
Creature (100)


As the name suggests, this deck seeks to beat my opponents in the face with efficient creatures, and gain card advantage with the commander. This is only the first draft, so some changes are inevitable after some playtesting. Enjoy!

After having played the deck a few times, some areas for improvement have become apparent to me. Firstly, the deck already passively gains a decent amount of life, so it would be fruitful to lean into it further with more sources of lifegain and potent payoffs, such as Righteous Valkyrie . Secondly, the deck is alarmingly vulnerable to flyers, so a greater presence of creatures with flying or reach to contest them is in order. Lastly, the deck has little to no removal. I recently played a three-player game against two Aristocrats decks, and one of my opponents resolved a devastating Syr Conrad, The Grim, which had me begging the other player to destroy it, because I didn't have the means to do so myself.


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