heuertag that's awesome that you mentioned Mirror Mockery I just happened to see it today but Tappedout hadn't updated it to allow me to add the card yet. I was thinking the exact same thing, best case scenario copy a siege rhino during combat and force swings for a free heal 3/ deal 3 as well. I actually wanted to try a combo with Hall of Triumph, Master of Waves and Mirror Mockery which would allow a free supply of double tokens since hall would allow tokens to live when Master dies, however he re-enters the battlefield spawning more. I hope to have a better answer when I can test out the card, fingers crossed for more solid blue spoilers too.
March 9, 2015 11:55 p.m.
yeah that's cool. also i just realized you can make Master unblockable with Thassa, creating a scenario in which you can swing without worrying about blockers... also I agree Hall is good to have at least one of so killing master isn't like a 6-for-1
March 9, 2015 11:58 p.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #4
Scion of Glaciers - provides 2 devotion, can pump him, AND hes an elemental too..nuff said
March 14, 2015 9:58 p.m.
ZooGambler says... #5
4 Mana is too much, what would you take out to put that in without screwing up the curve? Shorecrasher just does the job better and on curve.
March 14, 2015 10:15 p.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #6
You have the most of 2CMC then 3CMC - 4CMC is the least in your curve (besides your one copy of Torrent Elemental ). Im not saying hes better then Shorecrasher Elemental but he goes with the deck. and although torrent elemental has the synergy with master hes not that great here. His secondary ability is more of a Delve thing.
I prefer Icefall Regent - hes 5 CMC on curve, you can lock down a specific creature for 2 turns, get a 4/3 flyer, they have to pay 2 extra mana to target him, PLUS 2 devotion on him.
and on curve after that Scourge of Fleets to completely wipe their board. This should be doable with Nykthos devotion Ramp, and if you wipe their board they will not come back from that...
and im not talking 4 of's either of course, 1-2 copies.
March 14, 2015 10:27 p.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #7
also forgot to mention that there are two new cards not added to tappedout yet that might go in mono blue - Palace Familiar and Silumgar's Sorcerer
March 14, 2015 10:40 p.m.
thanks for the suggestions but I feel like most of those cards in order to come into main board would need to replace other cards, and I don't see much that could be taken out unless you have some ideas. I like the thought of Scourge of Fleets but that along with Icefall seem more like a midrange focus where I primarily wanna take an aggro approach almost and drop the opponent before the game gets to be late.
March 14, 2015 11:05 p.m.
Obsolete Oh my god you're right, I think a friend just told me it was legendary and I assumed to myself that it was probably true since he's rather strong. Thank you so much this changes quite a bit.
March 15, 2015 3:24 p.m.
I'd replace Vaporkin with Stratus Dancer. Same mana cost, same stats, still flying, but with the added mid-late game benefit of being able to counter a creature. I know you lose the Elemental synergy. But its not as big of a deal if you find room for a 2nd (or 3rd) Hall of Triumph. Perhaps by pulling 1 Island. Your avg. casting cost is low enough for only 22 lands, IMO.
March 21, 2015 10:51 p.m.
Tanis44 Thank you, I love the idea i'll replace those cards right now. My problem prior your comment was I always thought of Stratus Dancer as a turn 3 play when realistically I should play it as a creature in my opening hand, and then I can set up later when I have mana.
March 22, 2015 3:49 p.m.
Exactly. I'm replacing all the Triton Shorestalkers in my decks with Gudul Lurkers for the same reason: decent chump in the first couple turns, and a slightly better one once I've got more mana. Also, I just realized I said Stratus Dancer counters a creature...I meant non-creature. LOL
March 22, 2015 9:35 p.m.
Tanis44 Another funny note I even realized was that Vaporkin can only block fliers....so like that just means Stratus Dancer is that much better than vaporkin in almost every way we've thought. I'm looking forward to seeing how well Gudul Lurker once the set drops. Personally I like Hypnotic Siren but i'm excited to see what becomes popular.
March 22, 2015 11:53 p.m.
godofcruelty says... #16
Maybe put in Mirror Mockery as you can really piss off the opponents by copying master of the waves every turn.
March 27, 2015 6:37 p.m.
somebodyrandom says... #17
AEtherspouts and Vortex Elemental are both amazing cards. Retraction Helix can be good as a one mana removal, or can save your guys.
March 27, 2015 6:42 p.m.
godofcruelty well you can see that I have Mirror Mockery sideboarded currently. I mentioned that same idea in my description but I don't know if i'm ready to mainboard mirror mockery yet only because if it sits in my hand and I don't have a Master of Waves on the field then it just just a wasted card draw in the deck. I will try my best to test what works when I have the deck completed and can take it to an FNM though!
somebodyrandom I can definitely see a spot for AEthersprouts, possibly side boarded against some heavy aggro. Retraction Helix, unless i'm reading it wrong sounds like a worse version of Void Snare. which is included in the sideboard also. Vortex Elemental is interesting however I only want a limited amount of one drops in this deck. It does have some versatility in it's ability but I think the counter part Torrent Elemental is a bit stronger by just ultimately tapping all the enemies creatures.
March 27, 2015 7:44 p.m.
somebodyrandom says... #19
Retraction Helix is an instant while Void Snare is a sorcery. They are both good though.+1
March 27, 2015 8:38 p.m.
somebodyrandom says... #21
You can us Mirror Mockery on opponents creatures so that when if they attack, you get a copy that you can block with plus use any etbs
April 1, 2015 11:12 p.m.
I took this deck as a base and built what I believe to be a competitive version. There are more cards i'd like to use, but without play testing I can't bring myself to add them. Take a look, I hope it helps you in events to come! Control Has you Blue?
April 1, 2015 11:56 p.m.
Ertl Hey I appreciate that I was able to help you out! I did take a look at your deck, for what it's got going for it I think it's reliable and strong. Main difference of course seems to be your survivability in the midgame. I actually liked Silumgar Sorcerer and since it acts as a dissolve or creature I think it had more utility than Cloudform so went ahead and replaced those cards. Good luck with your deck!
April 4, 2015 7:45 p.m.
vincent_098 says... #24
Looks nice, it includes many things I'd love to see in my own Blue Devotion. Nevertheless it's all there at the cost of speed. There's not much to play on turn 1. In such case I'd put for example 4 blue/sth scry lands (there's high chance you won't play anything on turn 1 anyway, it lets you scry and you can consider splashing another colour, even if it was in sideboard).
For a faster alternative have a look at my version: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/thassa-the-dude-scissors-included/
April 5, 2015 5:47 p.m.
vincent_098 Cool yeah I think you're idea for splash is a valid point. I took a peek at your deck but out of my love for Kiora decided on a tiny splash of some green scry which also led me to remove - 1 nykthos but I think this change was actually a strong decision.
heuertag says... #1
I know this just got spoiled today so it may not be on your radar yet, but i think that Mirror Mockery is a decent addition in a deck like this as like a 2-of or something... or at the very least a sideboard card maybe? You can put it on your own Master of Waves for some nice potential pumping and extra elementals (for occasions that the extra pump will be lethal or when you can safely attack with the master), and it can be used against a Siege Rhino to either stop attacks, or force them to attack via Bident of Thassa and you get the rhino's life drain. Just a thought. like I said it just got spoiled recently, so I haven't had time to try it out or anything but it seems cool.
March 9, 2015 9:27 p.m.