The New Meta 5-0 @ FNM

Standard BeatAll

SCORE: 33 | 73 COMMENTS | 8294 VIEWS | IN 17 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/17

Laelas says... #1

Check out my deck : Love this ashiok though, i think my deck could work aswell, could u gimme some tips ?

December 17, 2013 11:24 p.m.

BeatAll says... #2

@Laelas - Haunted Plate Mail only has the condition that you can't control any other creatures at the time of its activation. You could therefore activate 1 platemail and in response, you could activate another. You could then activate mutavaults as well.

December 18, 2013 11:26 a.m.

Laelas says... #3

Hm ok seems quite good though ;)

December 18, 2013 2:21 p.m.

BigBearinIt says... #4

I keep trying to find a way to make this deck work without Mutavault , as I really don't want to pay $25 a pop for those things. Unfortunately, no one is trading them here. = (

December 21, 2013 1:14 p.m.

BigBearinIt says... #5

By "here," I meant at our local gaming store/immediate area.

December 21, 2013 1:29 p.m.

Laelas says... #6

Wazzup about this deck ? Still winning bro ?

January 9, 2014 3:07 p.m.

meulaven says... #7

Seeing this in action last night, I must say I was impressed. That guy saying time was called was crazy. Did you end up getting the win on that or stuck with the draw?

January 11, 2014 3:17 p.m.

BigBearinIt says... #8

I played a version of this (without Thoughtseize, Hero's Downfall or Mutavault, I'm having to use Duress, Doom Blade and Gutter Skulk) in some casuals last night after FNM. I really like the deck a lot, even with the weaker cards in there.

January 11, 2014 3:44 p.m.

Cravenoff says... #9

@BeatAll Hey! We might be playing in the same store. I was running Ceta Sliver'n da Eye on FNM.

My only suggestion for your deck would possibly be Pithing Needle to prevent certain annoying cards from wrecking you if they get on the field such as AEtherling .

January 14, 2014 6:48 a.m.

BeatAll says... #10

Normally I'll have enough ways to prevent aetherling from resolving, I have 6 counterspells mainboard and 2 gainsay in the SB along with the 4 thoughtseizes. Besides, if I do put pithing needle in, I already took out my killspells so why both needle in the first place?

Do you go to Enchanted Realms in CO? I haven't actually played against a sliver deck in a few months.

January 14, 2014 7:45 a.m.

Cravenoff says... #11

@BeatAll Yes. I was just playing there last week, asking about black cards for trade to add to my mono black EDH deck. Playing lifegain looks like an Error eh Boss? .

I didn't do too bad, I beat the mono black and Izzet with Master of Waves , but my deck can't handle Control yet. I shelved it for the moment.

Pithing Needle is also good against Jace, Architect of Thought . I saw way too many Jace's when I was playing.

Perhaps it's a silly addition, but Drainpipe Vermin could help your Rats power as well as making them cringe at the thought of burning it?

+1 from me to this deck though, it's a nice change up.

January 14, 2014 7:59 a.m.

BeatAll says... #12

For pithing needle, I like the card, but it's rarely a big deal for me to have one. I play plenty of creatures that can usually push through to walkers, and most of the time I'd rather have a counterspell or a kill spell over a pithing needle.

I originally played mono-black rat/discard when I started playing back when gatecrash was still new, but drainpipe vermin is just too small of a body. My deck struggles with really large creatures such as Loxodon Smiter, Arbor Collosus, Desecration Demon, etc... and a 1/1 isn't going to solve the problem.

January 14, 2014 9:18 a.m.

meulaven says... #13

Congrats on first last night. That last guy you played was the only one to beat me last night. Annoying deck but your deck isn't a great match up for him with the amount of kill spells he was running.

March 29, 2014 4:38 p.m.

BeatAll says... #14

@meulaven thanks for the congratulations, honestly I was surprised at how good jace was vs all the mono-black decks, I always thought he wouldnt be great with their thoughtseize/downfall combo, but he shined in the matchup :O

March 29, 2014 7:27 p.m.

meulaven says... #15

There were a ton of mono black decks last night. I played 3 myself

March 29, 2014 8:27 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #16

Awesome build man! Can I ask why no Elixir of Immortality ? It seems like with all the cards you're tipping into the GY an Elixir would put you well on the path to victory.

March 29, 2014 10:23 p.m.

BeatAll says... #18

@Monoxidechild - Elixir of Immortality is only really run in UW because they draw so many cards that there's a real possibility they could mill themselves out. Elixir would only be plausible as a SB card right now, and idk what I'd take out for one, maybe 1 Dispel or 1 AEtherling .

March 29, 2014 10:34 p.m.

ZooGambler says... #19

How do you fare against the other control decks? Esper, UW? It seems as if they would have the card advantage since they have access to more draw spells etc.

March 30, 2014 10:37 a.m.

BeatAll says... #20

@ZooGambler I usually win vs other control matchups, ratchet bomb sits at 3 for detention sphere, I have more counterspells/hand disruption than an average control deck, and most control decks struggle to remove a resolved prognostic sphinx.

I think most control decks run 4-6 counterspells, I have 6 + 4x thoughtseize so I'm ahead game 1. As for card draw, I still have 4x jace and 3x divination.

March 30, 2014 12:43 p.m.

Grabnar says... #21

I was just wondering if you could tell me your think-through on why divination is better than Ashiok.

Ashiok provides more card advantage the longer she is used, Divination provides one cards advantage instantly. I've had games where they played Ashiok and maybe one other creature the entire game, Ashiok took my best one out of the pile and killed me with my own cards.

March 30, 2014 1:36 p.m.

BeatAll says... #22

@Grabnar - Ashiok relies on your opponent to get any true advantage, and assuming you can steal a 3+ drop creature, you've made back your 3-mana investment from ashiok. However, if you are unable to find a creature or ashiok is killed with a downfall, then you have no advantage over your opponent.

Divination on the other hand gives you a 1-card advantage over your opponent no matter what, it helps with deck consistency, and it is far more reliable than ashiok.

Suppose you play a T3 divination or ashiok. For ashiok, you have a chance of exiling a creature from your opponent's deck. If you do not hit a creature and your opponent is playing aggro, for example, they will ignore ashiok and continue to attack you. If you play a T3 divination, it has replaced itself and you now have a 1-card advantage over your opponent if you can survive the next few turns.

In short, divination relies on your own deck that you have built whereas ashiok is completely luck-based and could be good/terrible against certain decks. If you are lucky, ashiok is good. If you want deck consistency, divination is better.

March 30, 2014 9:38 p.m.

Grabnar says... #23

Ok cool. Thanks.

March 30, 2014 9:49 p.m.

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