
Creature (4)

Sorcery (2)

Artifact (2)

Play a bunch of noncreature spells to buff your Myth Realized, take counters off your Thing in the Ice  , and get a discount on your Bedlam Reveler! Neither Myth Realized nor Bedlam Reveler get affected by Thing in the Ice  , which lets you play your spells without having to worry about bouncing your own creatures.

There are a bunch of sweepers main board to give us an edge against aggro decks Game 1. None of the main deck creatures are killed by red sweepers, which allows the deck to wipe the board and attack for a big hit. A Deafening Clarion clearing the board and swinging in with lifelink can create a huge life swing while Temur Battle Rage can blitz the opponent down from a high life total and get past any chump blockers.

Saheeli, Sublime Artificer can go wide with blockers and stall until you get a big creature, then copy that creature onto a token to swing for twice as much damage! Saheeli tokens are also threats in their own right.

If you're playing against a more removal-oriented deck, they'll likely side out their sweepers in Game 2, which allows you to bring in Young Pyromancers from the SB in place of Thing in the Ice   for a go-wide sneak attack.

The Classics

Dispel - Useful for winning counter-wars or to counter removal spells. It's really hard to say anything else without being redundant.

Ceremonious Rejection - For Tron, or any other deck with a bunch of colorless stuff in it. Again, kind of redundant.

Relic of Progenitus - It is better than Tormod's Crypt in a vacuum, but works against the Bedlam Revelers. You can always side out the Revelers after game 1, though, so there's that.

Grafdigger's Cage - Pretty good graveyard hate that doesn't affect our own.

Spreading Seas - Good against Tron, greedy mana bases, manlands. It costs less mana than Molten or Stone Rain, however it isn't an instant or a sorcery so it won't trigger Thing in the Ice  , Young Pyromancer, or give Bedlam Reveler a discount.

Electrolyze - Very good against tokens and Lingering Souls. It can also hit mana dorks, Thalia, Guardian of Thrabens, Dark Confidants, Snapcaster Mages, etc.

Echoing Truth - A good catch-all, especially against tokens.

Slagstorm - Supposedly good for dealing with Meddling Mage since they usually name Anger of the Gods. It also makes for a decent replacement for Anger if you're on a budget.

Counterflux - Good spell in the Storm matchup, albeit a little on the slow side.

Molten Rain/Pillage - For Tron, sometimes better than Spreading Seas because they're sorceries.

Ghost Quarter/Field of Ruin - For Tron and Five-Color Humans. I'd only put them in if you have a more consistent manabase than the one listed above because being screwed on colors sucks.

The Newcomers

Amulet of Safekeeping - From M19, great against Storm, Burn, and Tokens!

Alpine Moon - Yet another decent Tron hate card.

Justice Strike - It can be a budget replacement for Lightning Helix in the main if you need it, though it doesn't make up for the loss of lifegain (maybe play 2 of it and 2 Blessed Alliance).

Mystical Dispute - A decent counterspell you could use in sideboard.

If you have any other good sideboard cards to suggest, go ahead and tell me in the comments.

These are the upgrades I would make to the deck to make it more competitive.


The lands. Preferably, they should be made to support Blood Moon.

Remand over Mana Leak.

4 Manamorphose in place of any non-creature spell that isn't Myth Realized.

Path to Exile in place of two Temur Battle Rage or some cantrips and something in the sideboard if you don't have the full playset in the deck (you want the full playset).


Blood Moon in place of Stone Rain and Abrade.

OPTIONAL: 2 Meddling Mage. It's very powerful against combo decks, but I'm not too sure if it fits all that well in this deck.

I'm adding new cards that have potential in the Other Sideboard Cards panel with each set, have a look and tell me what you think!


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This deck isn't really hit that hard by the Looting ban, but it definitely makes Bedlam Reveler sadder. I'm hoping they print Careful Study in Modern, because Flayer of the Hatebound Reanimator is now the big dead.

Anyways, the biggest change in the deck is the addition of Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (which I haven't put in until now because I thought she was like $10 at least lol). Her ability to go wide (which is kind of nonbo-ish with Thing in the Ice  Flip and main deck sweepers... eh) is great at keeping aggressive decks at bay, but that's not the main deal with her; the important part is her ability to turn an artifact you control into another creature you control. That means you can copy a big Myth Realized, Thing in the Ice  Flip, or Bedlam Reveler! For free!

In other news, I added 2 Peek to fill in the rest of the Faithless Looting spots (took out 1 Looting and 1 Bedlam Reveler for Saheeli). Also made other small changes to the deck, like cutting a Pyroclasm for a Deafening Clarion in the main and adding some Tron hate to the side. Overall still pretty much the same deck. (with the same price tag too * cries in Arclight Phoenix *)

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #11 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years
Splash colors W

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Rares

16 - 12 Uncommons

15 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.90
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R, Servo 1/1 C
Folders Modern Cool Stuff, Cool, Fun playstyle, decks, moder decks, modern, nice decks, WTF?, Mazos guays, My Brews
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