The walking .... Lands?

Commander / EDH Ekuryua


necargoface says... #6

Deck works great. May I suggest Animist's Awakening?Also, Your deck desperately needs X spells, like hydras.

July 22, 2015 12:23 a.m.

Ekuryua says... #7

I tested it with Animist's Awakening and I have to say that it simply didnt add much to the deck. It's just another ramp spell and a pretty inefficient one at that too. It has more value in decks that play a lot of nonbasics.

Hydras generally just dont fit into this deck, I want to utilize my lands directly to win and not play some giant hydra with a big target on its head that most likely wont survive to attack once.

X spells is another matter, I like them, there just aren't many of them that actually fit into this deck, Genesis Wave, maybe, but it doesn't do enough to justify removing another card for it.

I don't know many other green X spells, but maybe someone else does and suggests them below?

July 22, 2015 9:12 a.m.

Bigturd says... #8

Like he said, hydras. Mistcutter Hydra, Genesis Hydra, Feral Hydra, Vastwood Hydra, Hooded Hydra. Stuff like that. Might I also suggest Khalni Hydra.

August 2, 2015 3:58 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #9

the only one of those I could see in this deck is Hooded Hydra the rest simply doesn't do anything that contributes to this deck...

Thanks anyway :)

August 3, 2015 1:09 p.m.

Bigturd says... #10

Pumping a bunch of mana into a big, fatty hydra is is always a contribution when you're playing mono-green. Especially when you have an excess from ramp and no sink to dump it into. Therefore, any of those hydras would help. Not just Hooded Hydra. But to each his own. Maybe try Worldspine Wurm or something.

August 3, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #11

Well but this deck doesn't ramp to have much mana but to attack with these lands, and tapping 15 potential 2/2's for a 14/14 hydra that can't even do anything that turn isn't very good. Also my playgroup is very removal heavy, so it would most likely just die immediately...

Hooded Hydra would give me lots of tokens to work with in that case, Worldspine Wurm would give me three big tokens, but my deck works more in the favor of many creatures and that card isn't exactly cheap right now...

But I thank you for your thoughts on this :)

August 4, 2015 12:32 a.m.

Bigturd says... #12

No worries! Hopefully you can test the hydra and see how it goes!

August 4, 2015 1:05 p.m.

JaceNordark says... #13

August 4, 2015 4:10 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #14

hmmm...Lotus Cobra is another card that costs a bit too much for what it does in edh, also its something I really wouldn't want to draw lategame...

Thanks for your thoughts on this though :)

August 4, 2015 4:48 p.m.

Gilenborn says... #15

i build a similar deck using titania... Hidden Path, Song of the Dryads, Ambush Commander, and there's a druid (I think) that when he enters the battlefield, you search your library for a forest and put into play under a players control, but I can't seem to find its name.

August 5, 2015 12:19 a.m.

Gilenborn says... #16

August 5, 2015 12:24 a.m.

Ekuryua says... #17

Okay, Hidden Path is a cool card, problem is, most of my animator cards don't change the color of the lands and it gives green creatures my opponents control forestwalk too, so it's problematic. Song of the Dryads is a card I had considered before, but I decided that I wouldn't add any kind of removal and hope for the best. Ambush Commander is another card I had considered, but it didn't make the cut because this deck has little other synergy with elves and it is more susceptible to removal. Yavimaya Dryad does too little for this deck since I have no way to give forestwalk.

Panglacial Wurm is a really fun card and I really want to play it, though I don't think that this deck is the right one for it. I guess I will make space for it in one of my other decks... :)

I thank you for your many suggestions :)

August 5, 2015 3:10 p.m.

CPD says... #18

Some things I'd do would be replace one normal forest with a Dryad Arbor just because there is no reason not to, unless you're worried about spending the $6 on a land. The other thing I'd consider, if you have a lot of mana, is the cheap eldrazi's. Not the crazy Emrakrul's and Ulamog's, I'm talking about the common/uncommon ones worth 50-cents. There's a couple of good ones that are pretty darned good considering the price, as long as you have enough mana.

Otherwise, I quite like the idea! Looks like a fun deck! The only problem I foresee is that if you have a boardwipe go through, all of your lands would go bye-bye. If you ran white, I'd say to add Terra Eternal, but you can't. The monument and memorial are all you have.

August 5, 2015 10:28 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #19

well, I'm planning to add Soul of New Phyrexia soon to have one more protection against boardwipes and usually I try to kill those with the most boardwipes first. And, yes, I find Dryad Arbor a tad too expensive for my taste. I also had considered Pathrazer of Ulamog before, but it didn't make the cut in the end, since this deck has a theme of animating lands and since there are only a few creature slots in this deck I could only keep creatures that synergized well with that theme. It may be a bit unflexible, but, I don't care...

Thank you for your suggestions :)

August 6, 2015 12:42 a.m. Edited.

Izu_Korasu says... #20

for starters the deck looks solid, but even with the protection for your lands, its still feels way to frail to survive a game of edh.

My friend ran a Rith, the Awakener that focused on Life and Limb type effects (with the advantage that if/when he got wiped, he'd only lose forests could make tons quickly with his general). It served as an early ramp and occasional wincon, but it also acted as ramp into strong threats, and had removal/things that interact with opponents.

the deck is: ramp, ramp, ramp and saprolands. Aside from an alpha land/creature strike, how do you plan on winning? (keeping in mind that cards with effects like Obliterate, AEtherize and Return to Dust are fairly common)

Interactive suggestions: Wave of Vitriol, Beast Within, Acidic Slime

Thematic Suggestions: Natural Affinity, Sprout Swarm, Baru, Fist of Krosa, and Craterhoof Behemoth.

August 6, 2015 3:07 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #21

well, alpha land/creature strike is usually enough.
In my playgroup are Return to Dust and AEtherize effects pretty uncommon, most cards that fall in the latter category don't bother me because they don't affect lands and if my enchantments are destroyed I can either get them back or play another.
As for Obliterate-like effects, they are sadly banned in my playgroup (too many token decks, and noone likes land destruction) and even if they were not, I mean, if they want to destroy their own lands too... I will certainly be faster in building up lands again.

I chose The Great Aurora as my only removal option, more I will not add, they either harm me too much or don't fit the theme.
Also, although I play Life and Limb in this deck, it is not my main animator card. All of the other cards that animate lands don't have anything to do with saprolings nor do they give my lands color, that's why I don't play Baru, Fist of Krosa and no cards that generate saprolings.
Natural Affinity is cool, but didn't make the cut because its just a combat trick. Craterhoof Behemoth is simply too expensive...

I thank you for your thoughts and the suggestions and I hope you understand my reasoning :)

August 7, 2015 10:45 a.m.

Gilenborn says... #22

Animist's Awakening or Genesis Wave to ramp like crazy.
Concordant Crossroads so your animated lands can be used the turn you play them, Amulet of Vigor so your Cultivate lands enter untapped.
Oracle of Mul Daya or Exploration for more lands per turn.
Storm Cauldron to slow your opponents down

August 7, 2015 12:14 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #23

I find Animist's Awakening to be not worth it unless you play lots of nonbasics, Storm Cauldron simply isn't my kind of card, I mean, I have to spend mana too and, yeah, I don't think it would work that well, but I'll keep it in mind. The others are a tad too expensive for my tastes...

Still I thank you for the suggestions :)

August 7, 2015 12:38 p.m.

TheCouchman says... #24

I'd consider adding a Darksteel Citadel. I know it's not a forest but indestructibility is always.

Also, are you really able play Nissa, Worldwaker with Nissa, Sage Animist  Flip? I just don't see very many scenarios where they won't kick the other off.

August 7, 2015 5:06 p.m.

TheCouchman says... #25

And I could be wrong, but I don't think Muraganda Petroglyphs would apply since forests technically have (tap), add one green mana to your mana pool.

August 7, 2015 5:08 p.m.

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