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The Merchant and His Little Bro - Rakdos Devotion

Standard* Aggro BR (Rakdos)



Creature (3)

Welcome to my rakdos devotion deck.


The Creatures:

Rakdos Cackler : 2/2 for one. Good in a red aggro deck. Great in a rakdos aggro deck. Amazing in a rakdos aggro deck where it provides one black AND one red devotion.

Legion Loyalist: Adds to red devotion, plus gives us some nice late game buffs.

Ash Zealot: Sure, the double red could be difficult, but the devotion is worth it.

Spike Jester : Whoo. 3/1 for two is great in any aggro deck, PLUS haste? PLUS one devotion to BOTH? Yes.

Rakdos Shred-Freak : Mediocre card. Some might go as far as to call it horrible. However, it adds two devotion to EACH color, which makes it fit our purposes just fine.

Mogis's Marauder: Helps us push through for that final damage with our creatures.

Fanatic of Mogis: The little bro. Basically the merchant, but costs less and no lifegain. Also, it's a 4/2, which isn't bad if you need to push through for that last damage.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel: Whew. The big brother. This guy is amazing. Usually we'll have 6-7 devotion when dis guy comes out. Pretty insane.

The Gods:

Erebos, God of the Dead: With all the devotion we got running around, this guy is decent. No lifegain for your opponent is nice. Card draw is sweet. 5/7 indestructible for four? Great.

Purphoros, God of the Forge: Basically only in here for the body, as he will usually be a creature. However, I can see myself using the +1/+0 to all occasionally, and the enter the field ability is pretty decent, especially with all the creatures I have.

The Other Spells:

Whip of Erebos: Lifelink. Devotion. Brings back the Big Bad Brothers. What more could you ask for?

Underworld Connections: Card draw. Devotion. Seems good to me.

Doom Blade: Removal.


Dark Betrayal : If you're playing against black, sideboard this in for Doom Blade.

Mindsparker : So you're Azorius control? HA NO

Rakdos Charm: I like your army of 50 1/1 soldiers. LUL DEY KILL U (also artifact and reanimator hate)

Dreadbore: Kills pesky planeswalkers.

Slaughter Games: I like your AEtherling. Oh no, it's exiled. Ah well, you'll surely draw another one in due time. LOL NO

Anyway, enjoy :) Any suggestions are extremely welcome.


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Revision 6 See all

(11 years ago)

-1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #31 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 6 Rares

15 - 9 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Folders Deckspiration, rakdos devotion, whatisthis, Decks to Try, Fun Decks, Wanna Build
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