The Mayor had been a lil' aggressive lately...

Modern Reverend


Tsula says... #1

I would recommend cutting the two Young Wolf for two Pyreheart Wolf . The pyrehearts wil fix your curve a bit more and are really nasty when they can most of the time walk right through your oponnent. also, the pyre heart and wolf run are best friends.

December 26, 2012 11:33 a.m.

notan88 says... #2

Very similar to my Full Moon's Rise, I think I got a pretty good sideboard you can look at if you'd like. I'm also confessing my love to Mondronen Shaman  Flip but I see how she doesn't fit the aggro theme. Maybe some Searing Spear for removal.

December 27, 2012 1:30 a.m.

DoctorQuack says... #3

Might want to fix your mana base a little.

December 27, 2012 6:59 p.m.

dantares25 says... #4

I think the shock lands for gruul in gatecrash will fix the manabase here

December 27, 2012 10:57 p.m.

zandl says... #5

DoctorQuack: Actually, this mana-base is more-or-less perfect for the lands we currently have in Standard. What could you even possibly suggest?

December 28, 2012 12:25 a.m.

dantares25 says... #6

That's what I was thinking for the most part zandl. I think Stomping Ground when its legal is the only improvement

December 28, 2012 1:41 a.m.

zandl says... #7

Was there a cycle of Guild-color utility lands? Hrm. For a split second, I could've sworn there was.

Yeah. Stomping Ground is the only improvement, probably just over 2x Forest and 2x Mountain .

December 28, 2012 1:43 a.m.

Reverend says... #8

Yeah I agree. The mana base is fine for now. When they release Stomping Ground it's going in.

December 28, 2012 12:06 p.m.

Jordan28 says... #9

The only thing I'm gonna say is you need some protection and removal. Werewolves are not a fast aggro, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. They take time to build up and if you play against any sort of deck that has consistent removal you will stumble. My werewolves were doing amazing until my meta caught on and ran tons of black destroy cards.

December 28, 2012 1:36 p.m.

Jmstone5667 says... #10

I have to agree with Jordan28. I have a vampire deck (The Darkest Night) with a lot of creature removal, and that would really slow up this deck. Also you might want to worry about flying creatures. Possibly adding one or two more Daybreak Ranger  Flip to get rid of weak flyers. I still like this deck. +1

December 28, 2012 1:55 p.m.

Reverend says... #11

I have two Daybreak Ranger  Flip in sideboard in case.

I don't know if that is enough?

What'd you suggest?

December 28, 2012 2:39 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #12

check out my new deck it has similar creatures deck:gwr-the-cartel-is-back

December 28, 2012 9:59 p.m.

Jordan28 says... #13

Depends on your meta. I have a nasty problem with vampires right now. You can look at mine Werewolves on the prowl to get ideas, although I have some placeholder cards that aren't standard. Just remember, I had to seriously adjust my deck so things like the Birds of Paradise may not be cards you want. In general, I would say cut back on the number of creatures for Sheltering Word and Brimstone Volley . You have young wolf' which is good. Abuse it's undying mechanic to trigger morbid and burn their bigger creatures.

December 28, 2012 10 p.m.

QuickDrawZero says... #14

I made a werewolf deck that I'm very proud of and its amazing even if its just for fun you are welcome to look at it and see if you can use it as suggestion for any improvements i would recommend lose the young wolf just cuz he isn't quite as good when you have a lot of other rampaging creatures coming at their neck and kruin outlaw is an amazing one to have since first strike is really hard to deal with specially if it has buff and trample, i found my best 2 creature combo attack to be kruin outlaw and instigator gang flipped for a total of 20 damage even if left alone

December 29, 2012 1:38 a.m.

Jordan28 says... #15

QuickDrawZero I would disagree. With an immerwolf, Young Wolf is a cheap 2/2 which isn't anything special but that's before undying. It's a scapegoat for removal. Opponent forces you to sac, sac the Young Wolf and not a precious werewolf. If your opponent is flooding the board with tokens or powerful creatures, keeping your werewolves from being able to transform, play a boardwipe like Slagstorm and you still have a creature on the field.

December 29, 2012 11:50 a.m.

Chubbub says... #16

I would say drop the Wolfbitten Captive  Flip s for more Kruin Outlaw  Flip s and Instigator Gang  Flip s. Check out my deck, deck:palisade-protection. +1

December 31, 2012 1:13 p.m.

SirNawhal says... #17

Wolfir Avenger beats up Thragtusk fairly well...

January 2, 2013 10:28 a.m.

Fenr1r says... #18

I have a werewolf deck myself (not here on TappedOut) and what I've found to be quite effective with card:Full Moon's Rise is Blasphemous Act . Later on in the game it will probably not cost much to cast and sacrificing your Full Moon's Rise will lead to a board wipe for your opponent and your werewolves intact!

January 2, 2013 12:27 p.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #19

I like that idea however you need a lucky draw in late game for that plan.

January 2, 2013 1:35 p.m.

Fenr1r says... #20

That's true, but in my opinion it wouldn't really harm to have 2 Blasphemous Acts in this kind of a deck. However, I wouldn't put more than 2. Or put more of them and focus on quick creatures (4 x Reckless Waif  Flip and 4 x Young Wolf at least) and go for a board wipe early on in the game. It's not once that having Blasphemous Acts in my werewolf deck has saved my game :D

It's not a constantly reliable plan but as long as it doesn't screw up the balance in the deck and the deck doesn't rely solely on it, it's fun!

January 2, 2013 2:01 p.m.

whaletaint666 says... #21

i had this deck before u should put in another Instigator Gang  Flip and Immerwolf

January 2, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Berzerker777 says... #23

Very nice. I too ran a deck similar to this but mine also included Wolfir Silverheart. Much love for the wolves. I suggest you take out the kruin outlaw's and replace them for Pyreheart Wolf's. They cost basically the same, but 2 colorless instead of 1. Also, if it gets focused you know for a fact you're gonna get one swing in with him and if you don't and you swing and he dies, then you can swing through with him after undying resolves. I think Pillars of flame of instead of Spears and Rancors instead of Full Moons Rise could really help put some fangs into this deck and speed it up.

January 3, 2013 4:25 a.m.

Reverend says... #24

The Pillar of Flame would be a great addition. I like the R instead of 1R.

I like Pyreheart Wolf but Kruin Outlaw  Flip is a much more heavy hitter.

The use of card:Full Moon's Rise is to regenerate. I have quite a lot of boardwipe in my meta. Rancor is good, but card:Full Moon's Rise boosts all of my wolves :)

Thank you!

January 3, 2013 6 a.m.

mjolnir117 says... #25

I would sideboard Daybreak Ranger  Flip s and mainboard Wolfir Avenger . A cheap flash-regen card such as the Wolfir Avenger has won me games in my Werewolf Deck.

January 3, 2013 1:20 p.m.

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