The Many-Faced God - [Primer]

Commander / EDH Artatras

SCORE: 147 | 79 COMMENTS | 22273 VIEWS | IN 66 FOLDERS

bl4ckb0l7 says... #1

Why not Changeling Outcast for Evasion?

August 19, 2021 5:52 a.m.

Artatras says... #2

It's a good inclusion, although I prefer having an extra keyword for one more mana with Invisible Stalker, Gingerbrute and Nether Traitor.

August 21, 2021 2:14 p.m.

Magistarorian says... #3

Hey, I made a super budget version of the deck and was wondering if you could point out any bad cards I added or better cards I missed. How well do you think this deck could perform in a mid-high powered setting, and how much proxying a few key cards like dreadnaught could increase the power,

Also wondering what you think of a few cards

Miscast is this just better than other countermagic i added?

Rotting Regisaur cheaper nyxathid, which i cut, should i add it back in or just double down on the main combos

Access Tunnel is it too expensive to activate

September 9, 2021 3:42 a.m.

Artatras says... #4


Hey! I really like your list! While undoubtedly less powerful than mine, you haven't distorted the general idea of the deck. The budget inclusions you have made are all very accurate. Here are a few specific suggestions:

  • Not a huge fan of Blighted Agent. Its power always stays the same, unless you have a Wall of Blood available. If you want more infect, consider Glistening Oil or Phyresis.

  • Mindshrieker is very random and not enough reliable, although it can be fun.

  • Mausoleum Secrets is also very situational. If you can't afford Entomb, just go with Unmarked Grave, Oriq Loremage or Vile Entomber. They always get what you need.

  • I would remove every single land that comes into play tapped and replace them with basic lands. You don't need too much mana fixing, especially considering Lazav requires colourless mana, and this strategy cannot afford the tempo loss of a land entering the battlefield tapped.

I wouldn't bother with Miscast, as it doesn't scale particularly well in Commander. Rotting Regisaur can be included in your current list, considering you are not running Dreadnought. Access Tunnel is okayish. Four mana total is a lot, but it's better than Rogue's Passage. I would consider it, especially since it comes into play untapped.

Regarding how well I think your deck would perform in a mid-high power setting, it depends. See, this strategy is very fast and all-in because it is very weak at its core. A Voltron deck that relies on the graveyard suffers a lot from both creature and graveyard removal. That's why my deck is so fast, with cheap win conditions and cheap tutors. Because you need to kill your opponents before they can stop your game plan. If you cut all the powerful cards (which are, unfortunately, the most expensive) and replace them with more expensive (in terms of mana) versions, the deck will become significantly slower and thus much easier to stop. So, if your meta tends more towards the mid power-level, I think you deck can stand a chance. But if your play environment is more on the powerful side, I think you should adjust your deck accordingly.

Proxying a few key cards would drastically affect the power level of the deck. Phyrexian Dreadnought in particular is irreplaceable and its inclusion would completely change the way the deck plays. The tutors would also help a lot bring up the power level.

September 10, 2021 5:45 p.m.

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