The Megacorporation

Standard TheFanatic


Tunichtgut says... #1

Wow, solid list. Seems pretty competitive to me.

But, I think you can cut one Land to add another Dromoka's Command.

April 1, 2016 5:57 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #2

@Tunichtgut I used to actually have 4 Commands and 24 lands, but I found that with both Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker in the deck I always wanted more land, so I went to 25. I think it's probably the right number, even if Command is one of the best cards in the deck.

April 1, 2016 7:44 p.m.

nateblego says... #3

I think you need some sideboard cards for ramp, as that is going to be a deck going into the new standard.

BTW, I added this deck to my testing gauntlet.

April 4, 2016 6:46 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #4

You need Pulse of Murasa... Den Protector + Pulse of Murasa is a slow-infinite recursion/lifegain system, and if one piece isn't exiled you get an evasive 3/2 that gains you 6 life whenever it dies, then comes back anyway (Woo, Deathmist Raptor!). The pulse is great against most decks anyway, in my experience. :P

Thoughts on Undergrowth Champion to work with your unkillable megamorphs?

I'm up for discussion, of course. Best of luck testing! ;)

April 4, 2016 6:59 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #5

@nateblego You're right, and ramp is a pretty bad matchup for midrange creature decks like this one. Right now I have Declaration in Stone and Hidden Dragonslayer to help deal with big threats. I'm not sure what else I could do against a ramp deck given the nature of this list. Recommendations would be helpful.

@NotSquishedYet I think Pulse of Murasa is a solid card in grindy matchups and it looks fine against aggro. I could see myself playing it as a sideboard card. However, I'm definitely not sold on running it in the main. I wouldn't know what to cut from the sideboard, though. Sigarda, Heron's Grace is currently my anti-control tech, but it's honestly not incredible so maybe I could go with Pulse there. As for Undergrowth Champion, I don't think it really fits in with the game plan of this deck as well as my other cards, and I don't really have anything to cut for it anyway.

April 4, 2016 7:07 p.m. Edited.

NotSquishedYet says... #6

My first thought is dropping a couple of Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip for it. I was really looking forward to using it myself, but in testing it seemed extremely clunky. If you haven't seen it, there have been a couple links to a math-savvy article on CoCo, calculating that 22 creatures is a good minimum for it - I can set up a link if you'd like.

If you'd still like it in the sideboard, I think Hidden Dragonslayer might still be a better option than the Recruiter, and could be moved to mainboard for some room.

Understandable, with the Champ. I might be busy today, but I'll definitely come back. ;)

April 4, 2016 7:31 p.m.

nateblego says... #7

I myself play ramp, and non-black midrange decks don't really have much game against ramp. Declaration in Stone is clearly great, and Hidden Dragonslayer kills World Breaker but just gets exiled by Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. Ramp tends to prey on midrange decks without access to hand disruption or early aggression. In playtesting your deck generally got me down to about 8 life before losing to a chain of World Breakers. The problem is that midrange is trying to play a value game and go late, and ramp has inevitably with Sanctum of Ugin and delirious Traverse the Ulvenwald. It does help to play Collected Company, though. I think you just have to be a little more aggressive, say with Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit.

April 4, 2016 7:37 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #8

@NotSquishedYet In my testing, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip has been essential to this deck's plan of playing a midrange grindy game. I'm definitely staying at 4 copies for now. I put a Pulse of Murasa in the sideboard and I'll test it there for now. I'm actually very familiar with CoCo math since I've played the deck in modern for about a year at this point, and I've read Frank Karsten's article. 22 is the bare minimum to make CoCo viable -- in reality, you want at least 25 in my experience.

@nateblego Yep, ramp decks prey on midrange decks. Sounds about right. Not really much I can do about it. Unfortunately, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit's double white cost isn't ideal in this deck, since I'm primarily green.

April 5, 2016 12:31 a.m.

IsatisSnowfox says... #9

Once again, do you think your deck, in a more complete version, can at least 2-2 a Gameday ? Last time with your Aristocrats, I made it to the top 3 and enjoyed myself so much (:

Thanks for making decks wich makes me want to play standard !

April 11, 2016 3:28 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #10

@IsatisSnowfox Yeah, I've been testing this deck on Cockatrice and it definitely has at least a 50% win rate when piloted correctly. I wouldn't be building it if I thought it were an underdog against the field. The deck has early defense against aggro with efficiently costed creatures, but can also go toe to toe against control decks in the mid to late game thanks to Deathmist Raptor, Den Protector, and the various clue generators. I think that you could definitely take home a Game Day playmat with this deck if you piloted it well and had a bit of good luck. That's my goal with it, and I'll keep working on the list until I think it's ready. It's definitely getting close as it is.

April 11, 2016 3:46 p.m. Edited.

IsatisSnowfox says... #11

@TheFanatic Thanks for answering me so fast. I'm not a great player, winning the gameday is not my goal, but I will obviously try that ! I'll continue to follow what you do in the future !

April 11, 2016 4:09 p.m.

IsatisSnowfox says... #12

Oh and I also forgot to ask you if you will write how to pilot this deck right.

April 11, 2016 4:13 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #13

@IsatisSnowfox I wrote up a small section on gameplay tips. Most of them are pretty obvious, but I'll add more to it if I think of anything.

April 11, 2016 4:58 p.m.

IsatisSnowfox says... #14

I forgot about those menu haha sorry.

April 11, 2016 5:08 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #15

@IsatisSnowfox It's actually new haha, I wrote it on your request.

April 11, 2016 5:12 p.m.

IsatisSnowfox says... #16

Oh thanks xD

April 12, 2016 3:50 a.m.

Andurin says... #17

This looks like a great setup for a company deck. Any toughts on adding Always Watching in somewhere? I started with nearly the same list, only mine was more based on the synergy between Bygone Bishop + Tamiyo's Journal + Tireless Tracker (GW Investigations) and ended up dumping the Collected Company.

It will be tough choosing what goes out tho. Prehaps 1 land and a Dromoka's Command? To keep as many targets for Collected Company as possible.

Also, I agree on the Pulse of Murasa thats definitly a sideboard card to add for grindy matchups, but prehaps Evolutionary Leap and Ulvenwald Mysteries are also good for that.

Good luck with the deck! Really like the list!

April 13, 2016 3:20 a.m.

TheFanatic says... #18

@Andurin I like Always Watching as a card, but the WW cost alongside the fact that I'm already running as many no creature cards as I'm comfortable doing in a CoCo deck means it gets a sideboard slot if anything.

I've been meaning to add Evolutionary Leap to the sideboard, but I keep forgetting. Thanks for reminding me!

April 13, 2016 3:58 p.m.

nateblego says... #19

Well Tireless Tracker can get pretty big pretty fast, and draw you a ton of cards. I added it to my ramp deck and holy crap it's good. This deck seems a lot grindier than other CoCo decks, becuase of the Tracker, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, and Den Protector/Deathmist Raptor. I think this deck definitely has the edge against Bant Company, unless they play like three Reflector Mages in one game.

I'm not sure if this helps, but I saw an article a while ago about Bant Company sideboarding in Surrak, the Hunt Caller to be really fast against ramp. Hope that helps!

April 14, 2016 10:56 a.m.

TheFanatic says... #20

@nateblego I have only played one match against Bant Company thus far, and I ended up winning. However, I actually think they might have an edge in the mid game, with my deck being favored if the game goes very long due to my huge amount of card advantage.

I'll consider Surrak, thanks for the suggestion.

April 16, 2016 8:58 p.m.

smatdu42 says... #21

i would put a cople Westvale Abbey  Flip it's a colorless land but it can be a "free" aditional win cond

April 19, 2016 7:25 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #22

@smatdu42 I don't think Westvale Abbey  Flip is really where this deck wants to be, especially in a metagame flooded with Reflector Mages. All of my creatures are individually powerful, and I don't really want to be sacrificing them en masse, especially for a card that could potentially get blown out. It might be worth it as a 1-of, but for now I'm going to stick with my current mana base. Thanks for the suggestion!

April 19, 2016 11:44 p.m.

kellen77 says... #23

I play a very similar deck.. no coco but Surrak, the Hunt Caller does so much work the haste trigger on a buffed Sylvan Advocate can end games

April 20, 2016 1:09 a.m.

TheFanatic says... #24

@kellen77 Why don't you run Collected Company? It's one of the best cards in standard right now, if not the very best. I've had Surrak, the Hunt Caller suggested before as sideboard material, but I've opted not to put it in for now because it just doesn't seem great in a meta full of 4/5 and 4/4 creatures.

April 20, 2016 12:18 p.m.

kellen77 says... #25

The whiff is too real for me with coco or i just have the worst luck in history with it. I run 24 lands and a couple extra spells but very similar build. The haste is just nice on surrak overall. I was against him until i dropped drsgonslayer to the side for him. Since then, I havent looked back

April 20, 2016 5:18 p.m.

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