The New Tarmogoyf

Casual twospires


xKrenko says... #1

This actually runs a lot smoother than the BUG deck it use to be. Any one creature can be deadly as any of the main beaters. If I can +1 this deck again I would. Nice revamp!

April 25, 2014 5:40 p.m.

twospires says... #2

Haha thanks xKrenko! I'm actually wondering if I have too many things that feed off the graveyard and too few things that fill it. I mean, between 4 Splinterfright , 4 Boneyard Wurm , 3 Nighthowler , 2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , and 3 Kessig Cagebreakers , I might have too many. What if I cut one Kessig Cagebreakers for a Commune with the Gods ? It would help me fill up my 'yard. I can also use the new Nyx Weaver s to pull ones I've milled back to my hand. Or I could chop a Boneyard Wurm since I'm usually busy milling on the second turn anyway... any thoughts?

April 26, 2014 12:42 a.m.

xKrenko says... #3

Sounds rational to cut down on cards like those for more potential graveyard fillers. I would agree to cut down 1 Kessig mainly for the reason that it is the hardest one to get in with the amount of mana your producing turn by turn also because it looks more like a final result, however, it has potential all around. You can even take out 2 for that matter up to you though. Cause even then you have to consider the cards that require mana such as Nyx Weaver , Jarad, and Nighthowler only if you choose to use them, also situational.

Your mana rampers can definitely help you with that but they can easily be dealt with and you have no protection, however, it will fill your graveyard if they do end up being destroyed but early game would be a bit crucial for you without them. I would sideboard Golgari Charm for situational purposes, also Golgari Thug can definitely help you out cause dredge is just a great graveyard filler...Commune with the Gods should replace one Kessig, also Mulch wouldn't be a bad card in here, it will help your mana and put creatures into your grave...

April 27, 2014 4:02 p.m.

twospires says... #4

I had Mulch here a while ago. I'm not entirely sure about this, but I don't think it's necessary anymore due to Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . Might be good for added redundancy, though. The fewer lands I can run, the better (though cutting lands for Mulch is probably a bad idea).

Honestly, I never even thought about actually having my dorks killed! Who would do such a thing to these innocent Birds and treehugging Elves? So definitely Golgari Charm in the sideboard. I'm on the fence about Golgari Thug ... he fills my yard out of the yard, but I essentially have to give up a draw for him. Because let's be honest, a 1/1 in this deck sucks. The dredge ability is nice, the body is horrible, and straight-up drawing it is pretty bad... now that I think about it, I'm definitely leaning to "no" on the Thug, but what do you think?

April 29, 2014 12:53 a.m.

xKrenko says... #5

Golgari Thug I said it as a sideboard option. I wouldn't run a set of them only 1 or 2 at max. You only want to use his dredge when you draw something that may not be useful at the time. Even though he is a 1/1 his value is bringing back a beater from the grave if you milled, discarded, or somehow destroyed it. It may take an extra turn to get that card back in hand but it may or may not be useful. Of course your choice it was just a suggestion.

Mulch can be a sideboard card as well for "redundancy", that's about it, can be good and can be bad. But I agree I'd rather have a creature spell in my grave rather than another sorcery, but it can lead to putting creatures into your grave or quickly dig for more lands to lessen the amount you have in your deck and potentially draw creatures. That's all I have other than that the deck works fine I would just consider replacing at least one Kessig for something else...

May 1, 2014 4:54 p.m.

Caligula says... #6

This is pretty unreal man, +1 for a wicked idea

May 1, 2014 11:29 p.m.

Caligula says... #7

What about Treasured Find for some returns?

May 1, 2014 11:30 p.m.

twospires says... #8

Meetreality88, Treasured Find can pull something out of the graveyard, which is nice. However, it's not a creature, which is an enormous setback. With a total of 11 graveyard-feeders, even if I mill a few, I should be able to draw another or three. Plus, Nyx Weaver can do the same thing, in creature form.

xKrenko, thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it. The reason, ultimately, why I don't like Golgari Thug is because he has to die to get me a new creature. Ne can't be milled or discarded, he has to go to the yard via the battlefield, and there's so much better stuff I can do with two mana. So, no to that. I'm still on the fence about Mulch , though. It seems like more actual lands might be better. I don't know. Does anybody else have an opinion on this?

May 1, 2014 11:50 p.m.

Caligula says... #9

Ah ha, I see your point there lol!

Anyways. +1 for an awesome budget deck!

May 1, 2014 11:55 p.m.

Why not add some Woodland Cemetery for some relatively cheap mana fixing but that's my only thought on it off the top of my head. Really cool budget deck +1 good luck with its evolution

May 19, 2014 10:55 p.m.

Ah some removal may be useful in here my recommendations are Putrefy and Doom Blade in sideboard against pain in the ass creatures like goyf

May 19, 2014 10:57 p.m.

twospires says... #12

Lordofevolution, thanks! I'd definitely add the Cemeteries (or maybe Temple of Malady ), but I'm a cheapskate so I won't. The BoP smooths the mana out. If I find some room in my budget, I'll add a few of those. I currently have a pair of Drown in Filth , but I do think that Putrefy is a better option. It doesn't mill, but it's much more versatile.

May 20, 2014 10:36 a.m.

jeffieog says... #13

May 21, 2014 12:58 a.m.

twospires says... #14

jeffieog, I agree that Life from the Loam would be decent here. But I'm a cheapskate and don't want to pay for them. I also question if it would be that good. Once I hit 5 mana, I'm set and really don't need much more. Loam would probably give me more lands than I actually need. Your thoughts?

May 21, 2014 10:04 a.m.

jeffieog says... #15

sry, didnt realize this was a budget deck! the thing is that loam pairs really well Raven's Crime and fetches :/ Consider it as an option once you want to get more competitive/get moneh... For me I got fetches when they were 30 each which seems like an eternity ago

May 21, 2014 9:19 p.m.

CelticStag says... #16

Lhurgoyf might be nice

May 26, 2014 11:35 p.m.

SpandexTitan says... #17

i like it +1

May 26, 2014 11:44 p.m.

twospires says... #18

CelticStag, Boneyard Wurm is better. Half the mana.

May 27, 2014 10:26 a.m.

Caligula says... #19

Not gonna lie, I pretty much ordered this deck lol. Just waiting on the cards to come in :P

May 27, 2014 10:31 a.m.

CelticStag says... #20

twospires Half the mana, but his power and toughness are only equal to the creatures in YOUR graveyard.

Lhurgoyf targets ALL graveyards. Maybe Boneyard Wurm is better in a 1 VS 1 format, whereas the Lhurgoyf is a stronger multiplayer pick

May 27, 2014 12:28 p.m.

twospires says... #21

Caligula, thanks! It's pretty powerful and a blast to play. Any suggestions?

CelticStag, that's right. I felt like there was something off about that. Nighthowler looks at all graveyards. It's got one less toughness, but it can be bestowed onto something else (which is huge with Jarad's sac ability. Enchant a Satyr Wayfinder , throw him in the other guys' faces, then swing with the Nighthowler ).

That said, looking at all graveyards turn out to be not that great a thing. I normally have at least twice as many creatures in my yard as everyone else combined, sometimes more. I'll keep it in mind if I want that sort of effect, but I don't feel like that's the card I want, at least right now. But thanks for the suggestion! Defending my own card choices is one of the best ways for me to evaluate my own deck.

May 27, 2014 10:59 p.m.

Caligula says... #22

Hmmm! I was thinking about adding in Swarmborn Giant and Nemesis of Mortals myself, Just because both would be easily functional in the deck both for scrap and early game pressure

May 27, 2014 11:14 p.m.

SniperMcGhee says... #23

I run a deck quite similar to this with just a few differences.Dawntreader Elk is a good way to get the land you need as well as put another creature in the yard. Ghoultree is another big creature that becomes incredibly easy to cast with more creatures in the yard. I love Brawn as well, I have four copies in mine, so I almost always mill one, giving all of my other creatures trample. I also splash blue for a Laboratory Maniac just for those games that get long, because Splinterfright and Nyx Weaver tend to mill yourself pretty fast. Hope that helps!

May 28, 2014 5:46 p.m.

twospires says... #24

SniperMcGhee, I've actually run most of those cards myself in the past. Dawntreader Elk is decent, but it's kind of slow. I'd rather invest mana in a Birds of Paradise that also wears Nighthowler like a boss.

I personally think that Ghoultree is inferior to Nemesis of Mortals due to having to pay all at once. I'm trying to decide if I want to run Nemesis over a Boneyard Wurm or two.

Brawn is something that I've never considered, but I love it. I'm running this as a Modern deck, but it's pretty casual. I'll have to see if my playgroup is fine with me playing it, because it looks sweet.

Laboratory Maniac is what this deck was based on long, long ago. Now, I hate it. It's almost always a blue Gray Ogre because I rarely mill myself out. If I have a Splinterfright with a yard that big, I'm about to win, and if it's a Nyx Weaver , I can pull something out of my graveyard just to exile the thing. The other thing is that if I depend on Maniac to win for me, I have to run ways to protect it from instant-speed removal, which is a pain and takes up way too many slots.

May 28, 2014 10:54 p.m.

SniperMcGhee says... #25

The main reason I run Laboratory Maniac is because the casual players I play with have quite a few decks with lots of Pacifism , Bonds of Faith , etc. as well as a Ensnaring Bridge , so he gives me an alternate win condition. I only have 2 maniacs in mine, so if they can answer all of my threats, AND have the instant to kill it, they deserved to win anyway.

Dawntreader Elk is slow, but I like having the ability to block a creature with it, then sacrifice it, bringing in that land and saving me from a quick haste creature (say Spike Jester ). I see it as an alternative to Satyr Wayfinder more so than Birds of Paradise .

I've never viewed Nemesis of Mortals in that way, since I usually have enough in the yard to cast Ghoultree for 2-3 mana, but I might try it.

And Brawn is pretty much makes a deck like this untouchable. So that playgroup my let it slide the first time, but once you hit them with a couple Boneyard Wums and Nighthowlers that are 10+ and have trample, they'll probably reconsider.

Cool deck regardless tho, good work

May 29, 2014 5:35 p.m.

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