The Man From M.E.L.E.T.I.S

Commander / EDH Crayfish


phc says... #1

Standard Commander decks should have 40 land, unless you are running some ramp cards. I've heard for every two ramp cards you can take out one basic land, and still have an optimal mana curve. Darksteel Ingot is good for that. As is Journeyer's Kite. Since you are going with a voltron theme Explorer's Scope may be nice. Burnished Hart ca pull out two basic lands, Expedition Map can fetch you any land. Sol Ring is an auto include.

You've got a ton of instants, but few creatures. I'd suggest cutting your instants down to 10-13 and adding 10-13 more creatures. There are some great B & W creatures that interact with artifacts and equipment. Stonehewer Giant will let you search for equipment. Kemba, Kha Regent can let you create a horde of cat tokens. Leonin Abunas will give your atifacts hexproof.

Upgrading your equipment a little bit isn't a bad idea either. Godsend is nice, and not too expensive now. Darksteel Axe is a nice indestructible buff.

I'd also look into some stuff that gives your general unblockable. such as Rogue's Passage. You also need some mass removal that won't target your artifacts. Wrath of God and Cyclonic Rift are both very nice. Since you are running a b/w deck you also have access to Supreme Verdict.

October 24, 2015 2:33 a.m.

Title should be The Man from M.E.L.E.T.I.S. just to copy the style of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. lol anyways good start to a deck +1

October 24, 2015 11:38 a.m.

Crayfish says... #3

phc Wow, that is a lot of good feedback! Thanks! :D

I do own copies of Darksteel Ingot, Burnished Hart, Explorer's Scope, and Rogue's Passage, so I will work on fitting them into the deck.

I will try to invest in some of the power cards I do not own, like Sol Ring and Supreme Verdict.

What instants should I cut for more creatures? I'm always terrible at cutting cards. :P

canterlotguardian Thanks for the upvote! The title has been changed. :)

October 24, 2015 4:34 p.m.

Spark0fPrimus says... #4

I would suggest starting by cutting all of the Instants that grant indestructible and replace them with Auras and Equipment that do the same instead. Being Indestructible for a turn is great, but being permanently so is even better. Indestructibility and Darksteel Plate are good places to start. An Enchantment or Equipment will likely always be better than a temporary buff. Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves are both format staples and would help out a lot in keeping your Commander safe. Also suggest Steel of the Godhead. If you're looking for things to take out, look first at the Instants that do similar things.

If you've got the budget, I'd suggest an Avacyn, Angel of Hope. Drop her, then suddenly you can wipe the board with Wraths and your creatures remain unfazed.

Would also suggest running a Reliquary Tower alongside that Spellbook to increase consistency.

Overall it's looking good! Definitely a little heavy on the Instants as made mention of before. If your goal is death by Commander damage, I don't think you need to rely too heavily on more creatures, but you need to make sure your Commander is well protected when he does hit the board. More things that add Trample will help him punch through should he get blocked. Try Loxodon Warhammer and Brawler's Plate. Hope this helps!

October 24, 2015 7:16 p.m.

phc says... #5

The only instants I'd hold onto are Dissolve, Fate Forgotten, and Sphinx's Revelation I'd throw in some more counterspells like Dissipate, and Render Silent. Some more targeted removal would be nice like Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares. Blue also gives you Pongify and Rapid Hybridization. Turn to Frog is very useful for dealing with difficult creatures like Avacyn. Blue Sun's Zenith, and White Sun's Zenith both have very nice effects, and shuffle back into your deck when they are cast.

Battle Mastery is another fun way of giving your general doublestrike. If you are planning on running a bunch of enchantments I would suggest a Sun Titan and Silent Sentinel. The more enchantments you use, the better Sphere of Safety is. Ghostly Prison and Propaganda are two other great pillow fort cards.

I forgot one of the best ramp cards for your deck. Since you can use any color mana to cast your opponent's spells, Everflowing Chalice is a fantastic card for the deck.

October 25, 2015 2:54 a.m.

Froggy7521 says... #6

I'm not quite sure which way this deck leans with how is wants to pump Daxos quite yet, so I figured I'd just kinda shotgun suggestions.

Sub-$5: Crackdown, Sword of Vengeance, Opal Palace, Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer, Celestial Mantle, Supreme Verdict

$5+: Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Sword of Feast and Famine, Enlightened Tutor, Darksteel Plate, Cataclysm

October 25, 2015 11:32 a.m.

Quicksilver says... #7

Puresteel Paladin to reduce equipment costs and Rhystic Study, one of the best card draw engines in blue. Regarding equipment, Avarice Amulet is another powerful card draw tool, and Darksteel Plate for indestructibility.

I would avoid specific counters with the exception of Negate.

How often do you use the Khans effect of Monastery Siege? Perhaps a Sun Titan to return stuff from your graveyard.

October 26, 2015 10:18 p.m.

Crayfish says... #8

Froggy7521 Thanks for the suggestions! I might proxy some of the more expensive cards, because I don't have money. :P

Quicksilver: Puresteel Paladin and Rhystic Study are both great cards, and I will find a way to get them, either real or proxied.

I have only played one match with this deck so far, and I didn't get the Siege out, but I would imagine the Dragons effect would help against the spot removal that my friends are running.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! :)

October 27, 2015 7:55 a.m.

DarthSmitty says... #9

You should take out Neurok Stealthsuit! :o

October 27, 2015 10:30 a.m.

Crayfish says... #10

No. Dont be salty. ;)

October 27, 2015 10:51 a.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #11

Couple of suggestions - afraid some of these are pretty boring. I don't expect you to implement all of these or anything. I am trying to provide some of my perspective to add to your own. I will only "suggest" my favorite card of all on this list. :)

My voltron deck is over here if you care, but it's helmed by Brimaz, King of Oreskos so it's a little different: Brimaz, Feline Weaponsmith EDH.

February 29, 2016 10:13 p.m.

GobboE says... #12

I think you cannot go wrong with a Gift of Immortality in this deck.And a Brass Squire :)

March 1, 2016 6:47 a.m.

00xtremeninja says... #13

If you are trying to stay on a budget, then my suggestion will most likely be nil, but the Swords of x/y would be great.

Sword of Feast and Famine would allow you to open up all of your lands again for opponents turnSword of Body and Mind can give you some extra agents in the field as well as burn through the library a little quicker. you do run the risk of missing out on a useful card to cast with Daxos, but it allows you to mess with their library a bit.

March 1, 2016 11:23 a.m.

Steelspike says... #14

Render Silent.

that is all.

March 1, 2016 11:48 a.m.

Crayfish says... #15

Hello Everyone! I'm extremely thankful for the feedback on this deck. It means a lot to me!

Steelspike: Render Silent is awesome, and sadly I missed out on one during a trade a while ago. Now it is in an Esper control deck. Blegh. I might have to pick one up on TCGPlayer soon.

GobboE: Brass Squire is a great suggestion, I added one to my cart on TCGPlayer. Thanks! Gift of Immortality could be neat, I will have to consider it.

00xtremeninja: I wish upon a shooting star to own any of the swords, but alas, I don't have THAT much money to blow on cards. However, I am considering consulting my playgroup about making a few proxies... :3

nobu_the_bard: Wow! Thats a ton of suggestions! Most of those equipment you suggested I am trying to Acquire. I will cut the combat tricks for stuff like Explorer's Scope. I also have a Skullclamp and Bonehoard sitting unused in the "Maybes for Daxos" pile, was was wondering how well they would work. Skullclamp would put extra pressure on for killing Daxos, and Bonehoard could potentially wreck face.

March 2, 2016 1 p.m.

DarthSmitty says... #16

Yeah, sorry I traded Render Silent away. I didn't know/forgot you wanted it. It would go better in Daxos than "Khanfall". Also, I have a Gift of Immortality sitting around, so if you want it, I'll happily trade it.

March 2, 2016 5:50 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #17

I have a lot of experience both opposing Daxos and playing voltron style commanders, so I guess I went on for a bit there, yeah.

  • Yes Bonehoard is the type of thing I was thinking of when I mentioned big +/+. I wouldn't have thought to suggest it here; you only have 8 creatures, but do use counterspells for removal, so it will be alright. Another similar one is Strata Scythe, which benefits from your large number of basics.
  • I forgot to mention; I think Daxos will need protection equipments less than my voltron decks because he'll have more general-purpose protection in counterspells, but Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves and Whispersilk Cloak are fairly strong because they offer additional useful abilities.
  • I didn't justify my land suggestions. I usually try to include a little land destruction, typically Ghost Quarter or Encroaching Wastes, to counter nonsense like Tempt with Discovery or Cabal Coffers or what have you; white/blue removal is generally ineffective against lands. My land destruction is usually dual-purpose like this (ie. also taps for mana) since it doesn't come up every game. Also those two are cheap moneywise.
  • I suggested Opal Palace because I know when I oppose Daxos, I tend to kill him constantly; coming back bigger each time makes him increasingly annoying to deal with.
March 2, 2016 7:18 p.m.

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