This is not your typically Ruric Thar, the Unbowed deck. This deck focuses on controlling the board through a small stax package with a combo as our planned win condition. This is not a typical method of running our friendly neighborhood two-headed ogre.

I have always enjoyed the color combination of , as an aggressive pair of colors which drives for progress within games. Ruric Thar looked like the most enjoyable commander of the color pair to me, but I wanted something different, something powerful, something you get where this is going to. A Combo!

As the combo is one of the more simple to pull off. Here is a step by step process of how to combo off.

  1. Resolve Primal Surge this will be the trickiest part of the combo to get off
  2. Start flipping cards over and putting them onto the battlefield. This will flip the whole deck over as we run only 1 non-permanent card which is the surge.
  3. Now in response to the enter the Battlefield triggers on the stack or a spell, tap some of the new mana dorks and as few lands as possible to activate the formidable ability on Shaman of Forgotten Ways. This should bring your opponents life totals down to lethal from the triggers.
  4. Let the triggers resolve as this should kill all of you opponents from the Purphoros, God of the Forge triggers. If not we still have a backup plan.
  5. Use the ability of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker to target a creature like Zealous Conscripts. This will cause a loop which you will continue to make tokens copies of the target and dealing damage with Purphoros.
We have two types of protection
Our main win-con of this deck is through our combo we get from casting a primal surge, so we really want the surge to resolve.

Counterspell Protection

  • Boseiju, Who Shelters All is our best way of getting a resolved surge as it gives the surge shroud at the cost of 2 life.
  • Vexing Shusher acts similar to Boseiju, however, its weaker due to being a creature and ability costing .
  • Price of Glory helps a little by deterring people from countering you spell as if they do it might destroy some of their lands.
  • City of Solitude is great as the other people can't do anything during your turn.
  • Dosan the Falling Leaf is worse as they can still activate abilities, but preventing spells from being cast is great.
  • Dire Fleet Daredevil allows us to snag up one of our opponents counterspells to use against them.
As once the Primal Surge resolves we are severally weakened to our opponents. As we have most of our deck onto the battlefield and no cards in our library. So we need to protect ourselves.

Protection from removal:

  • Archetype of Endurance will protect our creatures from being removed and stopping the combo
  • Asceticism functions almost identically to the archetype however it allows us to regenerate our creatures if need be.
  • City of Solitude is the best protection piece as it prevents removal, counterspells or anything from our opponents. This will turn all abilities off including mana abilities.
  • Dosan the Falling Leaf functions similarly to the City without protection to abilities.

Protection from forced card draw.

  • Thermopod and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth provide protection from forced card draw if the city is currently not on the battlefield. You just sacrifice any number of non-token creatures to Thermopod before sacrificing Kozilek to cause a forced shuffle. Do this in response to a force card draw or end step of combo turn if you did not win. You also get some which is also
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We have an option to win if the Defense of the Heart trigger occurs. This can be done through two different methods.
  • One is Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Great Oak Guardian/Zealous Conscripts. This will create infinite copies of the second creature.
  • The other method only works if you have a surge in your hand, for this you get Dosan the Falling Leaf and Treasonous Ogre. You spend 24 life and two green to cast surge. This will only work if they have don't have permanents that could counter surge. This will end with the same result as the other option. -Finally, you can just attack with your creatures like any old deck to win.
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    98% Casual


    Date added 6 years
    Last updated 6 years
    Exclude colors WUB
    Splash colors RG

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    15 - 0 Mythic Rares

    36 - 0 Rares

    19 - 0 Uncommons

    14 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 3.84
    Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Emblem Domri Rade, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Satyr 2/2 GR, The Monarch
    Ignored suggestions
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