The Myth of the Horrors

Modern hungry000


ej133 says... #1

man, that looks really solid and fun to play!

I noticed you're running on a budget due to your manabase, but some Snapcaster Mage and Cryptic Command would be absolutely zonkers here.

Awesome work!

Also, Path to Exile is totally mainboard material. You should consider some Dispel and Blessed Alliance for sideboard.

I loved everything. +1

August 14, 2017 12:53 p.m.

hungry000 says... #2

thx for the compliment! Obviously Snap and Cryptic aren't very budget, but another reason I wouldn't usually run Snap at least mainboard is because it drives down the number of instants and sorceries I can play, which makes all three of the main win-cons less consistent and powerful. It's also kind of an anti-synergy with Bedlam Reveler. Cryptic Command is powerful, but you don't get to 4 mana, or 3 blue, very often with this deck. and yeah, Path should definitely be in the mainboard, probably as a 2 or 3 of.

August 14, 2017 2:10 p.m.

Cafelattis says... #3

Super cool deck, i love that people are making budget modern decks, buying it for a reasonable price and upgrading decks is one of the joys of magic.

There are some cards that might fit well in this deck, and they are semi budget, im thinking Meddling Mage,Supreme Verdict, Rune Snag and Boros Charm. Meddling mage slows your opponents and i know from experience how annoying this card can be. But it does get bounced by Thing in the ice and it removes some of the spells from the deck but it is super great against combo decks, so maybe sideboard. Supreme Verdict is probably the best sweeper card in the format, but it is pretty expensive in both mana and money. Borus charm should be in this deck, it is super strong. 4 dmg to an opponent, give something double strike or protect all of your creatures. Rune snag is just a very underrated counter spell in my opinion.

Isochron Scepter might work in this deck but it slows down the tempo in a weird way, but i have played it in a similar deck, and against mid range decks it is so incredibly strong. Hope this helps.

October 14, 2017 2:56 p.m.

hungry000 says... #4

Ah, thank you. I really like trying to make budget decks work, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I'll think about Meddling Mage in the sb, that does seem very good against combo. I think Supreme Verdict and Rune Snag would be better in a control-oriented deck, which isn't where this deck is really trying to go. The extra mana tax on Mana Leak makes it better than Rune Snag in this deck, as it's just a hedge to keep opponents from interrupting our game plan in the mid game right before or during our big swing. Rune Snag is best as a four-of in decks that look to go long. Boros Charm is definitely an upgrade to Temur Battle Rage, though. The only reason I didn't include it along with Path to Exile in the main is because of the budget.

I don't really like Isochron Scepter in this deck. As you said, it screws up the tempo a bit, but it also doesn't have any great targets to imprint. Most of the deck is centered around playing a Myth Realized or Thing in the Ice  Flip on turns 1 or 2, then turboing out 1 mana cantrips or removal spells, and then finishing the game with a big swing. Another thing is that I'd have to play it early on in the game before I run out of spells to imprint, which is when I'd much rather develop a win-con like Thing in the Ice  Flip.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll definitely think about adding a copy or two of Meddling Mage in the sb.

October 14, 2017 10:36 p.m.

hungry000 says... #5

Also, to add something about Meddling Mage: the fact that it gets bounced by Thing in the Ice  Flip isn't all that much of a concern. If you're playing against combo, it's likely that they're not playing many creatures anyways, so Thing is less powerful. In that situation, I'd board in Young Pyromancers and replace the main deck sweepers with Meddling Mages and more interaction. If the opponent saw the Thing in the Ice  Flip and Myth Realized game 1, he/she would probably bring in more spot removal, increasing Young Pyromancer's power, and you'd have a strong surprise factor game 2.

October 14, 2017 10:46 p.m.

Cafelattis says... #6

That is not a bad idea. Surprising your opponent is key. I am also recommending Electrolyze, Wandering Fumarole and Desolate Lighthouse. Electrolyze is good, 2 dmg divided against creatures or players and then draw a card, taking out things like Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch, Dark Confidant and most affinity creatures. But its just good in certain match up. Wandering fumarole is just a land creature, i am really starting to grow on lands that becomes creatures, but it might screw with the tempo and the mana curve. Desolate lighthouse is just good i think in this deck, card draw is essential in decks like this, although you do have a lot of card draw.

October 15, 2017 12:48 p.m.

Twanicus says... #7

I dont generally pay a lot of attention to budget decks, but pairing myth with prowess creatures is both brilliant and unexplored. I WILL be toying with this idea, thank you.

December 19, 2017 10:49 p.m.

hungry000 says... #8

Cafelattis Thanks for your suggestions. Electrolyze is a very good sideboard card indeed. I should probably make a primer for this deck with some suggested upgrades/sideboard cards. Electrolyze would definitely go in there. Wandering Fumarole is also a decent land, though I didn't include it because I was trying to keep the land costs low and like you said it can screw up the mana curve. I feel pretty 'eh' on Desolate Lighthouse, with the budget three-colored manabase I don't think colorless lands are a good idea. You also don't fizzle too often with card draw in this deck, so I would rather play something to help with the Tron matchup like Ghost Quarter or Field of Ruin if I were to play any colorless lands at all.

Twanicus Yeah, there are some cool synergies between Thing in the Ice  Flip and Myth Realized that are pretty powerful when exploited. Thanks for your comment.

December 20, 2017 8:08 p.m.

bradc1988 says... #9

I feel Manamorphose has more value than Thought Scour and/or Faithless Looting. It's practically a free instant, and can potentially help mana fix which looks to be beneficial considering your land combination. They may feed the GY to help push out a Bedlam Reveler, but you really want to be casting cards not milling them.

Always +1 a Myth Realised or TiTi deck :)

October 2, 2018 7:21 p.m.

hungry000 says... #10

Thx for the upvote :). Manamorphose is nice and can give some explosive turns w/ prowess/Thing/Myth Realized, but I prefer Thought Scour and Faithless Looting because they each have potential to put 3 spells in the gy (including themselves after they resolve) for a single mana as opposed to 2 mana with Manamorphose, not to mention both are better at digging through your deck in a vacuum. I don't think it's bad, but I don't think I'd take it over either of those cards either.

But while I say all those things, the biggest reason I didn't include it was because it's expensive, as this is a budget deck (I know TiTi and Bedlam Reveler are both $5 now, but they were cheaper when I made the deck). I might test it out at some point, if I remember to once I have time.

October 3, 2018 9:45 a.m.

BlazingAbsol says... #11

This deck looks sweet! It might not be a fit for this deck, but have you considered playing around with Arclight Phoenix? You have ways to put it in the grave and it synergizes with your spellslinger plan.

October 28, 2018 11:30 p.m.

hungry000 says... #12

Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn't thought of trying that card in here yet. But while it does seem like it would be pretty good, I don't think I'd play in the main because of its anti-synergy with Thing in the Ice  Flip. It could be another trans-sideboard plan, but since Bedlam Reveler is in the main they'd likely bring in grave hate g2 if they saw it, which makes Arclight Phoenix worse than Pyromancer in that regard.

Biggest problem is that it costs $20 rn tho.

October 29, 2018 5:44 p.m.

K0rt says... #13

Four copies of Manamorphose should be essential for this deck. I know they are expensive but for this sort of deck with Thing in the Ice  Flip it's pretty much essential as it lets you do turn three Thing flips. With or without the Manamorhpose I would cut the Mana Leak for more Serum Visions and Peek or Path to Exile . Looking at your deck you want to be tapping out turns 2-3 for either Thing in the Ice  Flip, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer or a broad wipe. You don't really have a good opportunity to cast Mana Leak early were you are also pressuring the board effectively. And if you don't have pressure Mana Leak is a weak removal spell that you can't be proactive with. Path gives you some interaction for cheap 3+ toughness creatures while the cantrips make your aggressive plan more consistent.

The sideboard also looks a bit wonky. You have 4x Young Pyromancer and 2x Negate (which should probably be Dovin's Veto ) which you bring in vs control but you don't have that many cards you want to cut against control. Burns another example where you want to but in Blessed Alliance and Negate but you only really want to cut Bedlam Reveler from the deck post sideboard.

September 2, 2019 7:19 p.m.

hungry000 says... #14

Keep in mind that this is a budget deck, and though Thing in the Ice  Flip's price spike drove it up to >$100, I would like to keep the rest of the deck that way. Anyways, I am aware of all those points regarding Manamorphose and Path, but for this deck I'm cutting it off at around $3 per card so they're out of budget (again, disregarding Thing in the Ice). I do mention Path and Manamorphose in the "Suggested Upgrades" section in the description.

As for Mana Leak , you don't always have a Thing in the Ice  Flip to play on turn 2. This deck isn't Izzet Phoenix; your singular goal is not to flip Thing in the Ice, and neither is it to win quickly (though the deck is capable of doing so). This is a midrange deck, and as far as I know Mana Leak is an a-okay card to play in midrange decks. In testing I've found that outside of a turn 2 Thing in the Ice  Flip, you'll almost always be able to leave up mana for a Mana Leak on turn 2. There really aren't any other plays besides cantrips/removal or a late Myth Realized to do on turn 2; if you draw and can cast TiTi by turn 2, so be it. It may not be the most opportune time to cast it, but Leak can still be held up for next turn, and if there is nothing to counter, you can play any of the other instant speed cantrips or removal you have in your hand and save it for later. It's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

I was hesitant to put Dovin's Veto in because of how intense it is on the lands, but I suppose there are enough white sources to support it so in they go.

The Pyros are usually swapped in over Thing in the Ice  Flip, which is something I noted in the description. Vs Burn, Myth Realized is a pretty safe cut for the Blessed Alliance s.

September 2, 2019 8:51 p.m.

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