The most fun I've ever had playing Magic

Casual MyRevival

SCORE: 117 | 104 COMMENTS | 72343 VIEWS | IN 138 FOLDERS

Jay says... #1

With the only nonstandard card being Bonehoard, you might as well just make this a standard deck IMO. It would make it easier to find more folks to play with.

Also, I would suggest adding 2x Rogue's Passage. It would allow you to drop the Artful Dodges for a new spell.

And if you have the money or traders, Snapcaster Mage would feel quite at home in here.

March 18, 2013 4:32 p.m.

MyRevival says... #2

I only ever play casual or prereleases, and the power of this deck is completely sub par in the standard metagame with the likes of Frites, Jund Midrange, and Red Deck Wins.

And explain Snapcaster Mage's place in this deck. All of my spells, but Mulch, have flashback already, and Mulch definitely isn't worth flashing back.

I understand the idea of swapping Artful Dodge for a land that's capable of performing the same task, but I don't understand paying 4 for something I can get by paying U.

I do appreciate your recommendations, though! I just don't understand them as well as I'd like to.

March 18, 2013 4:48 p.m.

Jay says... #3

For Snapcaster Mage, I just genuinely didn't notice that they all had flashback haha. (Although you can't access Spider Spawning's, even though the cost is unreasonable anyway).

The reason for Rogue's Passage is a matter of card relevance: Artful Dodge is it is often a dead card. I suppose with flashback it won't be wasting hand space, but Rogue's Passage dual functions as a mana source, so it's never a totally dead draw. It's sort of an odd concept to grasp, I understand, so if you're fine with the Artful Dodges then it's fine.

March 18, 2013 5:39 p.m.

MyRevival says... #4

Yeah, I watched Spider Spawning go to the graveyard way too many times and will be fixing the mana base to accomodate that original failure in build.

I understand the Rogue's Passage now. Makes much more sense to me! Mm... I'll have to think about that now. I think it'll boil down to how the deck playtests, whether I end up milling the land into the graveyard too often, or drawing the Artful Dodge too often.

March 18, 2013 6:07 p.m.

Jay says... #5

Oh yea, and Forbidden Alchemy is an extremely good dig card that also feeds your graveyard without wasting cards unintentionally.

March 18, 2013 8:53 p.m.

MyRevival says... #6

Is there any way to make this stronger against being milled out? Laboratory Maniac and an Unburial Rites ?

May 27, 2013 5:56 p.m.

MrBradDanger says... #7

Nope! Not a one :) I have no idea why you would want to avoid that...I never play against you with a mill deck... shifty eyes lol Elixir of Immortality will prevent mill pretty well, but it would also set you back to square one. Laboratory Maniac is your best bet, as much as it pains me to say lol

June 10, 2013 6:48 a.m.

MyRevival says... #8

Added in the secondary win condition of Unburial Rites and a Laboratory Maniac , mostly as anti mill (and of course the lands to support it). Very amusing to crack an Unburial Rites on a Ghoultree and then turn around and crack it on a Kessig Cagebreakers , all against a non mill.

I understand why Reanimator is so tempting to some folks. Very fun to be able to cast backbreaking creatures turn after turn from pretty much nowhere.

June 26, 2013 2:59 a.m.

Johnnojay says... #9

Fantastic, Buying it tomorrow. Big +1 from me, Beat my other deck in a simulated game and is worth 5x more than this one. (Won 5-2) I managed to build Splinterfright to 40/40 with Wreath of Geists which would of one hit anything.Spiders and Wolfs go to work.

June 29, 2013 5:48 a.m.

Johnnojay says... #10

I did a bit of research, Since Unburial Rites is the only card needing a plains, I suggest replacing it with Aphetto Dredging or simply Disentomb

June 29, 2013 5:58 a.m.

MyRevival says... #11

Yeah, but those are really hard to cast from the graveyard... But I definitely had though of them too. And instead of the guildgates, shocklands or the like would really help. But Budget, Lol.

The deck has amazing survivability, and playing a Artful Dodge from the graveyard on a 15/15 Splinterfright is almost impossible for most decks to deal with. Especially when they're facing down your 100+ life total from 2-3 Gnaw to the Bone s.

June 30, 2013 1:46 a.m.

Johnnojay says... #12

One tip, Is i can't seem to beat burn decks or mana ramp decks.Might need to come up with a way to get the mill going quickly.

June 30, 2013 3:51 a.m.

MyRevival says... #13

Ah, okay! Thanks for the heads up. I don't have either in my casual Meta. Dream Twist , Grisly Salvage , better lands, Mind Sculpt , Glimpse the Unthinkable , Memory Sluice , Thought Scour , Tome Scour , Mindshrieker , Tracker's Instincts ?

June 30, 2013 11:04 a.m.

MrBradDanger says... #14

I'd say Dream Twist because it has flash back....

June 30, 2013 3:42 p.m.

Johnnojay says... #15

@ MyRevival, Some of those sounds good. Try working them into the deck and still manage to keep Laboratory Maniac in your hand.Glimpse the Unthinkable Is around $20

June 30, 2013 8:05 p.m.

Johnnojay says... #16

Decided to build it, I will tell you how it plays against others in Casual (In a few days)

July 1, 2013 3:26 a.m.

MyRevival says... #17

I played 1v1v1 against two Selesnya token spammers. Stayed alive long enough that milling out was a deep threat. Kessig Cagebreakers did massive work for me too.

Cast at least 3 Spider Spawning for somewhere around 50 tokens, 2 casts of Gnaw to the Bone had me at 60 life. I kept the maniac in hand, until I had 2 cards in my library, then cast him. Unburial Rites (from hand) a Splinterfright and passed turn with two Deranged Assistant s on the field. No removal from either deck and full swings squashed ~30 of my spiders leaving me milled out with the maniac in play. I won. :D

MrBradDanger, you should build an aggro or burn deck... so that I have something to playtest against. Or we should get you playing my soldiers against this...

July 2, 2013 2:45 a.m.

MyRevival says... #18

- 1x Forest
-1x Wreath of Geists

+1x Artful Dodge
+1x Island

I found myself island shy once or twice, so I tweaked the lands (I always have plenty of lands/ mana sources) so one less forest made sense to get another island.

Wreath of Geists is super strong, but also inconsistent and a wasted graveyard spot. I regularly create 10/10s or greater, I'd rather be able to send them into the red zone. I kept Deadly Allure for now, because I want it to be cool, but it's sat in my hand twice now, and did great work for me another time. Too soon to tell if it's worth the space.

July 2, 2013 3:04 a.m.

Arcanis86 says... #19

I LOVE BUDGET:) +1! My suggestion is to add some Golgari Charm , so you can now survive boardwipes. Add +1 Laboratory Maniac , and some Thought Scour too, creatures in your graveyard and draw, seems nice! have fun!

July 2, 2013 9:26 a.m.

MyRevival says... #20

Neither Golgari Charm or Thought Scour flash back though, so if I mill them, they just take up dead space in my graveyard... Though I like both... I only ever play casual too, and none of my play group packs board wipers (THANK the heavens). Thought Scour is really good, though.

And why one more Laboratory Maniac ? Instead, why not another Unburial Rites so I can use it in all games, not just as a last resort against other mill decks? Mill decks don't typically pack exile...

July 2, 2013 10:49 p.m.

Johnnojay says... #21

Bought it and played it for the first time today.Won 6 matches (Best of 3) only dropping 2 games across all 6 matches.Gnaw to the Bone along with Splinterfright did work.I won a few games just off Kessig Cagebreakers and Spider Spawning .We played a 3v3 and i manged to clock up 300 life for our team spamming Gnaw to the Bone using all the graveyards combined.

Thanks alot!
Got the deck for under $20 aswell.

July 5, 2013 4:42 a.m.

MyRevival says... #22

You have some awesomely broken 3v3 rules!

Was it just a casual Playgroup? Or a FNM tourney?

July 5, 2013 12:31 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #23

loving this deck idea... nice that it's standard..... (for now) .... im gonna play around with it too...

Just curious..... how many times has the 10/10 Ghoultree come out for 1 Green?

lol... Bet the "table of friends" love to see that nonsence!!! LOL

+1 it.... gonna get back to this/you with some "standard" ideas for deck... happy gaming

July 5, 2013 1:09 p.m.

MyRevival says... #24

I don't know that I've EVER payed full CMC for a Ghoultree , LOL. Normally 2-4 mana total. I'm pretty sure I've thrown it down for one at least once. A 10/10 on turn three is really guaranteed to piss people off. Even funnier when they blow a control on it, only to see me cast Splinterfright on second main, after they've incorrectly blocked and killed one of my skaabs.

July 6, 2013 2:14 a.m.

if i could maybe suggest a Psychic Spiral or 2 swamped in just to help if Laboratory Maniac gets put in your graveyard and you might be able to mill your opponent with that surprise i know its saved me a few times. the best time was one i had 2 cards left in my deck before my draw and the second last card was that. it surprised him considering i had swap that card in that day as i had just got it in a booster pack i got.

July 6, 2013 10:32 a.m.

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