The Morph Manifesto (competetive)

Standard* transbikes


Dr_Doom says... #1

Den Protector is very powerful, arguably the most powerful effect of any the un-morph creatures.

I would strongly consider moving up to a full 4 copies of that card.

If you're all-in on the morph/manifest plan, Stratus Dancer may also be good to include.

April 20, 2015 12:54 p.m.

transbikes says... #2

I'm never upset when I see a Den Protector in hand, but bumping them up to 4 copies would mean making cuts elsewhere. Temur Charger is one option, but I really, really like it's free morph ability. Idk, it's tough. Maybe 3 is the right number and I could cut a removal spell, or maybe even an Elvish Mystic. We'll see.

And I have Stratus Dancer sideboarded! I like the inclusion of Disdainful Stroke over it in the mainboard because it can counter creatures, which is especially important against heavy hitting flyers. But I can test it out in the mainboard and get back to you.

Thanks for the input!

April 20, 2015 7:13 p.m.

BigFace says... #3

May 5, 2015 3:34 a.m.

EzraM says... #4

Awesome deck! I played it and was crushed. Very well put together, solid and consistent build. A suggestion for the sideboard is Ainok Survivalist. He is good enchantment removal and another morph creature. Good luck!

May 6, 2015 7:42 p.m.

transbikes says... #5

Thanks! It was rly fun playing you. And yeahhhh I know I should side Ainok Survivalist but I haven't run into too many decks in my meta that abuse enchantments yet? I have it tailored to beating control and dragons and managing against aggro rn. I know I'll be kicking myself when I run into a sultai whip deck but until then ... ?

May 6, 2015 8:06 p.m.

jubale says... #6

When you have 16 noncreatures, no kill spells, and the rest are morphs, you will struggle against aggro. I don't know what to suggest short of bringing in some nonmorphs main to improve the numbers. I know Courser and Polukranos are quite effective against them.

My list Two Color Bant Midrange has I think a 50/50 chance against aggro, better against midrange and like yours is best against control. That's my experience so far anyway.

May 14, 2015 8:21 a.m.

mande says... #7

You should put in Secret Plans

May 14, 2015 8:39 a.m.

BigFace says... #8

Hey guy/girl I whipped up Temur Morph the other day I did some play testing. It's actually not bad. But not to knock your deck Morph mechanics don't seem all that competitive. At least, I don't expect to win FNM with it.

Check it out: Super Fun Morph! (DEAD LAST IN FNM!!)

I certainly would use Deathmist Raptor if I had him. Why is this guy so expensive? It's not like he fits into any deck like Mana Confluence.

May 14, 2015 1:24 p.m.

BigFace says... #9

Also Obscuring Æther doesn't impress me. I simply use 4x Elvish Mystic. Other than plopping down 2 morphs on turn 4 he's a dead draw, imo. Mystic is immediately a 1/1 body and you can use him for any spell.

No matter what people tell you Secret Plans just isn't that hot. If I was going that route I'd put in Divination to give me cards asap. I suppose he'd be a bit better with Raptor but it's just too cute. Who cares about a 2/2 being a 2/3?

May 14, 2015 1:31 p.m.

jubale says... #10

Raph Levy posted a list that he says has potential: It's weakest to aggro decks. Interestingly, he felt Obscuring AEther was actually better than Elvish Mystic.

May 14, 2015 1:42 p.m.

transbikes says... #11

OK! I'll attempt to address most of these new comments in one post here :

jubale I think your deck has some nice potential, but I'm really going for making this deck as THEME as possible with the morph mechanic, while also maintaining as high a level of competitiveness as possible. I run 6 removal spells in Reality Shift and Polymorphist's Jest, however these are not good options against aggro, I agree. Unfortunately, blue/green does not offer much in the way of efficient removal in standard right now, and it is the best I have to work with. Epic Confrontation is slightly better against aggro, but I've taken it out for 4 Reality Shift for its instant speed (and exile is very good in this meta as well). I've considered Courser of Kruphix but the card is most effective against aggro, and in other matchups I would prefer a morph over it at the 3 drop slot (and I prefer Hornet Nest in the sideboard over courser).

Secret Plans is just not competitive.

Deathmist Raptor is so expensive right now because it is an excellent 3 drop as is, and has terrifying recursion especially when combined with Den Protector, both of which are very popular in the meta at the moment (I was lucky enough to obtain sets of the cards way before their explosive price increase, phew~).

Finally, the main reason why I run 4 Elvish Mystic over 2 Obscuring AEther is for the potential of a turn 3 Sagu Mauler with ramp from both Elvish Mystic and Rattleclaw Mystic.

Overall, this deck's build (like pretty much all decks) is a balancing act. I need to optimize its morph mechanics to get the most out of what I am trying to do with it while at the same time building plans for dealing with specific matchups. For now I've slightly prioritized optimizing the deck's potential over counteracting specific decks in the meta.

May 14, 2015 2:29 p.m.

BigFace says... #12

jubale I certainly am open to new ideas. I admit, I was a bit harsh on my initial comment with Obscuring Æther. But until I see or create an archetype that would be better than Mystic I think it's too cute. As mentioned above Mystic gets out morph and helps morph them. Not to mention casting spells.

Although Aether does combo nicely with everything else feeding off of morph. Could be play style call. :)

May 14, 2015 3:56 p.m.

jubale says... #13

Well I didn't think Aether was better either and still struggle to believe it. But if a pro tested the list and preferred it, That outweighs my impressions. He also liked Secret Plans a lot, to my surprise. Well, free cards is a good reason.

transbikes, I wasn't trying to convert you to my list, just presentedan illustration for beating aggro. Even with 3 Courser, 2 Polukranos, who are the best green maindeck anti-aggro cards, it's still tough, and I have lots of sideboard to help. My guess is if you choose to stay all morph, you need things like the 0/5 flyer and 0/6 ground guy, main deck to block. I see no other path.

May 14, 2015 4:37 p.m.

BigFace says... #14

The sideboard does have a good focus on aggro, but the mainboard doesn't do much at all. I found a good amount of success running Temur Morph. I can't stand getting slaughtered by aggro clowns so I use burn. It also worked great with Ashcloud Phoenix. First deck I played where sometimes I cast him fast down. Manifesting him face down is nice, too.

Super Fun Morph! (DEAD LAST IN FNM!!)

If I had Deathmist Raptor I would even consider dropping Blue altogether.

May 16, 2015 5:04 p.m.

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