The Many-Faced God - [Primer]

Commander / EDH Artatras

SCORE: 147 | 79 COMMENTS | 22273 VIEWS | IN 66 FOLDERS

Artatras says... #1

Thanks for appreciating!

Phyrexian Dreadnought is the single best card in the deck, and the deck is built around tutoring it as soon as possible. As a result, replacing it efficiently is impossible a no other creature can offer such a high power for such a low mana cost. That being said, there are a few "decent" alternatives:

Nyxathid and Eater of Days both provide a 3-turn clock. The Eater costs one more mana, but does add two relevant keywords.

Virtus the Veiled is less of a voltron creature, but potentially deals more regular damage.

Depending on how casual your playgroup is, you could consider Phage the Untouchable as a very expensive one-shot kill.

Just keep in mind that without the Dreadnought the deck will be significantly slower.

June 19, 2020 7:18 a.m.

deathchobo says... #2

have you consider the new teferi insted of tirst let say?

July 21, 2020 11:34 a.m.

Artatras says... #3

Yes, definitely!

Had it been able to phase out Lazav instead of just my opponents’ creatures, it would have been a no brainer. As is, it’s still very flexible and worth considering. I’m going to test it for sure!

July 21, 2020 4:28 p.m.

Reznorboy says... #4

Hey, I think your deck is very interesting. I made a semi-competitive Lazav list myself recently, however, mine is extremely different. I will post it later (it should show up on my profile when I do). The main difference in mine is that there are no creatures (other than Lazav), which sounds awful, however, still works. The deck uses him as a cheap creature to sac as well as a consistency piece through his surveil. I can describe it more on the page of my deck. (I'm just letting you know other possible ideas you may want to experiment with in the future.)

August 5, 2020 11:04 a.m.

Artatras says... #5

Ok, you got my attention! Very curious to check your creation out!

August 7, 2020 7:36 a.m.

Reznorboy says... #6

August 7, 2020 10:08 a.m.

Tom2190 says... #7

Hello! Isn't Lazotep Plating better to protect yourself against graveyard hate and sacrifice?

August 13, 2020 8:06 p.m.

Artatras says... #8

That’s a really nice suggestion! While the token can only save Lazav from a single sacrifice trigger (Grave Pact effects will still be a problem), the card is extremely flexible being able to protect against single target removal and graveyard hate. I think it is strictly better than any of the Stifle effects, so it will probably replace one of those. Thanks a lot!

August 16, 2020 5 a.m.

J0nnah says... #9

First of all, this deck feels like it's going to be my next deck. Thanks for this nicely written primer. However I'll need to test it in my playgroup first, since they are very keen on removal spells and counterspells. These are some thoughts:

I wondered if you ever considered Death's Shadow instead of Hunted Horror. It immediatly dies due to it's own trigger and is a 13/13 in the grave. When lazav copies it, lazav becomes a 13/13. So another creature that can one shot people with infect. It doesn't have trample, but therefore you have those evasion cards.

Maybe Cavern of Souls would help you to get lazav on the field everytime. If you name 'shapeshifter' as creature type.

Diabolic Intent and Tainted Strike seem like cards I would add. Only it is very hard to find what cards I would replace them with. Having the ability to give infect to a random creature (before damage on a big hit) even on your opponents creature seems solid. Getting that little more poison counters out of nowhere. Tutoring for a card and sacrifice at the same time, just awesome.

You ofcourse know your deck better than I do, so I am curious what you think of these suggestions and if there is any room for change.

August 19, 2020 5:41 p.m.

Artatras says... #10

Glad to hear that!

I really wish Death's Shadow could work with Lazav. It would be amazing. Unfortunately, it does not. The thing is, Shadow's ability is a static one instead of being ETB. This means that Lazav would keep that effect and immediately die by getting -X/-X, where X is your life total. I really like Death's Shadow as a card, but it is actually very hard to make it work in EDH. One of the few ways is in a The Mimeoplasm deck, where you can give your commander 13 +1/+1 counters without having to copy the actual Shadow. As of right now, Hunted Horror is the second best creature that we have access to in terms of a power/mana cost ratio. I hope Wizards will eventually end up completing the Theros Titan cycle (the likes of Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath and Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger) with a powerful Dimir version, because those creatures would be perfect for this deck. Low mana cost, ability to get into the graveyard by themselves and powerful on-attack triggers. Fingers crossed!

Cavern of Souls is more of a meta call. In my playgroup, for example, Lazav never gets countered (apart from the cases where I can immediately threaten lethal with haste) because my opponents prefer to just use removal on him, and I probably would do the same. However, there is no real downside in including Cavern in this deck , so I can see your point.

Diabolic Intent is a card that I had in my first versions of the deck, but I ended up cutting it because it was a little suboptimal. More often than not, I found myself having it stuck in my hand with no creature to sacrifice. Sacrificing Lazav is out of question. As for the other creatures, there are only 13 in the deck. The chances of having one of them in hand alongside Diabolic Intent are pretty low. And of those creatures, some like Cavern Harpy, Hunted Horror and Phyrexian Dreadnought can't even be used. A two-mana tutor is great, but it is too unreliable in this deck. Insidious Dreams, Grim Tutor and Lim-Dul's Vault are much more effective.

As for Tainted Strike, it is absolutely worth considering. Being cheap and instant speed makes it really efficient. Due to it's non-repeatable nature, I would only use it when I'm sure I'll be oneshotting someone (that is, when Lazav is a copy of the Dreadnought). If you want something that can be used more than once, Glistening Oil is also pretty decent. However, as you have said, there aren't too many available slots in my list. I've come to a point where if I want to fit a new card in, that card needs to do the same thing as the one I am replacing but in a better, more efficient way.

I really hope you end up building the deck, perhaps with your own twist. If you are worried about endless waves of opposing removal spells and counterspells, refer to the General Strategy section where I talk about how to handle that by playing patiently and not overextending.


August 21, 2020 6:08 a.m.

_Putrefax says... #11

So I built this deck and took it to my LGS commander night to test it out, but ended up making one addition which i think you'll really like.

Ghostly Pilferer is a fantastic card that fits right at home here. It's cheap. It's a discard outlet so you can pitch your Lazav targets easily. It gets evasion while doing so. And it can draw you cards. Honestly not sure which creature does more for you in this deck.

I'm not sure what you'd replace it for - i just shoved it in because i forgot to proxy up a Misdirection but i feel like maybe the Dark Tutelage can get replaced for it?

August 23, 2020 2:19 a.m.

Artatras says... #12

I'm not a huge fan of Ghostly Pilferer. We already have access to Cephalid Inkshrouder which, despite costing one more mana, does add shroud in addition to evasion. Yet, it is still not good enough compared to Invisible Stalker. Having access to a discard outlet on a creature is not that important, as we have many other options and we don't need to discard 3 to 5 cards all at once multiple times during a game. The one mana increase on the Cephalid is simply not worth it. Pilferer, in my opinion, is even worse. He doesn't offer any protection, and evasion is yet again tied to card disadvantage. While this can let you discard a key creature with its first one or two activations, it becomes more and more awkward as the game goes on. Once you are out of creatures, you will be forced to discard cards you actually need. Pilferer's first ability is also extremely clunky. You would need to transform Lazav for during your upkeep (since it will be very unlikely that Lazav's final form after an attack will be that of a Ghostly Pilferer) and then pay another to draw. 4 mana to draw a card is definitely not a great deal. Lastly, the ability to draw whenever an opponent casts a spell from anywhere other than their hand is too situational to be reliable. Sure, it triggers whenever they cast their general. But how many times does that happen during a game? And of those times, I'm not sure if you would be able to get value out of Pilferer because maybe you would need your mana for something else. Let's say you manage to get 3 cards out of Pilferer (which is rather optimistic, in my opinion). Dark Tutelage or Phyrexian Arena will achieve the same result over three turns, but with a lot less hoops to jump through.

The direct comparison that comes to my mind when I think about Pilferer is Key to the City. They both work in the same way. They let you exchange discarding cards for evasion (and also share the same added bonus of drawing a card by paying during your untap step). The thing that makes the Key so much better is the fact that you play it for and never worry about it for the rest of the game. It stays on the field, ready to be used whenever you need and for free. With Pilferer, you have to waste every time you need evasion or a discard outlet.

I'm not saying that Ghostly Pilferer is complete garbage and should never be considered. He tries to do a lot of different things and fits with the deck's playstyle. However, I think we already have other cards that do probably less, but much more efficiently.

August 23, 2020 7:07 p.m.

Well that's one solid primer! Great picks and stunning idea in general +1 from me!

December 4, 2020 3:33 a.m.

deathchobo says... #14

Ghostly Pilferer really good if your meta container food chain deck

December 6, 2020 12:48 a.m.

ObserverWill says... #15

Bravo! That’s the best deck write-up I’ve seen. You’ve definitely made me want to build this.

January 21, 2021 3:16 p.m.

Casketbase77 says... #16

Good golly this is a monstrously fine-tuned brew. I know it's hubris to suggest tech choices to such a high profile decklist, but Dimir is all about ignoring boundaries, right?

Could Mystic Remora be a better choice than Dark Confidant? It has a lower casting cost (which Lazav cares about), it can draw you multiple cards per round (DC only gets 1 at the cost of some life), and Remora's cumulative upkeep can be dodged by morphing Lazav into something else before your turn begins.

Speaking of cumulative upkeep, have you tried out Herald of Leshrac as a method of ramp? His cumulative upkeep steal lands with the intended (read: avoidable) downside of giving them back when he leaves the battlefield. Simply shapeshift with Lazav, yoink everyone's lands, then shapeshift into something else to avoid giving the lands back. Then again, this is a very fast way to make enemies with the whole table.

Scorched Ruins is another possible source of ramp. Late game cares more about dumping mana into Lazav's ability than tapping for colored mana, yes? The ruins can provide Lazav with the fuel he needs, with only a minor cost some color fixing. Four colorless is the magic number needed for the Ornithoper / Wall of Blood / Banehound play, and Scorched Ruins gets you there in a single tap during the Combat Damage Step.

I won't suggest Dauthi Voidwalker or Opposition Agent as other utility creatures for Laz to copy. They're high profile cards, and I'm sure you already evaluated them.

Overall, this is an amazing deck and primer. Thank you dearly for showing the (admittedly expensive) way forward for those of us who want to build around Magic's smallest skinwalking super spy.

Peace. ✌️

June 17, 2021 5:31 p.m.

Artatras says... #17

Wow! Thank you so much for the kind words!

Suggestions are always more than welcome. I'm definitely not omniscient. In fact, I didn't even think about the almighty Mystic Remora , which is a card I play in a few other decks. It is definitely worth including due to its raw power level. I'm not sure if it's going to replace DC, as I kind of like the flexibility of being able to copy him from the graveyard in the late game. Phyrexian Arena is probably what I'll end up cutting. After all, the average CMC of the deck is low enough that I can afford DC over the Arena. On the same note, I'm considering Ad Nauseam as a way to refuel in the late game. It shouldn't hurt too much. When you say I can dodge Remora's cumulative upkeep by morphing Lazav before my turn begins, what do you actually mean?

Scorched Ruins is yet another awesome suggestion. I particularly like that it taps for because, as you said, it's the magic number for many of our combos. This makes it a lot better than Lotus Vale and Lotus Field . It's a risky play, considering the chance to get blown up by land destruction. However, I think it's worth the risk.

Herald of Leshrac does have a very nice synergy with Lazav, but unfortunately his 7 CMC is way too high for this build. After all, it's the same mana cost of Phage the Untouchable , which can technically kill an opponent with a single attack. However, for a more "casual" build, it's a very fun (for you) card to try out.

Speaking of different kind of builds, that's the reason why I'm not playing Dauthi Voidwalker and Opposition Agent . They are both extremely powerful cards that work particularly well at high power tables, but they would take the deck in a different direction from the one I've chosen. This build is all about killing opponents as fast and safely as possible. I don't really care about interacting with their game plans, because the base idea is "kill them before they can start doing their things". However, mine is definitely not the only way of playing Lazav. I can perfectly see a more staxy build work well with him, where you include lots of cheap hatebears and deny your opponents' resources. It will be less explosive, but viable nonetheless.

Thanks again for your suggestions! They'll make the deck a lot better!

June 18, 2021 6:24 a.m.

Casketbase77 says... #18


By "dodge the cumulative upkeep" I just mean you don't have to put age counters on Lazav if you shapeshift him into a creature other than Mystic Remora before your upkeep rolls around. For example, you could shapeshift Laz into the Remora during your end step, reap the draws while your opponents all play their cards, then at the end of the turn directly before yours, shift Lazav into Ornithoper or something. Your upkeep passes with Lazav free of his Remora persona, so you don't have to put any age counters on him. Just do your regular Voltron sequencing during your turn via Banehound, Wall of Blood, etc, then during your end step shapeshift Lazav back into Remora to passively draw more cards.

Ebb n' flow gameplay, basically. Lazav morphs into reactive cards like Remora and Hullbreacher to recover resources on your opponent's turns, then morphs into your Voltron pieces on your turn.

Ad Nauseum certainly sounds like a nifty choice for late game hand replenishing. I myself am going to try out Jace's Archivist and Blood Scrivener . They're reusable and Lazav can copy them for less mana than an Ad Nauseum activation. Then again, Scrivener's draw is highly conditional and copying Archivist means tapping Lazav instead of attacking someone. Ad Nauseum might be better after all since it doesn't need your Commander on the battlefield.

Will have to keep testing. I know I suggested Scorched Ruins in my last comment, but I've since noticed the Vector Asp / Phyrexian Dreadnought oneshot needs a black mana to activate Asp's lingering Infect self buff. The Ruins only produces colorless, so although they still make the Wall of Blood / Banehound play doable, the card remains a debatable include. The monetary price to acquire it is another factor (as if that matters in a deck where Phyrexian Dreadnought and Intuition are mandatory includes).

My pockets aren't as deep as yours, so I'll try to trim my own build's budget with Scheming Symmetry and Wishclaw Talisman . Thanks again for this deck's ghoulishly clever combo primer, and wish me luck as I labor to lob Lazav at my opponents.

June 21, 2021 6:17 p.m.

Slayroth says... #19

Casketbase77 uuuh... I think you are a bit confused here. Mystic Remora isn't a creature, it's an enchantment ^^'

June 22, 2021 4:54 a.m.

Artatras says... #20


Oh, now I see what you mean. Well, unfortunately Lazav can only copy creatures and Remora is an enchantment. However, it is still well worth the inclusion as a powerful standalone draw spell.

As regards Scorched Ruins , it's true that some of our combos require coloured mana. However, four colourless mana is still very useful. I think we should see it more as a ritual for when we want to go in rather than a regular ramp source.

I'm all with you when it comes to card prices. I've been quite lucky on that aspect. Cards cost a lot less here in Europe, and I've managed to buy a Phyrexian Dreadnought and Intuition for 20€ and 30€ respectively less than three years ago, before all the Reserved List buyout nonsense. If I were to buy them right now, with the huge jump in prices, it would be impossible. Intuition is one of the most powerful cards in the deck but, being a tutor, can be replaced somewhat effectively. Dreadnought is the only mandatory inclusion, but I can't recommend spending more than a hundred dollars on a card that can only see play in this very specific deck.

Good luck with your dark schemes. May the shadows be with you! :)

June 22, 2021 6:07 a.m.

Casketbase77 says... #21

Artatras Oh good lord; I confused Mystic Remora with Deadeye Tracker , a completely different advantage-accruing 1 drop I was testing out.

Excuse me while I go find a Drowned Catacomb to lay face-down in for awhile.

June 22, 2021 6:18 p.m.

Dromar39 says... #22

So I was searching an old box of cards and I found Mistfolk . What do think of it for this style of deck.

July 10, 2021 2:24 p.m.

Artatras says... #23


A really cool card that works perfectly with this deck. Unfortunately it is a little suboptimal considering we can give Lazav shroud for just instead of , but it will be fun to try out!

July 12, 2021 5:05 p.m.

imSandstorm says... #24

How do you feel about Urza's Saga? I've been testing it and the ability to flex between getting ramp like Sol Ring/Mana Vault/Mana Crypt or tutor Phyrexian Dreadnaught feels pretty good.

August 12, 2021 2:46 p.m.

Artatras says... #25


Definitely worth considering. As you said, many key cards have a mana value of 1 or less. I'm not a huge fan of the timing. Having to wait 3 turns for the tutor means it's basically just a colourless land in the late game. However, being a land the opportunity cost is rather low. I'll test that for sure!

August 13, 2021 4:04 a.m.

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