The List of Free Spells and Similar Effects

Custom SirFowler

SCORE: 166 | 93 COMMENTS | 34715 VIEWS | IN 80 FOLDERS

thisischeese says... #1

Is this an exhaustive list? Whether or not it is, awesome resource you've created here.

January 21, 2016 1:29 p.m.

Brad7986 says... #2

Thank you!

January 30, 2016 5:59 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #3

What about cards like Rewind or Cloud of Faeries in which you pay for them, and then unpay for them? Technically, they are free cards, too?

April 9, 2016 12:24 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #4

Or the pacts like Pact of Negation?

April 9, 2016 12:25 a.m.

rshizzle says... #5

Atony1400 i wouldn't count the cards like Rewind because you still have to have the resources to cast them.and the pacts are already there :)

April 9, 2016 1:21 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #6


April 9, 2016 7:30 a.m.

PartyJ says... #7

Neat list!

Keep up the good work and don't let it go into a forgotten oblivion where updates seize to excist :)

Upvote for your efforts!

August 28, 2016 8:09 a.m.

SpiritKing says... #8

Misdirection and Mind Swords slipped into the modern section ;)

Great list! i'm always trying to play stuff for free, saw some cards that i didnt notice until now

August 28, 2016 8:16 a.m.

SirFowler says... #9

Thanks PartyJ, I appreciate the vote. Also, thank you SpiritKing. I updated the list, it should be good now. If you know any of these effects in any of the new sets that I may have missed, let me know. I don't always check the new lists to check for "free" cards.

August 28, 2016 9:22 a.m.

Siyanor says... #10

Noxious Revival can fit into the Phyrexian Mana category -- you have it, but in that category.

You seem to have missed Corrosive Gale.

September 4, 2016 2:14 p.m.

Siyanor says... #11

I noticed you included Street Wraith as a non-mana cycle -- if you're including those, then Edge of Autumn works too.

September 4, 2016 2:23 p.m.

SirFowler says... #12

Thanks for the catch Siyanor! :D

September 4, 2016 2:27 p.m.

cruxkid says... #13

September 9, 2016 8:37 p.m.

SirFowler says... #14

cruxkid Narset herslef needs to be cast, so no. If Narset would be on the list, then stuff like Omniscience, Dream Halls, and Show and Tell would be here, but they still need to be cast first.

September 10, 2016 1:02 a.m.

SpiritKing says... #15

Spotted Angelic Favor in the modern section.

Also Quagnoth cannot be put onto the battlefield, i think you might have misread that part. It just goes back to hand on discarding

Found myself scouring the list for ideas again =)

September 10, 2016 4:54 a.m.

Atanar says... #16

You seriously need to add Prized Amalgam. It single-handedly makes modern dredge work by being free of casting cost.

September 11, 2016 4:30 p.m.

Atanar says... #17

Oh, and Narcomoeba, too.

September 11, 2016 4:32 p.m.

SirFowler says... #18

Nice catch Atanar. Forgot about those.

September 11, 2016 5:33 p.m.

SirFowler says... #19

Atanar Also, what would you classify the group in which Narcomoeba falls? Graveyard check? Or would it go into a new group entirely? I'm not entirely sure.

September 11, 2016 5:42 p.m.

Atanar says... #20

Graveyard check is fine. But I wouldn't create a seperate category for Amalgam, just have it "1x Prized Amalgam #Creature ETB Trigger #Graveyard Check" so it shows up in both.

September 12, 2016 6:55 p.m.

SirFowler says... #21

@Atanar So do you think I should have other cards in multiple categories like one for Land Check and one for Opponent Check like in the case for Invigorate instead of it being in in a separate category of both?

September 12, 2016 10:42 p.m.

Atanar says... #22

Well if someone comes here looking for all the cards that check for lands they should all be in the same category. Or if someone comes looking for cards that give opponent life because he found a way to abuse that he will want to have all those in the same list.

September 14, 2016 5:27 p.m.

DJ_Ethanol1 says... #23

There are quite a few interesting cards here. I might look into buying a few for my modern decks. Thanks for making this list!

October 2, 2016 8:38 p.m.

xollran says... #24

Thank you for the list and url!

January 15, 2018 2:35 p.m.

Skywatch says... #25

Nice. I will definitely use this.

January 17, 2018 9:53 p.m.

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