The Locust Army: A Day of Wrath
Commander / EDH
CaptainSandbag says... #2
DanowarElf Great suggestions, I'll definitely throw Bident of Thassa back in and make room for Lightning Greaves. I'm not a fan of infinite combos either, but it's in there for an alt win con considering I don't know what i'll be facing with my opponents' decks. I tried to put a lot of different win conditions in the deck and i'm still toying with this one as we speak. Thank you for commenting and making suggestions. I checked out your deck and am considering using Obelisk of Urd and Dragon Arch. but i don't know what to replace them with! any suggestions? i was thinking of taking out Darksteel Plate for Lightning Greaves and Murder of Crows for Bident of Thassa. I would need another two.
October 30, 2017 3:21 a.m. Edited.
MisterBeandipJones says... #3
Well I think the two least impactful cards in this list are Brainstorm and Goblin Bombardment. I've tried both in the past and neither impressed me. I can give reasons if necessary.
October 31, 2017 1:36 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #4
DanowarElf I can see why brainstorm would be choice to replace and I'm not as attached to it yet, so replacing that one would be easy. Goblin Bombardments immediate sac ability has won me games before in response to a mass boardwipe so I am a little bit more reluctant to let it go. However, I would like to hear why you feel differently about it.
October 31, 2017 2:19 p.m.
MisterBeandipJones says... #5
Here is what I've said about Goblin Bombardment on my deck's comment section: "GB seems like a great card on paper for this deck and I have always been on the fence about it. I've tried it several times in the past in this list, but nine times out of ten at 2 CMC it just ended up being a mediocre version of Impact Tremors/Throne of the God-Pharaoh, or a mediocre Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots. I found that if I wanted to use GB for damage, Tremors/Throne/Purphoros, God of the Forge deal and spread more damage as they hit each opponent evenly."
Regarding GB as a useful sac outlet for a board wipe, this is certainly true. However, I'm usually holding some countermagic late game for these spells in particular. I can counter the board wipe, but I also find that its extremely easy to quickly rebuild with Locust God. One time I was board wiped late game, and when it came back around to my turn, I was able to land LG and spit out enough hasty flyers to take out that player in one single turn. It's all about preference and what you personally want to do with your deck. Good luck :)
October 31, 2017 2:39 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #6
hey DanowarElf, thanks for the reply. I'll play around for sure and see how it performs in my playgroup. Thanks for all the help and information.
October 31, 2017 7:02 p.m.
Reverse830 says... #7
I would definitely put Teferi's Puzzle Box in the main deck. Not only does it let you churn through your deck faster (thus generating more insects) but it also means your opponents can't make plans for anything beyond their next draw step.
Second, I would suggest replacing Mogg Maniac with Favorable Winds. The Maniac only has synergy with Nin, and even then, it's only a one-time deal.
Finally, consider Commit / Memory. It will let you handle just about anything on Commit, and Memory lets you recycle your entire graveyard so you can draw it again. This also works to hose reanimator decks.
November 16, 2017 11:36 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #8
Reverse830 Favorable winds is definitely a good choice, I will replace Mogg Maniac for sure. I had him in there to use as a chump blocker, but it hasn't really seen much value in that sense. As for Teferi's Puzzle Box, it's a great card and I've played around with it I just don't know what to swap out for it. Any suggestions? I was thinking of taking Gush out for Teferi's Puzzle Box
November 17, 2017 10:28 p.m.
Mindwrack Liege for another anthem effect. Also Impact Tremors to get instant value from your locusts
February 8, 2018 3:52 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #10
Thanks for your input Fairmount. I had both of those cards in, but swapped Mindwrack Liege for Obelisk of Urd since my bugs will help cast it for virtually no cost. It was a hard decision, but who knows, maybe good old mindwrack will end up back in there. Got any advice on what to swap for it?
February 8, 2018 5:38 p.m.
Jimmy_Chinchila says... #11
Looks pretty solid. Impact Tremors can help get in incremental damage, especially since it hits all opponents. I see from attempting to suggest its already been suggested, but its a solid synergy against things like Bower Passage or Gravity Well or even Anger of the Gods that kills your swarm, so youre not just making tokens to swing but also doing damage by making them. Its like free damage that hits all 3 opponents and looks innocuous enough to not get destroyed if cast turn 2 or 3.
February 8, 2018 10:22 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #12
Jimmy_Chinchila thanks for the +1. Solid advice regarding Impact Tremors, I'm definitely going to have to slip it back in there.
February 8, 2018 10:53 p.m.
carpecanum says... #13
Throne of the God-Pharaoh should be right next to that Impact Tremors.
If you play Kindred Discovery (naming insect) and draw a card, automatically producing an insect, automatically drawing a card etc. won't you end up drawing yourself to death? You'd need a way to bounce or destroy Kindred Discovery or your boss to stop the combo.
February 17, 2018 3:48 a.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #14
hey carpecanum, I don't play Kindred Discovery unless Laboratory Maniac is on the board or I have Disallow, Pongify or Rapid Hybridization in hand.
Throne of the God-Pharaoh would be good against Edgar Markov decks where they have ridiculous life each time.
Thanks for your input!
February 17, 2018 1:30 p.m.
PookandPie says... #15
I do enjoy a good Locust God deck. Nice job here, but I do have some ideas for additions. My deck is here, so you know from where this advice stems: Locusts, Take the Wheel~
Winning via Lab Man already on field and casting a 5 mana enchantment or 6 mana creature is fairly slow (I wound up removing Lab Man from my Locust God deck as a result because it required too much set up in colors that have a hard time tutoring creatures and enchantments). Though, I do have an alternative.
One is to run Simian Spirit Guide and Firestorm. With your whole library in your hand, exile Simian Spirit Guide for R, then cast Firestorm. You'll draw 80+ cards, so you discard 40 of them targeting your opponents and 36-37 Insect tokens to kill everyone.
'Course, if you don't want to do that I can offer another really cute card that's really solid in midrange Locust God decks. Breath of Fury is one of my more favored cards when I can't combo, and it forms an extremely cute combo with Bident of Thassa in that, if you have at least a couple insect tokens, you can slap down Breath of Fury and kill the whole table. For example, attacking with 5 tokens draws you 5 cards and makes 5 additional tokens. Then you swing 9. Then you swing 17. Then you swing 33. All of that alone is enough to deal 561 damage, and you can attack with Locust God too which will cut down anyone who has used an infinite life combo. Breath of Fury is basically one of those cards that works in The Locust God better than any other deck simply because your tokens come with built-in haste, so it's great by itself and can win games almost any time its drawn with a reasonable board presence (9 tokens will kill one player with Breath of Fury), but is backbreaking with the Bident.
Another card I have come to enjoy is Throne of the God-Pharaoh, though that's mostly because it makes killing a number of players much easier. Attacking one player with 20 tokens and then each opponent taking 20 on my end step is a way I've ended a player on more than one occasion.
Have you considered Murder of Crows? With Ashnod's Altar and Locust God, this gives you a quick and dirty way to draw your whole library. If you keep Laboratory Maniac instead of going the Firestorm route, then Murder of Crows makes an excellent little way to draw to a win. You only need to keep a blue mana open to cast Lab Man as you'll have more than enough colorless mana.
June 1, 2018 8:06 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #16
PookandPie these are some great recommendations. Thank you for taking the time to make them. I don’t like to win using Laboratory Maniac normally because it’s a cheap win. He’s there just in case I get milled which happens in my play group. However, you have shed some light on cards/combos I hadn’t considered before so I’m willing to give those a go. Breath of Fury would be pretty funny if I can pull it off and I had been considering Throne of the God-Pharaoh for some time. As for Murder of Crows, I had it in my deck but it’s high CMC was not making it worth my while.
June 3, 2018 1:08 p.m.
I like it, it looks fun to play!
Is Dragon Arch very useful? I see that it gets TLG back for cheaper when it dies, and I guess the arch survives some board wipes that your creatures don't. If board wipes aren't a big problem in your meta, I'd suggest Mindwrack Liege instead. It not only gets TLG back in play cheaper and still at instant speed, but also buffs your locusts, squids, other creatures, and TLG itself.
It looks like a mass haste effect like Urabrask the Hidden or Anger would be helpful for using your locusts the turn you get them. It would also make your Breath+Bident combo last as long as you want and have cards to draw!
November 10, 2018 3:44 p.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #18
Correnon thanks for the comment and love. I had Mindwrack in there but it cost too much and it was an immediate target. There is a lot of board wipe action in my meta as well. The arch has proven itself useful and it's cheaper to drop TLG. The Obelisk of Urd gives my bugs a bump which is nice. the haste effect is not very useful considering the tokens have haste and I don't really run too many creatures for Anger to be helpful.
November 12, 2018 2:19 a.m.
Oh wow, I've somehow never caught the haste on those insect tokens. Even better!
November 12, 2018 10:20 a.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #21
darklord1135 when the locust god dies, it goes back to the owners hand at the beginning of the next end step.
November 12, 2018 3:43 p.m.
Gamer_Jackel says... #23
I've just started building a Locust God deck myself, and am taking alot of inspiration from this list and I had a question. Would it be just as good to run Impact Tremors instead of Warstorm Surge ? I can certainly see the ability for creature removal being useful, but I also think that with Impact Tremors only costing 1 and a red, that you'd have mana up to be able to get use out of it the same turn you cast it, since if someone is heavy in enchantment removal, these two cards would be priority targets.
December 10, 2018 11:57 a.m.
CaptainSandbag says... #24
Hey Gamer_Jackel, glad you found this deck useful and inspirational.I used to run both Impact Tremors and Warstorm Surge but really love Warstorm because it deals damage according to the power of the creature entering the battlefield. The low cost of impact tremors is very nice for sure but I would try both and see which one you like best.
December 10, 2018 8:30 p.m.
hemddernacht says... #25
I think Mindmoil fit's very good if you are not focused on combos, i had much fun with it and Alhammarret's Archive in play ;)
MisterBeandipJones says... #1
I recommend Lightning Greaves for sure. Bident of Thassa is definitely good enough to pull from the Maybeboard, along with Coastal Piracy. Since they are enchantments, you just pay for them once and they grow exponentially more powerful every turn. In fact, for that reason I like them better than the one-time effect (Keep Watch). If you're going infinite combo route, then Mana Echoes is a must-have if you can afford it. Also, Intruder Alarm combos well with Merfolk Looters. I'm always on the lookout for good Locust God decks. Here is mine if you want some more ideas. Locust God's bigger than a 4/4, or izzet just me? Keep up the good work! :)
October 26, 2017 10:52 a.m.