The List of Free Spells and Similar Effects
SCORE: 167 | 93 COMMENTS | 34952 VIEWS | IN 80 FOLDERS
Thank you. I do want to keep most of the stuff that can actually be played in current formats. I could still add stuff from unglued and/or unhinged, but I'm just not too sure yet.
April 27, 2015 7:33 p.m.
I'm kind of don't want to add the land. I'm just sticking to spells in general.
April 27, 2015 7:45 p.m.
missing some of the Force of Will cycle from alliances. Bounty of the Hunt, Contagion, Scars of the Veteran.
also, Abolish, Allosaurus Rider, Angelic Favor, Dark Triumph, Invigorate, Lashknife, Mind Swords, Orim's Cure, Outbreak, Reverent Mantra, Rouse, Scars of the Veteran, Sivvi's Valor, Skyshroud Cutter, Snuff Out, and Vine Dryad.
May 11, 2015 3:45 p.m.
there are a couple of others like it as well...Cho-Arrim Legate, Deepwood Legate, Kyren Legate, Erase, Massacre, Mogg Salvage, Patrician's Scorn, Refreshing Rain, Remodel, Rushwood Legate, Saprazzan Legate, Sivvi's Ruse, Submerge
June 2, 2015 10:32 p.m.
Thank you again
Actually, Erase can't be cast for free, but the rest can.
June 2, 2015 10:39 p.m.
Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One)
its from unhinged some reason when i put that in the card function it just shows up as erase
June 2, 2015 10:45 p.m. Edited.
Well, if the argument is the requirement for tapping creatures as to why convoke cards aren't on the list, there are cards already on the list that require this as well: Lashknife, Angelic Favor, Sivvi's Valor, etc. It seems as if your criteria for free is you don't have to tap lands to cast it as you have cards with X in the mana cost and phyrexian mana symbols in the mana cost in the list.
June 3, 2015 4:55 p.m.
So are you saying I should add convoke cards or take out cards? I'm just not sure what you are trying to say.
I've been going back and forth on the convoke issue and I might add them but to what end?
What are your thoughts?
June 3, 2015 5:01 p.m.
I'm saying with your current criteria, Convoke spells should be on the list. Because your criteria seems to be you don't have to tap lands to cast the spell, which is a possibility with convoke spells.
June 3, 2015 5:03 p.m.
Upvoted for hitchhiker reference. If you've read Dirk Gently, I will be pleasantly surprised. It's probably one of Douglas Adams' best works and nobody has read it :(
Subbed so I can check on it tomorrow. It's late here.
June 8, 2015 12:47 a.m.
I don't believe I have. I'll have to check it out sometime.
June 8, 2015 12:57 a.m.
electromancer says... #23
InDirectX, I second that. If you haven't already, you should read the sequel: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Also, I love lists like these, you never know when they'll be incredibly helpful. +1
June 8, 2015 1:03 a.m.
I am, actually. About 70% through. It may be better than the first.
June 8, 2015 1:04 a.m.
Wait, did you say lists like this are helpful? link spam activate
If you look through Epochalyptik's deck listing, he has a lot of commander-legal lists of stuff, like tutor cards. (Sorry for linking you, Epoch.)
I have personally three lists now:
List of Token Rocks
List of Mana Ramp/Rock Cards (custom categories!)
List of Group Hate Cards
link spam deactivate
Caes says... #1
You have a lot of them, but it seems you missed most of the artifacts.
Accorder's Shield
Ashnod's Coupon
Astral Cornucopia
Blacker Lotus
Bone Saw
Briber's Purse
Chalice of the Void
Chrome Mox
Claws of Gix
Dark Sphere
Darksteel Relic
Delif's Cone
Everflowing Chalice
Fountain of Youth
Gustha's Scepter
Herbal Poultice
Jeweled Amulet
Kite Shield
Lion's Eye Diamond
Lodestone Bauble
Mana Crypt
Mishra's Bauble
Phyrexian Walker
Shield Sphere
Spidersilk Net
Tormod's Crypt
Urza's Bauble
Welding Jar
Intervention Pact
Pact of Negation
Pact of the Titan
Slaughter Pact
Summoner's Pact
April 27, 2015 6:42 p.m.