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the naya political party

Commander / EDH*


Sorcery (7)

Unknown (1)

  • 1x Stomping grounds

Commander (1)

Commander: Gahiji, Honored One

Gahiji control. The goal of the deck is to make you opponents attack each other. We do this by making them attack with things like Aggravate , Fumiko the Lowblood, Angel's Trumpet and Avatar of Slaughter and making sure they attack each other with incentives like Gahiji, Honored One and assuring they don't attack us with deturrents like Norn's Annex, Ghostly Prison and Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs,, and punishment like Path to Exile and Hold the Line and friends.

The control aspect here is removal like Song of the Dryads, Chaos Warp, Oblation and friends to take care of things that are too much of a threat. Other than that, we sit back and smile at the fact that we are pulling strings and making people fight :-)


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