Sedraxis

Commander / EDH RegisteredDecksOffender

SCORE: 64 | 151 COMMENTS | 18583 VIEWS | IN 27 FOLDERS

atreyujames says... #1

@vampirelazarus: Actually if you look on the forums, they have updated that ruling. Commanders work the same as all the other legendaries.

here. read rule 14

Rule 14 is what I believe your referencing, and if u notice, it says player as a singular. That means you as a player can only control one of a legendary. Any other player can control one as welll

October 28, 2013 6:55 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #2

Blue in your deck but no counters? Force of Will , Counterspell , and countless others.

Why do you not run any of them?

October 29, 2013 2:48 p.m.

With this deck I really wanted to rely on graveyard interaction and a lot of creatures, I wish to abuse ETB abilities of those creatures in unison with Unearth to make this a fun deck, I also strayed away from counter magic in this deck because my other EDH deck Esper and Estrogen relies heavily on counter magic.

Cool name though Didgeridooda. lol :)

October 29, 2013 3:10 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #4

Thank you. I could understand that. I am going through something similar making my second EDH deck. I am most likely not going to be able to leave them out.

How do you link your deck like that? I wanted to link mine, but do not know how. I could use your opinion on it if you have a second.

You have some great cards, and your land bases are as close to perfect as I have seen. Lets me know I still have work to do on mine.

October 29, 2013 3:33 p.m.

am122808 says... #5

I've had my Sedris deck for over 2 years. I'm glad that you use him. I would love to discuss strategy with you, or trade ideas. Sedris Almighty

November 4, 2013 4:22 a.m.

Chrysis says... #6

I like this deck alot. (+1) Though I'd always pick Thraximundar as a general for myself. I love the Grixis zombie king Sedris. You've obviously been working on this deck for a moment. I have only 1 card I'm going to suggest for you. Followed Footsteps . Also thank you for posting on my deck. ))

November 15, 2013 5:31 p.m.

@am122808: Yeah man, I'll give it a look and it would be an honor to talk strategy with a Sedris vet. :)

@Chrysis: Thanks again for the +1 and the feedback, it's always greatly appreciated!

I love Thraximundar , but with him as a commander I'd focus more on dealing commander damage, pumping Thrax up, and making him evasive. I love Thraximundar soo much though that I couldn't possibly leave him out of a Grixis EDH.

Followed Footsteps is an amazing card and I can see it really shining in this deck, the problem is.. I'm trying to keep this deck as creature heavy as I can, and I can't see slipping in another enchantment when I'm still battling myself on adding another creature. :/

And not a problem, I love to help! Hit me up any time you need some help, just drop me a link on my page on what deck you need help with. :)

November 15, 2013 7:56 p.m.

dde says... #8

nice deck! i think that u can also use Victimize and change thaximurdar for an eldrazi

December 4, 2013 4:21 a.m.

@dde: Thank you for your compliment and don't forget the +1 if you like it! :)

Victimize is a really great card, and I've run it before.. I might try it again but I just don't know what to drop for it. As for running an Eldrazi, I don't add them in for the simple fact Bribery is a thing.

December 4, 2013 7:32 p.m.

dde says... #10

@magicmike69 i alredy let my upvote but some time ago :3

oh i had forget Bribery , but they are a way better then Thraximundar

December 5, 2013 2:49 p.m.

@dde: Well thank you! I really appreciate it! :)

Bribery I find can really fuck up a game if someone has an Eldrazi in their deck, so I try to avoid putting them in to mine. They may be better than Thrax, but Thrax generally comes out as a 7/7 swinging, makes them sac a creature which is nice with things like Puppeteer Clique :)

December 5, 2013 3:03 p.m.

Raphiezar says... #12

Void Maw allows you to stack which exile trigger goes off first, and his second ability allows you to put them back into your graveyard. Plus, he can double as a finisher in a pinch if need be.

May 28, 2014 6:36 a.m.

epajula says... #13

+1 I like the deck so much I copied it. I'll be doing some things different, but overall I like the thought you put into the deck.

June 3, 2014 11:54 p.m.

atkboy4242 says... #14

I'm liking a lot of the ideas going on here. That Void Maw suggestion might be interesting for you. Of course, there might not be room for it. Depends on what you're going for and how your overall playgroup is. I'm probably going to use a lot of the ideas you have here so you've got a definite +1 from me

June 24, 2014 3:44 p.m.

Thoughts on Cruel Ultimatum?

December 7, 2014 8:39 p.m.

Tolluf says... #16

I've been looking for fun decks that interact with graveyards and reanimation. Looks fun to play! +1 from me :D

April 6, 2015 1:14 p.m.

Some things to consider Tower Geist:an enter the battlefield guy+more cards+more in graveyard Deranged Assistant: more mana+more in graveyard some skaabs like: Skaab Ruinator,Skaab Goliath,Armored Skaab,Headless Skaab Screeching Skaab,Relentless Skaabs,Stitched Drake also Narcomoeba wich can be played very easily, but it's only a 1/1. You can also use some draw+discard getting you acces to more thing from your 100 card singleton deck and getting more into your graveyard making them almost pure draw, like Obsessive Search, Tormenting Voice,Faithless Looting, Careful Study and Civilized Scholar  Flip though a quick search will find you hundreds of cards which do this. Other mechanics I'd look at are dredge, scavenge, delve and threshold (I haven't included any because these should be really easy to find). I'm sure you've put alot of thought into this deck, but I figure it never hurts to get another opinion.

May 13, 2015 8:50 p.m.

also flashback 'cause it makes your graveyard an extension of you hand

May 13, 2015 8:52 p.m.

nayrash5 says... #19

Imperial Seal is another Tutor effect, though it costs an arm and a leg. Diamond Valley is usually better than High Market, unless you are tapping for colourless with regularity, though it too is really pricey. Cyclonic Rift is a nice way to clean up the board and set up for an alpha strike.

September 5, 2015 4:43 p.m.

Conjurer's Closet lets you blink the creatures you reanimate with Sedris so you can keep them indefinitely (it gets around the exile clause of Unearth by exiling and then returning it, thus making it an object that the game sees as being brand new and thus unbeholden to the now non-existen exile clause).

September 5, 2015 4:49 p.m.

Phaetion says... #21

I have Sedris lists of my own if you want some ideas: All the King's Traitors, The Fallen King ($75 Budget), and The Undead Combo King.

As for your list, I would say 36 lands is a little low. Maybe add 2 lands in. Just a personal nitpick. Skinrender's effect is a little weak in EDH while you won't get much use out of Void Maw.

Other than that, I'll recommend Rooftop Storm. It can work since Sedris is a zombie and he has a high cmc. Tribal is irrelevant with it, you can add it to simply reduce Sedris's cost to nothing (except for General Tax). Looks good though; +1.

September 5, 2015 8:29 p.m.

nayrash5: Hello and thank you for your comment/ suggestions!I love Imperial Seal, but with Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, and my little creature tutors Imperial Recruiter, and Corpse Connoisseur I'm not sure how many more tutor effects I need. Call me a sentimentalist, but in a way I sort of like to leave some things up to chance :PAs for Diamond Valley, I may just include that, although the colorless production of High Market is pretty relevant, I may find room for DV as well!Cyclonic Rift is for sure going up for consideration. Always loved that card as it can shift the balance very quickly. Thank you again for your input!

canterlotguardian: I do love Conjurer's Closet and I will take it into heavy consideration. It is a very powerful card in EDH, especially when I aim to abuse ETB triggers. :)Thanks!

Phaetion: Hey man, thank you for the deck links and the suggestions!I agree I will probably need to go up to 38 lands and I will make that edit accordingly. Sometimes I get a little over zealous and start snipping lands for other goodies :PI agree that Skinrender can be a little underwhelming and he is now up on the chopping block. Void Maw I can see going as well seeing how he needs a few pieces in this deck in order to really go off.Additionally, I will look into Rooftop Storm, on paper it doesn't seem amazing, but I can definitely see its' usefulness.

Thank you all for your constructive criticism, your kind words and your +1's. I will think heavily on these edits! If you think of any other changes or cards you might suggest let me know!

September 6, 2015 1:50 a.m.

nayrash5 says... #23

Mox Diamond is one of my favourite cards ever, though I probably over value it a bit in EDH, I think it would be all right in here, due to this being a three colour//heavy colour dependency list. Dack Fayden definitely deserves a spot, but this is a really tight ship, so I can see the issue with finding something to cut for him. Personally I'm not really a fan of Nightscape Familiar in a list that isn't storm, but he has his uses. Still, he's what I would cut for Dack. Bribery can become really stupid, though at five, that can also be a little steep for something that might be//might not be dumb, so I can see not including it too.

September 6, 2015 2:52 a.m.

NarejED says... #24

Looks like a great deck! Only a few suggestions immediately come to mind, and they're all pretty obvious, so they've no doubt already been suggested at some point.

  1. Wheel of Fortune. It both refills your hand and dumps any unused creatures into your graveyard to become easy Sedris targets. Very good in nearly any red-splashed deck, especially one with a strong graveyard interaction.

  2. Jace's Archivist. Essentially a Windfall on a stick. Very strong utility creature with a delayed yet reccurable effect similar to that of Wheel's. Absolutely brutal in any reanimator deck, particularly in Sedris where you can Unearth and activate him if needed for an easy fresh 4-7 card hand.

  3. Necrotic Ooze. This is probably another card you've had brought up a thousand times. On the off-chance that you haven't, I'll reiterate anyway. Ooze is incredibly powerful in decks that want to have a pile of creatures in its graveyard. One of the single best strategies for Jarad / Karador / Mimeoplasm / Sedris decks is to cast Buried Alive targeting Triskelion, Phyrexian Devourer, and Necrotic Ooze, reanimate Ooze using any number of effects, then proceed to exile your library and kill the table. (The key to the strategy is to stack the Devourer and Trike ability triggers in such a way that Ooze doesn't die to Devourer's drawback.) The combo has been known to go off as early as turn two with a good hand. With Sedris on the board, it's a nearly guaranteed win the same turn you cast Buried Alive or Intuition. If your playgroup doesn't approve of degenerate combos, you may have to refrain from adding it though.

September 15, 2015 6:01 p.m.

NarejED: Hey there!Thank you for your detailed explanation as to why each card is good, and what uses each could have. It really gets my brain thinking about those cards as opposed to someone just saying "Hey... Teferi's Veil"Those comments could still bring a card to light and get me thinking, but comments like yours facilitate what the actual use could be, and how effective each card is.

Wheel of Fortune: This is a card I have tried previously, but I never really fell in love with. The reason I actually removed it was due to the fact that in my build, I don't have land, instant, sorcery, Planeswalker, artifact, or enchantment recursion. Most of my recursion comes in the form of creatures. I like Wheel still and it is something I intend on trying again since my build has changed a lot, but more often than not, I ended up having to pitch things that I simply could not get back later:(With all of that said, I think with a bit more finesse and timing Wheel of Fortune could really shine here. I'll add it into the Sideboard and give it some testing.

Jace's Archivist: Another card I will have to experiment with. I actually almost like him more than Wheel in this build for the fact I could target him for reanimation.. I could Unearth him, simply to add more to my grave for further shenanigans.

Necrotic Ooze: This is a card that I have kind of written off almost entirely for the fact he is a HUGE combo piece, and in my playgroup, we stay away from infinite combos.. Do you think he could make his way into this build without the need to combo out? If so, in what aspects would he really shine?

September 17, 2015 3 p.m. Edited.

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