Vampire Waifu.

Change Log:

-1 Charcoal Diamond
-1 Profane Command
+1 Black Market
+1 Jet Medallion

Jet Medallion pretty much outclasses the Charcoal Diamond, and I don't need any more small mana rocks. I removed the Profane Command because only one of it's modes is truly useful to me, and I already have Exsanguinate, so it was unnecessary. I hope the Black Market performs up to par. If there are two things I want to do in this deck, it's kill stuff and generate mana, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be just fine.

5/12/2014 - 5/19/2014
-1 Magus of the Abyss
-1 Sudden Death
-1 Slaughter Pact
-1 Tendrils of Corruption
-1 Swamp
+1 Thrashing Wumpus
+1 Mind Shatter
+1 Crucible of Worlds
+1 Kagemaro, First to Suffer
+1 Strip Mine

I decided to do some major edits. A friend of mine laughingly suggested removing all of my spot removal for more threats. It seems like a pretty great idea. The only one I'm keeping is Silence the Believers. because it's a mana dump, board wipe. spot removal, and generally awesome black card all at the same time. I found that Magus of the Abyss wasn't performing up to par, so he was removed. I knew I needed a Crucible of Worlds for the deck (since it's heavily land based, land destruction is an obvious counter-strategy), so I picked one up the other day. Aside from just being an anti-hoser, I wanted some synergy, so I added a Strip Mine back into the deck. Now I just need a black fetchland or two. Keeping with my theme of board hate for creatures, I added in a Kagemaro. I've found that not only can he be a recurrable board wipe, he can pick off unaware players if my hand is large enough (he can get pretty huge with all my advantage generators). I also added in a Thrashing Wumpus. Another board wipe creature, that also functions as a win condition in the late game. Finally, I added in a Mind Shatter. As expected, one extra mana for a Mind Twist is still pretty ridiculous. I now have plenty of ways to get rid of my opponent's entire hand pretty easily, and that's pretty strong.

-1 Sheoldred, Whispering One
+1 Sword of Feast and Famine

Sheoldred was underpowered in this deck. I don't really focus on reanimator, so I can't take very good advantage of that part of her effect, and the hate I get from the board outweighs the benefit I get from the sacrifice effect. Plus she's plain expensive. Sword of Feast and Famine is in the deck, and I think it's an extremely strong addition. Untapping my lands is huge, and it can win me the game if I connect even once.

-1 Thrashing Wumpus
+1 Burnished Hart

Thrashing Wumpus is a bit slow from my playtesting, and more often than not, there is no reason to cast him instead of Drana, so his 5cmc price tag was odd for the deck's tempo. I added in Burnished Hart to help out with my primary source of mana acceleration - my Swamps. My Swamptron of Urborg, Cabal Coffers, and Deserted Temple get stronger. Huzzah.

-1 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
-1 Exsanguinate
+1 Braids, Cabal Minion
+1 Lethal Vapors

This was a pretty rough edit. As much as I love Ink-Eyes, she's a dead card in my opening hand, and she's not particularly useful unless I'm already ahead. Exsanguinate was pretty much the same story. Yes, the card wins me the game unless it's countered, but the problem is that it's only good for winning the game, and it's quite expensive. I have no instant win with my infinite mana combo anymore, but I think I have enough threatening stuff to get by without it. I decided to add in two cards that are pretty good to have in the opening hand. I added in Braids, because she's awesome, and she lets me make further use of my Spine of Ish Sah. She can hard lock with the right early game set up, and she gives me more use from my Crucible of Worlds. Lethal Vapors can quickly turn a situation hopeless after a boardwipe, or if I just drop it too early for my opponent. Sure, it give my opponent a choice, but the choice is get hosed or Time Warp me. I'm fine with either at 4cmc.

-1 Pain Seer
+1 Kiku, Night's Flower

Pain Seer was good, it just wasn't quite a Dark Confidant. I found that oftentimes his lack of evasion made him pretty easy to block and kill, since he's so small. I don't really have any ways of tapping him, other than attacking, so he's out. I added in Kiku for some more repeatable, creature-based spot removal. She can make a good 1v1 commander against aggro, too, though Drana already does that. I guess it really depends on the situation.

-1 Massacre Wurm
+1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre

Well, I recently decided to remove Ulamog from my Damia deck because I plan to be lowering the mana costs in the deck. So an Ulamog opened up. Pretty important stuff, he'll put in a ton of work in this deck, I'm sure. Massacre Wurm was removed because it's my least useful board wipe, and even if it is a threatening creature, I just added in Ulamog, so...

-1 Kiku, Night's Flower
+1 Ancient Craving

I've been a bit busy with my other EDH decks this last month. The deck is doing really well. I decided to axe Kiku because she hasn't really put in any work in any of the games I've played her in. Drana does a good enough job on spot removal that she doesn't matter. I added in Ancient Craving for more draw. It's pretty ridiculous to draw three cards in this deck, especially for only four mana. Not quite a Promise of Power, but strong nonetheless.

-1 Mind's Eye
-1 Liliana Vess
-1 Leaden Myr
-1 Harvester of Souls
+1 Graveborn Muse
+1 Heartless Summoning
+1 Toxic Deluge
+1 Yawgmoth's Will

Cut Mind's Eye in favor of Graveborn Muse. I don't need the generic card draw in this deck anymore. The cheaper stuff that costs life is just better. Liliana Vess just wasn't fast enough. 5cmc made her a bit awkward for tempo. Leaden Myr doesn't agree with the deck, given how many sweeps I play. Harvester of Souls just wasn't fast enough. Usually dies as soon as I play it, too. Heartless Summoning takes up the mantle for good 2cmc acceleration.Toxic Deluge is now my best board wipe. Yawgmoth's Will is there for late game blowouts and whatever other antics I get into with it.

-1 Braids, Cabal Minion
-1 Bloodgift Demon
-1 Lethal Vapors
-1 Mind Shatter
-1 Palladium Myr
-2 Swamp
+1 Scroll Rack
+1 Kuldotha Forgemaster
+1 Tangle Wire
+1 Voltaic Key
+1 Expedition Map
+1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All
+1 Bloodstained Mire

Well, it's been a while since my last update. Since then, Braids has been completely banned, so she's been removed. With the addition of Graveborn Muse, Bloodgift Demon became too clunky for the deck. I decided to try to shy away from just hosing creatures, so Lethal Vapors was cut. Mind Shatter was the most expensive of my hand drops, and with how searchable they all are, I decided to remove it. Palladium Myr was just a bad mana dork. It was cut not long after my last edit. It shouldn't have stayed in as long as it did. Since my last edit, I had been testing out the use of Triskelion in the deck. It was just as I thought, entirely unnecessary, overcosted, and underpowered. The Mikaeus + Triskelion combo actually costs more to do in one go than any of my Rings of Brighthearth combos, despite requiring one less card, and unlike my Rings combos, I don't play down parts of the combo here and there, which helps take people by surprise. I managed to get another Scroll Rack (and it's shiny, yessss) for my Damia deck, so I moved the one from there into this deck. I figure it helps out with the growing theme of abusable artifacts, and the simple deck manipulation is just so worth it. Kuldotha Forgemaster is my most recent edit. With the growing number of artifacts, and with all of my infinite combos consisting either primarily of artifacts or lands, I figured he'd be a much stronger addition to the deck than Triskelion was. It's a mana cheaper, too. Tangle Wire just fits so perfectly in this deck. I have to face the simple truth: certain decks are faster than mine, regardless of what I do. Tangle Wire helps me combat that. If I can stop myself from losing long enough to stabilize against the breakneck speed decks, I generally tend to win against them. With my growing number of artifacts, I generally tend to be able to ignore the effects of Tangle Wire, and I have to say that in testing, it's been one of the strongest additions to the deck yet. Voltaic Key is perfect for the deck. Synergistic with too much stuff in this deck to list it all off. The most important stuff would be Rings of Brighthearth, Everflowing Chalice, Sensei's Divining Top, and Gilded Lotus. If I've drawn my deck with my Rings combo, it helps me make my infinite colorless mana into colored mana, which is important. As the deck is heavily land based, I figured Expedition Map would be a great addition. Seeing as how most of my early tutors are for lands, it's pretty much a second copy of Demonic Tutor in this deck. Even in the late game, I can use it to tutor out my land infinite combos. Very amazing addition. Finally, I've added a Boseiju. I like my stuff resolving, Especially when its something like Worst Fears or Decree of Pain. Very searchable if need be. Bloodstained Mire was added to bring in some more synergy with Crucible, and shuffling the deck is always useful.

-1 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
-1 Black Market
-1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
+1 Mimic Vat
+1 Ad Nauseam
+1 Polluted Delta

Mikaeus has been slowly losing his shine in the deck. I haven't been taking advantage of him in games lately, and my deck has been shying away from generic creature beatdown for a long time now. Mimic Vat is there for some neat synergies with the few creatures I do still play, and it lets me get lots of value off of boardwiping. The Black Market cut is actually quite old. I somehow forgot to update it. I apparently forgot to add Ad Nauseam. Funny. Yeah, Ad Nauseam is pretty nutty. With the removal of Mikaeus, the last straw was drawn with Nykthos. I just don't have enough devotion to make it worth it. Added another fetch, just for redundancy.

-1 Decree of Pain
+1 Thran Dynamo

An old edit that I somehow forgot to log. My mistake. The deck was a bit too heavy on sweeps, so I cut one. Decree was the most expensive, next to Overwhelming Forces, and both do about the same thing. Thran Dynamo has been a very important big mana rock for the deck, it really escapes me as to how I haven't had it listed this long.

-1 Overwhelming Forces
+1 Smokestack

Overwhelming Forces came out for two reasons: it's my slowest board wipe, and my friend made me an offer for it I couldn't refuse. Smokestack is in at least temporarily to fill the spot, but I might end up liking it here. I've loved how Tangle Wire has been working out for me, so I could definitely see the use. Smokestack also has a few things going for it in the deck. It's only half the CMC of Overwhelming Forces (edits like this help with speed), and it's an artifact, which fits my growing theme.

-1 Swamp
+1 Myriad Landscape

The only card that really wowed me in Commander 2014 for this deck was Myriad Landscape (Ob Nixilis was a massive letdown in testing :). My landbase is getting even more powerful. This deck is so Swamp based, having the ability to pull two out with one land is great. The synergies with Rings of Brighthearth and Crucible of Worlds further solidify it's inclusion in the deck.

-1 Spine of Ish Sah
-1 Doubling Cube

Spine of Ish Sah just isn't what it once was. Braids being banned hurt the synergies it had in the deck. It's also kinda expensive for what it does. Doubling Cube is a slower mana doubler than the others in the deck now, so it's out. Silence the Believers was rarely relevent. If I'm expecting a Tooth and Nail win or something (the primary use for Silence the Believers), usually Drana works to prevent those. Nirkana Revenant and Gauntlet of Power are in the deck for more swamp support. I now have all the mana doublers I need for the deck. It's like a milestone has been reached. Skeletal Scrying is in for another good mana sink. I figure it will make more use of my fetchlands, too.

No updates as of right now. This deck is being used by a friend of mine in an EDH tournament for the next few weeks. The first two rounds were held yesterday. Round one my friend played against Marchesa, Sliver Overlord, and another friend of mine, who borrowed my Radha deck. He resolved Worst Fears on the Marchesa player, and made him kill himself with Flayer of the Hatebound. My Radha deck got taken out by Flayer as well. He ended up poking the Sliver Overlord player to death with Drana. Game two was against me in a 4-pod, and I won.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens Copy Clone, Demon X/X B, Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms
Folders Decks I Like, Other Commander Ideas, EDH Ideas, EDH Options
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