The Kingdom of Sedraxis

Commander / EDH RegisteredDecksOffender

SCORE: 64 | 151 COMMENTS | 18590 VIEWS | IN 27 FOLDERS

NarejED says... #1

I definitely think Wheel would be worth adding. You mention not being able to get back things pitched with Wheel all too often (though I see you're running Yawg's Will, which gets the job done deliciously well). The thing about the Wheel is that you're usually not casting it unless your hand is either already depleted, you're short on mana, or you're in danger of losing and need to dig for an answer. The tradeoff of a few lost card is worth the recursion a good 95% of the time, and raw card advantage (albeit at the cost of refilling opponent's hands as well) is nothing to scoff at. Also, one benefit many fail to overlook is that if an opponent tutors a card to hand, but doesn't cast it, Wheel serves as heavy hand disruption. Not always a relevant effect, but its nice to pile a little extra icing on the cake.

In regards to Necrotic Ooze: He's decently powerful if you're not using him to deliberately combo. He doesn't have too many targets here though unfortunately. If you're not building to combo, I'd say he's not worth the deck slot.

Also, have you ever considered possibly upgrading your draw engines with a few iconic enchantments? Possibly Rhystic Study in place of Mulldrifter or another draw spell? Study always shines any time there's more than 2 people at the table. Easily capable of netting 2, 4, or even 20 cards between on turn and the next. Necropotence seems like a necro-potent (badum tssk!) addition as well. The triple black hurts, and it has negative synergy if you're playing discard-from-hand effects, but your land base looks easily strong enough to handle dropping it around turn 4-5, and the sheer overwhelming power of the card should outweigh any small drawbacks.

September 18, 2015 2:36 a.m.

Tolluf says... #2

Two cards that has synergy with eachother are Insidious Dreams + Reforge the Soul. Allows you to pitch the cards you want in the gy, tutor for w/e cards you need, + reforge allowing you to get a more tailored hand at your turn for 1R. It's riskier but feels sooo good when you manage to pull it off. Edit: Have you considered Cabal Coffers to go with Urborg?

September 18, 2015 2:41 a.m. Edited.

HoweYouDrewin says... #3

Teferi's Veil has limitless uses in a deck like this. Namely avoiding wrath effects or other sorcery speed removal, removing the unleash trigger from the creature, preventing it from being exiled.

September 25, 2015 8:57 p.m.

NarejED: You've got a good point about Wheel of Fortune and it is now in the deck :)As far as Rhystic Study goes, it's always in the back of my mind as a card to add to any EDH with blue in it.. but it's one of those cards that can really get out of hand and almost make a game un-fun if left un-checked. I really like Mulldrifter for the fact he can give me card advantage, is a small beater or blocker, can be used to bounce with Deadeye Navigator, and can be Unearthed later with Sedris.Necropotence is another card I always think about, but I feel that if I want to be throwing things in my graveyard, Necro seems a little counter intuitive.

Tolluf: I have thought of Insidious Dreams but I feel like I have plenty of tutor effects as is.As for Reforge the Soul, there are only so many loot effects I want and need and I feel I have enough of those as well. As far as Cabal Coffers goes, I don't think I have enough land fetching in order to put it into this deck. 3 color it's hard to justify that combo. Thank you for your comment though!

HoweYouDrewin: I have never though about the ability to dodge Sorcery speed removal and sweepers.. That along with the ability to dodge Unearth probably merits a spot. It will be in the deck shortly.

September 28, 2015 3:15 a.m. Edited.

Dromar39 says... #5

What about Expedition Map? Lets your grab your utility lands.

September 29, 2015 1:36 a.m.

Aroix says... #6

You seem to have a pretty high land count, I happily run 36-7 for control based decks (no green) That is where you could make a bit of room for your Cyclonic Rift, Karn Liberated etc

September 29, 2015 10:08 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #7

How is your mana ramp? I added Sword of the Animist in my mono-black edh. I could see it being good in here, although with only 8 basics, I could also see it being hit or miss.

September 29, 2015 3:09 p.m. Edited.

Ghosthunter39: Honestly, I don't think I could find a spot for Expedition Map just for my utility lands. I feel as though Map is for decks that REALLY need their lands in order to go off or to combo out. For me, I just don't find it necessary but thank you for the suggestions.

Cerradura:Honestly I just bumped my land count up to 38 and I think that's where it needs to stay. Mayyybbeee.. I could see going to 37 but I had just recently added in one and it is performing better with 38 :/

NecroPony:I feel as though my ramp is actually pretty balanced and I don't feel the need for much more. I could see Sword of the Animist doing well in but yeah, with so few basics I don't think it would pay off. :/

September 29, 2015 3:39 p.m.

NarejED says... #9

Hey! This deck has inspired me to build a Sedris list of my own. It would be awesome if you could possibly take a look at it when you get the chance.

Now Watch me Whip, Now Watch me Trai Trai Playtest

Commander / EDH NarejED


Thanks again for making this awesome deck! It really got me interested in Sedris as a commander.

September 30, 2015 3:10 a.m.

Hey man thanks! It's truly an honor!

I'll take a look at your deck and give you a breakdown on cards I prefer, and maybe some cards I don't prefer.

Gimme a little bit (a few days) as I am lazy. :P

Again, thank you. Sedris is a very fun Commander and I think you'll enjoy him a lot.

September 30, 2015 3:32 a.m.

Tolluf says... #11

Pricey but soo good, Mana Drain

October 13, 2015 2:22 a.m.

Thank you kindly. Yes, Mana Drain is in my Maybeboard and it will definitely be the first counter to go in the deck.. if only I could find a spot for it...

October 13, 2015 2:38 a.m.

Tolluf says... #13

Personally I've found Coalition Relic underwhelming in my sedris list, it'd be my go to replacement.

October 13, 2015 3:14 a.m.

NarejED says... #14

Coalition Relic is quite good any time you're playing a non-green commander with converted mana cost 5 or greater. It enables Sedris to be played up two turns earlier.

If I had to recommend a cut for Mana Drain, I would say Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. He wins games, true. But he's hellishly expensive to cast, and canot be cheated into play under normal circumstances.

October 13, 2015 3:23 a.m.

NarejED: I agree 100% with keeping Coalition Relic. It's done wonders for me, as I have a very mana-intensive Commander, and a very specific colored card base.. with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Massacre Wurm, Sphinx of Uthuun etc. it's necessary.

And I get what you're saying about Nicol Bolas.. But he is kind of my sure-fire way of dealing with the blaring weakness that is Enchantments.He can also act as a way to steal people's problematic creatures, and act as a different win condition. 8 mana is pretty high, I agree.. but I feel as though he's worth it if you get him to stick. Alongside Sol Ring, Mana Vault, and Mana Crypt I can usually pop him onto the field a lot earlier than people like to see.

October 13, 2015 3:34 a.m.

Tolluf says... #16

I'd use Karn Liberated over Nicol Bolas.

October 13, 2015 3:38 a.m.

I also contemplated him, and he is still a card that will probably make the cut.. But I really dislike his plus ability for EDH when card draw is so rampant.. I feel like it would amount to "Hmm.. I suppose I'll just exile a land from my hand"Not to mention, if I would almost rather have them destroy or discard something as opposed to exiling it since I intend to abuse both mine and my opponent's graveyards.I also dislike Karn's Ultimate in an EDH game.. I feel like it would cause many sighs and groans of hatred at my expense.

October 13, 2015 3:42 a.m.

Hey, does not flickering creatures with Deadeye Navigator cause the Unearth Trigger to activate? If you read Sedris, he says that if the creature would leave the battlefield exile it as well...

October 23, 2015 1:43 p.m.

NarejED says... #19

@ ryanchrisdraper. When two different triggers go on the stack at the exact same time and have similar effects (IE, exiling with Deadeye Navigator and exiling with the unearth trigger) the active player has some leeway in which one they allow to resolve first. So, when you exile an unearthed creature you control with Deadeye Navigator, you choose if it gets exiled by the unearth trigger or by Deadeye. Logically, you're going to choose Deadeye 99% of the time.

Hope that helped!

October 31, 2015 1:46 p.m.

a card I think that will help card draw and getting creatures into your graveyard is Rhystic Study, most people I know aren't willing to pay the one colorless mana. Great deck!

November 4, 2015 8:33 p.m.

VampRamped says... #21

May I suggest Gem of Becoming for some good manafixing it also doesn't specify basics so it is quite good

July 2, 2016 2:42 p.m.

Jarebear97 says... #22

How about Misthollow Griffin? You could keep getting him back anyway, keep sacrificing him, unearth, repeat. What do you think?

March 21, 2018 12:10 p.m.

Jarebear97: Hey thanks for the upvote and the comment! I had Misthollow in my deck at some point, but I just found him underwhelming. I think in the right Sedris deck it could be good, perhaps something that abuses when creatures enter the battlefield triggers like Purphoros, God of the Forge, but in this deck I just cant find a justification for him.. if Ive come to Unearthing a Misthollow Griffin then Im probably already so far behind on board he wouldnt help me stabilize:/

March 22, 2018 6:30 p.m.

Jarebear97 says... #24

That makes sense. Cool deck though!!!

March 23, 2018 9:54 a.m.

Epicpotato says... #25

On the topic of your thread Help cutting cards: Adjusting to a new meta I'd recommend cutting 2 lands. Just two. It will give you a bit of space to breath and you'll be cheating out a lot of creatures anyway so it won't matter too much. Plus you've got a couple of extra mana rocks anyway so mana doesn't seem to be fringing on 38 lands.

July 27, 2018 12:35 a.m.

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