Femme_Fatale says... #2
I just could not get it to work in mardu nor tokens. And the only reason why was because it had a cmc of 3. What else fits in three? All the most important noncreature spells. You have your ascendancies, your removal, your token producers ... the cards that you have that aren't 3 cmc should revolve around being supported or support the 3 cmc realm.
January 2, 2015 5:43 p.m.
Maybe something like this would be better. Still keeping 10 creatures, but more at 2cmc and less at 3cmc seems faster and less clogged at 3. Cuz like damn the 3cmc slot is always full in Standard.
January 2, 2015 5:46 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Seeker of the Way is much better. I love him in my own mardu build, because doing sleigh style stuff like this:
T1: Bloodsoaked, T2: Seeker, T3: Spear of Heliod, T4: Butcher
And all their ilk, is incredibly insane board state advantage that the opponent cannot deal with. And I focus on this most of all over any other style, trying to get this sleigh to work.
January 2, 2015 5:50 p.m.
Yeah...Thanks Femme, your help and input is always appreciated :D
January 2, 2015 5:52 p.m.
would you be so kind to tell me what im supposed to do with the sideboard? i have no idea what card to remove from the main for game 2/3
January 2, 2015 8:51 p.m.
That really depends on what you're playing against. I'll eventually be posting sideboard tech in the description, but I'd rather not do that until the meta once FRF is released has settled, so not for a couple weeks after release.
I could put up a quick guide now though, if you want.
January 2, 2015 10:35 p.m.
Damn...this looks solid. You have a good ratio of creatures to spells. I especially like Grand Master here. She(he?) is going to be BROKEN. You mana base looks great as well to be honest. You shouldn't have an issue hitting cruise given the number of non-creature spells you run...only thing I'd really recommend is the addition of Keranos to the mainboard. He is just so SICK here. I personally would cut one Charm and one Ascendancy for 2 Keranos. In the sideboard I would keep the extra Charm and just drop to 3 Ascendancies in the 75. That is just me though. Best of luck!!
January 3, 2015 8:28 p.m.
I only have 1 Keranos, but I really like that idea!
I havn't been as impressed with the Charm overall here. The +1/+1 lifelink is obviously the best mode, as it often results in more extra damage than the 4 damage mode.
I'll play around between cutting a Charm and an Ascendancy, thanks a lot for the suggestion, Scytec!
January 3, 2015 8:34 p.m.
Of course. :) That was my experience with the charm as well. I actually would like to assemble a Jeskai Tokens deck to be honest. Haha. But it is pretty popular at my LGS and I like to be different.
January 3, 2015 8:36 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #11
Soulfire Grand Master is most definitely a girl. Long wavy hair, pristine face, and most important of all, boobs. The best way to tell in this image is to look at the sides of her torso, you'll notice the bulges and light plays there.
January 3, 2015 8:48 p.m.
Please clean up the comments! It's getting pretty cluttered!!
January 4, 2015 5:25 a.m.
January 4, 2015 5:36 a.m.
Samhatter2001 says... #14
4x Monastery Mentor its like a Young Pyromancer on steroids
January 4, 2015 2:22 p.m.
@Samhatter2001 - Agreed...ish. Young Pyromancer falls perfectly into to 2 mana spot which is a relatively small spot in many decks and her ability grants you chump blockers or an additional method of attack. Monastery Mentor, while better in its abilities, falls into an already HEAVILY populated mana spot on the curve...so she may be better replaced with more powerful removal or other answers.
January 4, 2015 2:50 p.m.
I think Monastery Mentor could fill the spot of Keranos. Keranos on it's own is a good card and adds to the burn and card draw of your deck, but you're trying to end it fast. I think you'd often rather have Mentor in your starting hand than Keranos.
January 4, 2015 10:18 p.m.
Through lots of testing, Monastery Mentor has actually proven quite underwhelming.
The 3cmc slot is very full, and everything else I have is simply more impactful the turn it gets played.
January 4, 2015 10:22 p.m.
ZooGambler says... #19
In testing TheHroth I actually found the same. Goblin just puts more pressure the turn it comes into play. And found to really like the mentor as a 2-of/3-of in a solid more control based shell. They probably made the Mentor for that purpose, to give decks that go for a little longer, better steam for the later game.
It could be great SB tech for the grindier matchups where you bring in counterspells and burn.
January 5, 2015 2:55 p.m.
You HAVE to run Monastery Mentor in my opinion. I'm not sure if it's good enough to replace Goblin Rabblemaster, but I think they should be ran side by side. Making 1/1 tokens out of nowhere is powerful. Giving them Prowess, is too good. And it has prowess too? Yes, a simple Magma Jet or Lightning Strike ends all your fun, but that's the same case with Rabble. Again, maybe run 2 rabble and 4 mentor?
January 5, 2015 3:47 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #22
I in no way think Monastery Mentor is necessary in this build. I further the statement that having an immediate board presence and pressure is more important FOR THIS BUILD than a token generator that gets useful later in the game. You could almost consider it a 5-drop because you'd need to cast something right away to get value out of it, while Rabblemaster is a 3-drop killing machine, AND token generator the turn it comes in (unless killed before combat). The Mentor, I would also agree, is probably best in a control deck that can grind the game out later and create a bunch of tokens to finish the opponent off, rather than waiting for a big finisher. Honestly, barring any more spoilers from FRF that deem themselves worthy, the build you have right now is PERFECTION. With 24 lands, there should be no worry to hit Keranos on curve and start closing out the game via burning or more cards.
January 5, 2015 3:57 p.m.
What are peoples thoughts on Collateral Damage here?
Its no Lightning Bolt, but its the closest replacement we've got.
January 14, 2015 1:03 p.m.
I think it will turn out well in this deck with how many tokens there are it's a good 3 damage in. Won't see play in modern in place of Lightning Bolt but as you said it's the closest we've got.
January 14, 2015 6:46 p.m.
It kinda makes me want to run Monastery Mentor more now...saccing a Goblin Rabblemaster token to generate a prowess token, and triggering prowess on my existing tokens seems way too good for 1 mana...but testing with it has proven lackluster in the past so I'm not too sure.
TheHroth says... #1
I'm inclined to agree with that. I'll be testing her out here for a bit anyway before deciding whether or not I'll keep her. Brimaz, King of Oreskos very well may replace her (she's a she until proven otherwise).
January 2, 2015 5:43 p.m.