ZooGambler Wow thanks so much for that comment. Yes i've taken a look at many of the competetive variants of the mono blue devotion for this set and like you said some people have been opting for the artifact route which I just didn't have the taste for. Gudul Lurker isn't as versatile as the Siren imo, since it can't block fliers or have a solid late game purpose. Prior to my splash of green Kiora, the Crashing Wave was just 1 monastary siege and 1 Stratus Dancer in the main board. I didn't feel like either of those cards really impacted the game so I decided to add another heavy win con which after testing has proven to be really strong. I see your advice for the extra dancer or sorcerer and i'll definetly consider it. There have been a few games where I had a slow starting hand with a siren and a bident and I was able to rely on the card draw to get me going but it for sure doesn't need to be a set of 4. Thanks for the helpful advice!
April 21, 2015 8:18 p.m.
You just made me realize how funny a mirror mockery on an enemy Siege Rhino would be. Thank you for that.
April 29, 2015 8:30 p.m.
Minelia5 Hahaha no problem, I personally didn't enjoy it anywhere here but i'm sure we might see people find a funny/strong use for Mirror Mockery eventually. ZooGambler fine jesus christ, it's not like i'm demanding for credit for Surrak on the Rocks
April 29, 2015 8:48 p.m.
ZooGambler says... #6
Lol don't worry I already cited my sources. Don't they teach you that down in the Engineering college.
April 29, 2015 8:52 p.m.
Hey could you explain some of your sideboard choices and when you would side them in and what to take out for some of the standard decks ( Control, Aggro, ext...)
May 4, 2015 10:31 a.m.
also why not put in Collected Company since you already have some green here?
May 4, 2015 11:29 a.m.
audicia45 It's realllyy funny you mentioned Collected Company because I just watched a SSG Tournament yesterday and wouldn't you know some player won it all with a brew similar to mine. There will be more updates to come, i'll take what I liked from his deck and keep what I liked from mine. adding Collected Company was one that I did like.
Sure for sideboard i'll go a bit more in detail in the description later but here's a gist of it.I always will take the route to -4 Frost Walker against any kind of aggro matchup. He's a great guy but going against tokens like 1/1's he just sucks. That's where I pull out either Aethersprouts for tokens, Triton Tactics Is actually a very safe card against aggro, usually swap those for frost walker.Against control, i'll take out the Singing Bell Strike since typically it's useless, and pick up the Pearl Lake Ancient and a few counter spells.
Those are my best recommendations for generic matchups. Against a standard burn deck, Monastery Siege and T-Tactics also avoid burn.
I only would throw in Encase in Ice to simply replace the current Singing Bell Strike for green/red decks.Hope that helped, i'll be updating everything soon hopefully.
May 4, 2015 2:52 p.m.
Looking forward to it i still like the feel of this deck so i wouldnt change it toooo much, I am having a little trouble keeping kiora on the field to get her -5 off :/
May 4, 2015 4:50 p.m.
Did you do any thinking? I am very sure kiora isn't needed I haven't gotten her ult off once so far I think just replace her and maybe the 2 negates with collected company
May 14, 2015 8:11 a.m.
audicia45 sorry i've been MIA kind of drafting my changes privately and taking it at fnm just messing with what I was doing. You defiantly have a good point and I did shift into Collected Company immediately so I had to change some synergy in order to use it. I understand keeping kiora alive was actually difficult so I took one out to the sideboard but ever since I've gotten collected company I have some solid blockers for at least 1 mainboard. Let me know what you think of these mainboard changes, so far i've had a lot of success with this. I'm considered upping the mana to 24 however due to a couple "mana screw" games.
May 17, 2015 1:38 p.m.
Ok so I'm not sure about dropping hall of triumph and bident of thassa, what I'm running involves 2 cloud form, 1 hall, and 2 bidents...cloud form helps so freaking much most of the time I find that the singing bell strikes aren't needed tooo much but I have 4 incase in ice in side board along with sidisis faithful for the aggro and even a good bounce spell. I'm a huge fan of kiora's follower instead of omenspeaker due to the ramp is so helpful allowing you to start one turn ahead of schedule.... and instead of hornets nest why not chasm skulker, it fits really nice with the theme and you can power him up real easy with halls and bident!_ just some feed back.
ZooGambler says... #1
Honestly one of the best Blue devotion decks on the site that I've seen so far. A lot of other decks are going for janky artifacts ensoul route playing that really bad lurker card and cloudform as well. I think this is the most competitive decks in the Blue category, it's consistent, hits hard, and has really fun interactions with the opponent. I like seeing the splash of green for Kiora, with Abzan, Dragons and things running around her +1 is surprising great at stalling and keeping the pressure off of you and off of her. The krakens can steal games as I'm not sure what deck can deal with 9/9's every turn. A few small changes I would actually make would be to -1/2 Sirens for +1 Stratus Dancer/Silumgar Sorcerer because you don't NEED Siren T1 or even until late because that's where she shines. Other than that I think you have a really solid list that others could really learn a lot from and pull ideas to make their decks better. +1 for sure. Good stuff!
April 21, 2015 7:42 p.m.