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The Library Ate my Opponents!

Casual Casual Clone Enchantment Mono-Blue



Animate Library deck based on an excellent deck by ndragon47!!! Go check theirs out: Fun Book/Library Theme Deck!!!

For my version, I want to focus on getting the enchantment out and then being able to swing and hit as fast as possible, ideally copying the animated library artifact creature with Auton Soldier to kill everyone at the table at once!

Kind of coming up with this on the fly -- I'm still very new at this and would love some input!

Explaining my adds so far:

I have of course added Auton Soldier to copy the animated library. I looked up the rulings for the card -- it copies the enchantments and effects of the original, and when it creates the copies through Myriad, those copies are also copies of the original creature, NOT a copy of the Auton Solider copy. So, theoretically, if I pay and tap a Suspicious Bookcase for the original animated library, and then attack with Auton Soldier, all of the copies it makes will not be able to be blocked, and viola! Multiplayer OTK!

The Mycosynth Gardens is a "pay X and tap" to copy, so I think copying the library creature would be free!!! The creature itself doesn't have a CMC. An enchantment made the library into a creature. I could be wrong though!

Issues I'm having:

For creatures, the original deck has Archivist, Walking Archive, and Walking Atlas. And Suspicious Bookcase. I like Bookcase a lot, it is great, but the other three I don't! Archivist is ok, but expensive and I'd like to have at least a couple of useful, earlier game creatures I could use to keep myself alive until I can do what I want to do! My maybeboard is focused on creatures and card draw effects that could replace those.

Learn from the Past, I playtested the deck and it was so, so annoying to deal with, I'm cutting that, so I need to replace that card draw piece as well. I cut Otherworld Atlas for the same reason I don't like Walking Archive, that it also allows opponents to draw cards.

Then again, I don't actually think having too many different cards in a deck is a good idea. Lots of copies of what works makes it much more consistent, I find. So maybe it's good the way it is...


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Date added 1 year
Last updated 7 months

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 3.64
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