The Nantuko Tomb of Zulaport

Standard ant_19


ant_19 says... #1

Had this Abzan deck for a while and upgraded it with a few cards from the new set. What do you think? It's built around the idea of sacrificing smaller creatures for a better board state, and making my larger creatures more challenging to remove because they incur consequences.

Gideon is in here just because I got him from a booster box and like his abilities, he can churn out tokens, tick up my creatures, or lead an assault. All good options in my opinion.

October 7, 2015 9:11 p.m.

ant_19 says... #2

Made some further improvements by taking a kheru dreadmaw's and Grim Haruspex and sideboarding them to add in kalastria Healers and Zulaport Cutthroats. An Endless one and a mage ring network are now in too. Allowing for mana saving, and damage when creatures die (i.e Scions) the endless one can be played in a pinch early game to help block aggro or be thrown in as a huge creature pumped up by the mage ring. Drana adds flavour, danger, counters and aggro to the deck. The average mana cost is now 1.87 in a deck that can efficiently pump out big heavy creatures and tokens, whilst using the ally mechanic to burn my opponent. Sacrifice still enables great advantages too, all in all this is a great fun deck to play.

October 10, 2015 4:32 a.m.

Slowgod says... #3

Seems pretty cool, I haven't played anything like this, but I am working on some sort of ally deck that uses similar combos. I think it really needs a Nantuko Husk or 2.

October 12, 2015 1:44 p.m.

ant_19 says... #4

Thanks Slowgod I was looking at Nantuko Husk and Voracious Null but i'm not sure what i'd take out for them. Might sideboard them in.

October 12, 2015 1:51 p.m.

ant_19 says... #5

Slowgod how do you like the newly updated deck?

December 12, 2015 11:03 a.m.

ant_19 says... #6

Gepetto, KingMetalink, PyreCracker, killshot293, Mogis_Mtg. Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could take a look at the revamped version of my Abzan standard deck and tell me what you think. I'd appreciate your opinions on it since you've all been really helpful with my Boros deck. Ideally the cards I'll use are Dragons onwards to keep it in standard as long as possible. Thanks in advance!

December 13, 2015 3:43 a.m.

Mogis_Mtg says... #7

If you take a look at the spoiler for OTG here:, You might like the new Nissa in this deck.

As for standard currently, instead of Kalastria Healer, I would run Vampiric Rites, Altar's Reap, or perhaps Catacomb Sifter.

December 15, 2015 8:20 a.m.

ant_19 says... #8

Hi Mogis_Mtg yeah i've seen Nissa. She looks awesome especially at 3 mana. Chandra looks cool too ( for a Rakdos build I have) I also quite like a few of the new legends i've seen.

Vampiric Rites was a sac outlet in the old deck, with Abzan Ascendancy+Murder Investigation+ Hangarback Walker OR Managorger Hydra it was a card drawing Army engine. However, Kalastria Healer is in here for a possible Combo which granted I may not get all the time but I can make it more likely with my sideboard. I have Altar's Reap as a side card which I may swap out for Vampiric Rites. As for Catacomb Sifter I like it, but what would I remove that wouldn't affect any one of my strategies?

December 15, 2015 8:49 a.m.

Mogis_Mtg says... #9

A good point, play-testing may make clear what cards are dead in the water.

December 15, 2015 8:15 p.m.

ant_19 says... #10

I've thrown Vampiric Rites into the sideboard ahead of Altar's Reap at heart this deck is mid-range(ish) and the life gain aspect will help it out more than the second card. I can also recur it whereas once Reaps gone it's gone. Was also thinking Titanic Growth would be useful. What do you think Mogis_Mtg?

December 15, 2015 10:51 p.m.

Mogis_Mtg says... #11

I agree with adding Vampiric Rites, if you do you Titanic Growth I would run 1 maybe two if you run it at all, as it does not fit in very well with your strategies.

December 16, 2015 8:38 a.m.

ant_19 says... #12

Yeah that's the only issue Mogis_Mtg, Although Slab Hammer would. I'd only need a 1 of, and a Mortuary Mire that way I can play the Mire and regain a creature. The next turn use the hammer to bounce the Mire (after tapping it for mana) and if my attacker dies play the Mire again in the 2nd main phase to bring it back. Or bring back another creature if it isn't killed off. What do you think?

December 16, 2015 10:10 a.m.

jolifara says... #13

i don't think that one slot for slab hammer is justifiable for 1 motuary mire, it will be an over-costed dead card in your hand, otherwise I very much like you're land base! Its budget but still functions well! I've been looking for something unexpected and different for my abzan aristocrats deck and I think this is exactly what i'm after! Although I think being more committed to the sacrifice and +1/+1 counters would greatly benefit the overall strategy

December 18, 2015 10:04 p.m.

ant_19 says... #14

jolifara thank you for the +1 and feedback, I get what you're saying. The previous design of this deck ( probably it's 3rd evolution) was more dedicated to counters, so ran Rot Shambler for example. While there's nothing wrong with Shambler,( it could get pretty big, I think 10/10ish on one occasion) it's upside is limited when you consider Zulaport Cutthroat or Nantuko Husk in it's place. You could run Voracious Null as an additional 2 of to husk. This will enable more counter generation and give upside to killing off a 1/1 it's more lasting than husk, but can't be done on mass at instant speed enabling the combat tricks that husk can. However, is it a token engine when paired with Murder Investigation? Most definitely, not only that, i'm almost certain (just like you can with husk) you can sac it to itself to cause triggers and possible token gain. Etc.

December 19, 2015 4 a.m.

ant_19 says... #15

Ah no, Null can't sac to itself

December 19, 2015 9:43 a.m.

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