The Lich

Commander / EDH CommanderFun

SCORE: 98 | 111 COMMENTS | 32674 VIEWS | IN 49 FOLDERS

metalevolence says... #1

Diabolic intent should be Beseech the Queen or Increasing Ambition or something because anytime you don't have bitterblossom or academy rector, you're really not going to want to sacrifice a creature.

Liliana of the dark realms should just be a swamp.

August 28, 2013 6:13 p.m.

haph says... #2

Love this deck! combining black and white shenanigans with massive card advantage are two of my favourite things! With the spoiling of the new commanders, I think I might have to try a variant of this with Oloro, Ageless Ascetic.

October 11, 2013 12:58 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #3

Its been a while since I've looked at this deck. My family had a big move and had to put my gaming on hold for a while. Thanks for the positive feedback! This deck actually evolved a bit into a more aggressive version (adapted for local play group) with less of the control elements which I posted in Lick my Lich... and I invite y'all to check that one out. This one I think is my favorite version of the deck because I think it really gets out the fullest potential of Lich with B/W... so I kept it here. A few responses to the previous comments...

@YerpyMoose - Thanks for the feedback, and the warning! How did the chaos turn out? did you use Starke of Rath ? maybe even as a commander?

@metalevolence I definitely agree on both accounts, and noticed how diabolic intent wasn't working for me. I decided on Beseech the Queen . Also, I made a few changes in the land, replacing Lilliana with Temple of Silence . My main reason for using her was the combo of getting land and some potential removal. I'm planning on getting Vindicate in here soon to fill the removal needs.

@haph Thank you lots! I definitely think that Oloro, Ageless Ascetic is the right commander if you want to add blue. I used to have a Zur the Enchanter version, but it just didn't have the flavor I wanted. More power to you and make sure you let me know when you've made it. and don't forget to use Illusions of Grandeur (don't bother with the cost, just draw the cards), Delusions of Mediocrity , and Second Chance .

October 24, 2013 9:04 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #4

So about Celestial Dawn ...It is a great mana fixer, and combos great with Serra's Sanctum ... so I'm not sure I want to give it up. I also like that Sun Titan can retrieve it. Yes, I'm aware there is Chromatic Lantern , but that doesn't exactly solve my problem, and I don't need it as much when I only am running 2 colors. However, I find myself wishing it would help Skirge Familiar out a little better. SO there are two options for replacing it as I see it.

1) False Dawn - (Mind the oracle, it's explanation of the card makes more sense) It has the same effect as Celestial Dawn except it effects all permanents for the turn, so skirge's ability will let me cast anything. However, it only lasts for the one turn, and doesn't help me much before Lich is on the board unless I'm using it to actually cast Lich . There is a high chance of redrawing the card through Ulamog though, and one turn of mana fixing may be all I need. This is the one currently being tested in the deck, and I'll report my findings soon enough.

2) Mycosynth Lattice - Fixes everything pretty much. However, a lich is very narcissistic, and does not see the point of sharing his power with those who are beneath him, or lack the tenacity to seek true power. Also it costs a lot to play, and I often need some mana fixin' earlier in the game to get my lich on.

So thats that. Of course, Celestial Dawn could just stay, we shall see what makes for the most fun.

November 4, 2013 12:26 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #5

I'm wondering If I'm worried about the indestructibleness too much. So, I'm considering dropping Indestructibility and Darksteel Plate . Obviously I'm always going to be gunning for Avacyn, Angel of Hope first before the others anyway. She's even proven easier to cast via discard+Reanimate after drawing so many cards.

Originally the "indestrucibles" were helpful for comboing with Pariah and Pariah's Shield , but that proved not to be as needed when there are easier ways to curb damage. Empyrial Plate seems almost just as good for Pariah as indestructable.

Considering adding some Animate Dead ... also Bloodchief Ascension is sitting on my desk right now taunting me... hmm

November 6, 2013 10:36 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #6

-1 Indestructibility
-1 Darksteel Plate
+1 Bloodchief Ascension
+1 Animate Dead

I'm trying this out for now. we shall see how we do.

November 10, 2013 8:29 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #7

-1 Forsaken Wastes only had one purpose and it didn't happen that often.+1 Ghostly Prison need to build more control and protection into the early game. This is a step in the right direction I think :)

Avatar of Hope actually really helped me out in the last game I played, too bad I can't get the blocks when I need it most in the early game. Considering Wall of Glare or Guardian of the Gateless as a cheaper option and for the earlier game.

November 13, 2013 6:59 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #8

-1 Avatar of Hope Its fun to cast after lich for the WW, but I need him most before.

+1 Guardian of the Gateless Easier to cast, and can be better at staying alive with that +1/+1 action goin on.

November 13, 2013 10:40 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #9

realizing i desperately need some more removal all up in here... adding Vindicate and another one lickety split!... on the consideration table are Swords to Plowshares , Ashes to Ashes (nice with damage avoidance and exile is good), Reckless Spite (works with life-loss theme, and instant speed), and Mortify (excellent flavor and more flexible + instant speed).

December 3, 2013 12:12 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #10

I need help dealing with Krosan Grip right now. Perhaps discard mechanics?... Thoughtsieze or Wit's End maybe? or even Unmask , or Myojin of Night's Reach ... or just putting Indestructibility back in...

December 8, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #11

December 8, 2013 10:14 p.m.

YerpyMoose says... #12

Thoughtseize would probably be the best option.

December 8, 2013 10:14 p.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #13

also Soul Conduit !

December 8, 2013 10:18 p.m.

YerpyMoose says... #14

Unlife makes it actually easier to kill this deck, and conduit is outclassed by Repay in Kind .

December 8, 2013 10:22 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #15

Thanks YerpyMoose. I agree it seems the best option. I wonder if I need more hand control in the deck in general? too bad it doesn't have blue like you have too or Forbid would be amazing. Thanks for taking care of Phyrexian Unlife and Soul Conduit for me. Also, Aelorith2117, if I wanted an extra "survival under zero life redundancy" or whatever, I'd go with Soul Echo and then use the effects I have in place to not take damage (Solitary Confinement , Delaying Shield , Pariah .... etc etc).

I had considered Soul Conduit before. I even had Reverse the Sands in here too once. However, I enjoy the current win conditions in this deck the most.

December 9, 2013 1:25 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #16

Btw YerpyMoose. I feel much more in control of Ivory Tower now that I have the Eldrazi shuffle. I may have to rescind my earlier concerns about it. drawing 39 cards from it on the turn after I played Lich today pretty much secured the game. (I had Penance and Skirge Familiar on the field with Ulamog in hand... no power in the 'verse could make me draw out... 2 pts for talking in "Firefly")

December 9, 2013 1:32 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #17

trying out some hand-control mechanics...

  • -1 Beseech the Queen , +1 Thoughtsieze - Gotta do something about the UG removal and counters in my playgroup... driving me nuts.

  • -1 Phyrexian Obliterator , +1 Myojin of Night's Reach - The Obliterator is amazing... and really puts people on edge and I like what he does for me on the board. It's just beautiful when I can get a Pariah on him... but I'm seeing if Myojin can do more for me. Pariah is still great on an indestructable creature, I don't have much flying in the deck, and no Krosan Grip or counters to worry about when no one else has a hand... but he's a tough sucker to cast... gotta get those mana rocks out.

December 9, 2013 6:41 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #18

oh... I'm dumb... Myojin of Night's Reach is not flying...

December 9, 2013 6:46 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #19

New idea for dealing with pesky removal cards: Jester's Cap ... (or maybe even Memoricide or Cranial Extraction )... what do you think of these over straight up discard like Thoughtsieze? I'm at least considering them over Angel's Grace right now, as they may do a better job at keeping me in the game. I find that angel's tends to only get played if I need one more turn to get my Lich combo set up, and not having it will keep it more with the "flavor" anyway. Also Dimir House Guard works with all of these new options... which would be nice to do some "house cleaning" of my opponents' removal cards if I have Volrath's Stronghold on the board too by continually tutoring for removal.

December 15, 2013 3:13 p.m.

YerpyMoose says... #20

Not Memoricide , but Sadistic Sacrament , Dimir Machinations and Bitter Ordeal are all great. Sacrament is relevant in EDH and pre/post WoW + Familiar combo, Machinations is a Cmc3 tutor as well as possible badness filter (not the best, but something), and Ordeal is scary at first but becomes absolutely ridiculous post WoW + Familiar Combo (alt win-con, opponents have no deck).

Cap is ok, somewhat recurrable. Eh if many people (2+) are running Grips.

December 15, 2013 6:24 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #21

@YerpyMoose, Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. all those are better than memoricide and Cap.

New Thoughts:

Bitter Ordeal is now a must after seeing the combo opportunities. It may even pair well with other things like Insidious Dreams or Sickening Dreams as well if I were to add one of them.

Sadistic Sacrament would be great too if I could fit it in. It would also work with skirge and WoW since they would make it easy to do the trigger.

These are both great options for dealing with threats. I have lots of removal already and its doing well, but these add the control that this deck needs without forcing me to add blue...

These may be more useful to me than several things in the deck. Myojin of Night's Reach since she costs so much? I haven't used her yet but she seems a little too "win big". Guardian of the Gateless also hasn't been helping me soon enough in the game either. Peacekeeper does a better job at saving me than guardian anyway... but peacekeeper does get destroyed really quickly... (I'm thinking aloud if you can't tell)

Also Angel's Grace could be a spot that could serve as something more useful. Each time I've used it it would only save me from losing up until that turn ends (from a Naturalize on Lich ... since grip won't let me cast it), and if there's nothing keeping me alive with 0 or less life then I'm a goner when the turn's over. Considering Faith's Shield as it's replacement. In my play group, I think it would save me from more than Angel's Grace would since it would save Lich and potentially prevent damage to me as well (or targeting with something devastating like Bribery for my Eldrazi... which has happened... swords to plowshares went it right away after that game)

These are the thoughts that are stirring in my head atm.

I've also considered givng Grinning Demon the axe... but its just pretty damn good to have a 6/6 on turn 4 and to not really care about the life-loss.

December 15, 2013 11:45 p.m.

YerpyMoose says... #22

Guardian of the Gateless seems extraneous with the Bitterblossom tokens, possible combat locks, and various ways to prevent damage in the deck.

The (Myo - Ji - n) isn't as good as Phyrexian Obliterator , but hates on multiplayer hands well (5/2 briefly indestructible isn't bad either). Iffy on this, may need more testing.

Grace always seemed to me like something to prevent combo players from going off and ending the game, not as a mechanism to prevent game loss (Platinum Angel 's area). With game loss being a disease in Magic, prevention (Faith's Shield ) is often better than treatment with possible side effects (Angel's Grace ). Consider the nocebo effects of Grace only lasting a turn! Untap, you lose the game, greener pastures, et cetera.

Grinning Demon has cool art.

December 16, 2013 12:19 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #23

I don't play against much big combo. Yes I love obliterator too... it seemed the best switch at the time to just test Myojin. If I were to do it again, I'd switch the Guardian of the Gateless in a heartbeat. if someone could combo with Repay in Kind like me then I would definitely have a grace in hand for that game.

Made the following switches


December 16, 2013 12:44 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #24

swapped Bloodgift Demon for Myojin for now (both pretty costly for their benefit, and myojin's is more needed atm)... but once I get a Dark Tutelage or if I can trade for my friend's Bob then... well then we'll see.

December 16, 2013 12:52 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #25

@YerpyMoose btw, amazing analogy for Faith's Shield vs. Angel's Grace ... I may get to use the protection aggressively for the unblockable win also... maybe... unblockable death's shadow and kagemaro seem pretty fun.

December 16, 2013 12:56 a.m.

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