I splashed white in for Rally the Ancestors at my last FNM and boy did that suck. This deck went to the finals before the change and then I didn't even Top 8. I decided to switch back to Green/Black but left some white in the sideboard. I have a feeling board wipes will be a thing at my FNM soon so Rally the Ancestors might do me some good then. The rest I changed just because I wanted to.
1x Elvish Harbinger: I just had the one and never saw it.
4x Reclamation Sage: Pointless most of the time and I wanted to get my average CMC down.
1x Elvish Promenade: No real reason. I just got tired of taking it out of my EDH deck all the time.
1x Doubling Season: This actually was here because I didn't have another Parallel Lives. This deck doesn't use +1/+1 counters at all.
2x Parallel Lives: Never came in handy. By the time I was playing this I was either dying or winning that turn.
1x Forest: Needed a Swamp in case of a Path to Exile and I need a Swamp right then and there.
3x Glistener Elf: Had them for a Soul Sisters deck at my local FNM but Tainted Remedy is just so much better and I needed room for other stuff.
2x Triumph of the Hordes: Moved them to Mainboard just because it can be an easy win.
4x Nettle Sentinel: Great one drop and they can be great to attack, cast a spell, and then block. I mean a 2/2 for one is just great.
3x Eternal Witness: Sure, I'll take Collected Company back. Triumph of the Hordes. Maybe I'll need to fetch for another land.
2x Triumph of the Hordes: Win-quick con. Infect is a douche move and I am a douche.
1x Swamp: In case I need one and they use a Path to Exile. I just said this.
4x Rally the Ancestors: Board wipe? What? I had ten elves out including a Shaman of the Pack out! What ever shall I do? Oh. Look, all of their abilities go off again too!
1x Godless Shrine
: I need that extra white source for Rally the Ancestors.