have no exp playing werewolfs much but huntermaster+immerwolf dont seem to be tht good since it cant flip anymore.
u said its on a buged but if u can get mayor till 4
April 30, 2012 9:24 a.m.
Since I only have 2 huntmasters at this point its not too bad to run immerwolf's. I mainly run them for my other werewolf's and for the buff. having them out with huntmaster isn't ideal i know, but its not too bad having a 5/5 with trample. Before I added Immerwolf it seemed like huntmaster either got focused before he did more than a flip or two.
I will most likely take the Immerwolves out if i get 1-2 more HM's.
April 30, 2012 3:45 p.m.
not having enough cards is a pain especially the more expensive ones....for green cards Green Sun's Zenith usually proves insanely useful..adding maybe 2 in the deck could help +1 Acidic Slime because you dont have a 5 drop anyways,..
April 30, 2012 11:26 p.m.
Yeah I'm running an Acidic Slime in my sideboard, and I'm going to my first FNM this Friday and if i do good enough to want to come back i might consider investing in something like Green Sun's Zenith but the card would only be useful for me for like 5 months so its tough to decide whether its a worthy investment.
May 1, 2012 7:50 a.m.
Please do not take out is good with deserves to be a 4-of, in my opinion, he gets out of hand very quickly.
seems weak to me, there are better ways to do what it does, and it does nothing for two turns.
Also, more Wolfir Avenger an instant speed creature is very nice to have.
May 2, 2012 8:41 a.m.
Yeah i think I'm going to grab 1 more Mayor, and I might move to my sideboard for more 's or Wolfir Avenger
May 2, 2012 9:32 a.m.
I've found it useful while playing against friends, like against decks that stall pretty well. But i guess people at FNM wouldn't be playing decks like that? I really don't know what to expect from a fnm. As far as sideboard goes, i just dont have/know what else would be better to have
May 3, 2012 5:47 a.m.
Again, that depends on what you play against, for just playing against friends, this is fine. For an FNM, you generally want cards that deal with the decks played there, for instance, at my FNM, I see quite a few ramp decks and control decks, that don't have access to much enchantment destruction against my creature based deck, so I bring in Manabarbs to make them suffer, while I sit back behind my werewolves. I think, and do not take me as any sort of expert on this, you generally want some ways to deal with problematic artifacts, planeswalkers, flying creatures, tokens, and graveyard interactions somewhere between your main deck and sideboard
May 3, 2012 6:19 a.m.
Well i got stomped on in my first FNM went 0-3. A little discouraged, went 1-2 every game. Problems i kept running into were almost always mana based, either getting no mana, or getting stuck with only one color. Realized i need some dual colored lands, but 4-8 dollars per land is annoying. Also need some token/hexproof removal like Whipflare . decks I played against were: splinter fright: (with Wurmcoil Engine and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite ) The WCE wasn't a problem, and I probably would have won if I hadnt gotten royally screwed by mana. A varient of a Delver deck ( he was running some Delvers, Invisible Stalker , Geist of Saint Traft and some crazy combo's between Snapcaster Mage and Peel from Reality )Again i got mana screwed one game and didnt have any way to take out the hexproof. Finally i played a G/R/W deck: was running Huntmaster, Elesh, mana ramp,Garruk and stuff like oblivion ring. I was a little discouraged by the amount of high cost (money wise) cards people were running and the lack of winning was a little frustrating, so I'm probably never going to a FNM at that place again.
May 5, 2012 8:24 p.m.
The OBjection says... #12
is actually very weak. It's just too slow to be any good. I'd replace 'em with some . I'd definitely increase the number of to four. I'd take out the rampant growths for s. Lastly, I'd replace some of waifs for more captives. Then I'd take out some stuff for maybe more avengers or even Wolfir Silverheart s. To summarize: as a general rule, green werewolves > red werewolves.
May 5, 2012 8:43 p.m.
Yeah I agree with taking out the rampant growth's and I'll get around to getting some more captives, and i did pull a though At my FNM i think every game i did win was because of him, the flip side was just so good and I really feel like the human side doesn't bring a whole lot to the table in comparison, except as a flying removal, but then I'd just throw it on the sideboard.
May 5, 2012 8:51 p.m.
is nice and big, but is it a card you want to draw multiples of?
Pillar of Flame is nice, it kills things dead
Wolfir Avenger is also nice, even if you don't get to surprise your opponent with it, it lets you pass the turn without casting a spell and still play a creature.
Also, Ulvenwald Tracker kills things a lot.
May 11, 2012 11:07 p.m.
Well if stacks with itself i wouldn't mind getting multiples and if hes removed its nice to have another. I can see moving 1-2 different things in place of him. s flip side, but is always available and I don't have that human side that i dislike. I'll play test with him a little bit in the near future.
May 12, 2012 5:45 a.m.
does stack with itself, the thing I'm saying is, it's a card you want to draw one of to kill your opponent, and the second is nice too, but not as good, since the first should add enough damage to get close to killing your opponent, I think you could cut at least 1 and not be hindered by it, maybe even 2
May 12, 2012 7:42 a.m.
Yeah i think you're right, I'll figure out what i should replace it with. maybe run a full 4 or Ulvenwald Tracker , might think about another huntmaster idk.
May 12, 2012 8:13 a.m.
Well 2nd FNM ever went better than the first, went 2-3 overall
lost 0-2 to a mono black deck running a mix of infect and beefy black creatures. 2nd game he pulled 3 Dismember and 3 of some card that makes you remove your creatures from the game (dont remember the cards name) was not much i could do.
Lost 0-2 to a guy running a deck which focused on Batterskull , GraveTitan and Mimic Vat along with some removal. Game 1 he mimic vat and copied my huntmaster then played the titan, 2nd game he got batter skull and titan and i didnt draw any of my artifact removal and made a mistake that cost me an inferno titan.
Lost 1-2 to a guy running a g/r/w flicker deck. Kept getting me with Zealous Conscripts stealing my creatures, then Cloudshift ing them to take complete control of them. I could have won the last game but was too tired to pay attention to the fact that i coulda just killed him with Inferno Titan instead of killing one of his tapped creatures >.<
also traded in to snag my fourth huntmaster. would like some suggestions on my sideboard as im having trouble it seems in dealing with certain things like heavy creature destruction decks and also with really strong stuff that i cant kill like titans and Phyrexian Obliterator
May 19, 2012 3:28 a.m.
IF many people around you run Phyrexian Obliterator you should put a couple of Wrack with Madness in the sideboard, it also kills titans, albeit expensively, but it just wins the game against the Obliterator
If not, Beast Within kills big creatures, and a 3/3 is a neglectible downside
May 19, 2012 9:35 a.m.
that is brilliant! replaced my in the side board with 2 of Wrack with Madness and i'll have to buy a couple Beast Within as well.
May 19, 2012 4:25 p.m.
Just be prepared to take Wrack with Madness out soon, not many decks should be running Phyrexian Obliterator , and Wrack with Madness is too expensive for a removal spell, it's only really good against the Obliterator
May 19, 2012 5:41 p.m.
Also, if you can, pick up , it's amazing, I was able to alpha strike (or should I say Howlpack Alpha Strike, gettit? gettit? oh..) for 92 trampling damage because of him... now, he was able to only take about 38 or something (it was a horrendous board stall)
May 19, 2012 6:06 p.m.
was it a flicker stall with something like Conjurer's Closet and Stonehorn Dignitary ? i could see myself getting 2 of these at some point. what would you recommend i take out for him though?
May 19, 2012 8:53 p.m.
Not entirely sure, I think your worst cards are but I wouldn't be too happy cutting those myself (though I would give a very deep thought to whether Full Moon's Rise is actually good, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't in my own werewolf deck (deck:woffies-1))
May 19, 2012 9:11 p.m.
And no, it wasn't a Stonehorn Dignitary /Venser, the Sojourner lock, that's a lock, not a stall, no, it was a good old fashioned "we both have a lot of creatures and we risk dying if we attack, so let's just make our creatures more and bigger"-stall
Zesty says... #1
Pre-release was sweet, only managed to snag 1 Wolfir Avenger
, was hoping for more but oh well
April 28, 2012 11:29 p.m.