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The Lanterns Have Eyes!!!

Modern* UBRG




Sorcery (1)

Lantern control in modern. If you already know what the deck does, you can just skip this next part.

Lantern of Insight allows you to view the top card of both your library and your opponent's library. Cheap mill rocks like Ghoulcaller's Bell and Codex Shredder then give you the almighty power of controlling what your opponents are allowed to draw. This deck wins one of three ways: milling your opponent, burning them out with Ghirapur AEther Grid or Pyrite Spellbomb, or making them so frustrated that they scoop (that's the most common one). Ensnaring Bridge protects us from creature-based threats, so creatures all become dead draws.

Now that that's over, we can get down to business. Lantern, Bell, Shredder, and bridge are all gimmes. They will be in any and all lantern decks ever. End of story. The rest of the list, though, is usually up to interpretation. This is mine.

Abrupt Decay: to deal with any threats that can slip under our bridge like noble heirarch.

Academy Ruins: this makes so much of the deck work even better. You can recur spellbombs. You can keep yourself from milling out. You can even get back a card you wanted, but had to mill.

Ghirapur AEther Grid and Pyrite Spellbomb: these are our alternate wincons, the 'just in case' of the deck. (grid also wrecks infect)

Infernal Tutor: so often, this is a Demonic Tutor, and I don't have to tell you why that's good.

Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek: hand disruption to weed out the things that slipped through our net or, more often, things in their opening hand.

Pithing Needle and Surgical Extraction: these two are definitely good, but usually not mainboard. Here, though, you're already seeing so much of your opponent's deck in the first turn or two that they almost always pay for themselves (ie. t1 inquisition, see that they have 3 copies of a bad card, extraction them all away).

Spellskite: the only creature in the deck, skite serves a few purposes. He gives us a blocker, he protects our other artifacts, he eats burn, he screws infect against the wall, and he turns on our Mox Opals. So many things for just one card.

speaking of, Mox Opal: our mana sources 17-21. They let us empty our hand a turn (or two) faster than we otherwise could.

So, there it is. The sideboard is kind of a mess right now, so help there will be greatly appreciated.


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99% Competitive

Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

31 - 4 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.59
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