"The Men of Theros Will Be My Minions"

Casual* Aech


nighthawk079 says... #1

I don't feel that 15 enchantments are necessary at all in this deck. Whip of Erebos is a great card, and maybe even Blind Obedience , but none of the others really fit. Instead, your creature base needs to be improved. Precinct Captain is a great white 2 drop to get tempo advantage, and i would up Desecration Demon to 4. Also, you should probably bring your land up to 24. Is there any reason you don't have a 4th Godless Shrine in the land pool? I would make room for 2 more Sin Collector sideboard, for those decks that have too much instants you don't like. Possibly 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion , as opposed to 1. Anyway, have fun playing Orzhov. I am not too experienced with playing WB, so not all of my advice will be the best, but it is worth considering.

April 2, 2014 7:22 p.m.

I agree with nighthawk079 some of the enchantments are unnecessary. However I feel that Ordeal of Heliod can be a great combo with Sanguine Bond . I also agree that Precinct Captain can be an excellent 2 drop for this deck that can provide good early game advantage. Elspeth, Sun's Champion can be good if the game goes into late game, also Soldier of the Pantheon maybe have 3 in there because they are really nice one drops, especially against certain decks that have duel-color creatures, and again can be good with Sanguine Bond .Overall i love the look of this deck and i think it will be a lot of fun to play. Good luck :)

April 2, 2014 7:46 p.m.

wolfsokol says... #3

You have a lot of humans so i would reccomend dropping 3x Ethereal Armor for 3x Xathrid Necromancer

April 17, 2014 7:05 a.m.

loperit says... #4

Literally started building a similar deck soon as artheos was spoiled, no spear?Also have you though about running pain seer? Either way upvote for the return of the Crat!

April 17, 2014 8:07 a.m.

Aech says... #5

Thank you to both of you for your comments and upvotes, as they are both very helpful and much appreciated! The Spear of Heliod is a welcome edition but I am not sure what to put in for it. If you could offer a suggestion that would be much appreciated. As for the Xathrid Necromancer I was going to put him in but never got around to it, so thanks for the reminder. I can't wait to try it with Launch the Fleet !! Again thank you for the suggestions and upvotes :).

April 21, 2014 1:16 a.m.

Aech says... #6

Launch the Fleet Does not work with Xathrid Necromancer as it only says soldiers. :( However I am still running both of them as they are still great cards.

April 21, 2014 2:13 a.m.

nighthawk079 says... #7

This deck seems to heavily depend on Athreos, God of Passage , and as such I would up it to 4, taking out 2 Gift of Orzhova , as while a good card in enchantment decks, is not nearly as useful on smaller creatures. I would turn the last Gift of Orzhova into a second Spear of Heliod , as it is a great card for the minions. Also, as the main part of the deck is creature interaction, 18 doesn't seem like nearly enough to support the theme. In terms of what to remove, I would consider moving the Doom Blade and Thoughtseize to sideboard, removing Pacifism , which is not the greatest of cards (except maybe with Ethereal Armor ), and either Erebos, God of the Dead (leaning towards this) or Blind Obedience , as both only get side boarded against extremely specific matchups. This leaves room to up Cartel Aristocrat to 4, as well as Xathrid Necromancer . Lastly, I would probably remove the 2 Tormented Hero and replace them with two more Soldier of the Pantheon .Also, one quick question. Are you only running 3 Temple of Silence to keep mana for your one drops? Because, in my opinion, running 4 scry lands will not affect your turn one plays too hard in most games. But those games where it does....Anyway, know this is a long post. Feel free decide for yourself what ideas you like. Probably one of the best parts of deckbuilding. Have fun.

April 22, 2014 7:55 a.m.

ZyelTheFallen says... #8

I recommend Banishing Light for removal as it hits a lot of targets, also i would suggest running 4x Hero's Downfall

April 30, 2014 3:14 a.m.

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