The not so expensive JUND Midrange! (AMK UPDATED)

Modern dilzzz


phaze08 says... #1

Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip definitely deserves MB slot, he's a jund staple and for a good reason. Anytime you can flip him again and again he just swings life in your favor and beats down hard.

I think you might want to cut something for Kitchen Finks, though. At first he seems like an odd creature, but he's great vs aggro, control and burn, where it takes 2 chump blocks, or two spells to get rid of him, and you gain life, which is exactly what you want. He generates a lot of virtual card advantage and life gain, totally worth a couple slots I think.

One thing I wanted to ask about, is don't you think 4 of Scavenging Ooze is too many? Some things like Tarmogoyf or Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip can be good with multiple in play but multiple oozes in play just compete with each other. I'd cut to 2 or 3 and find another threat like Kitchen Finks.

+1 from me, I expect you to do the same! :D

August 12, 2015 2:23 p.m.

dilzzz says... #2

Yo phaze08!

I guess you're right. thinking back about the oozes reminds me of a match whereby I had 2 oozes on the field and they were sorta clashing into one another for the graveyard scrap XD

although I still feel the ooze is sorta like the "perfect" replacement for goyf, im gonna try and go for 2 finks for now mainboard in replacement of 2 oozes, I'll try and see how better it would be in my local meta. A recurring body with lifegain might be something I actually need in this aggro and burn heavy meta.

thanks for visiting and the +1 too! Appreciate it loads!

August 12, 2015 2:39 p.m.

phaze08 says... #3

From my research (and experience), Quirion Dryad makes a pretty great "Tarmogoyf"..... Well sorta. You know it's not near as good as goyf but it's a 2 drop that's slightly easier to grow than ooze.

August 12, 2015 3:32 p.m.

dilzzz says... #4

phaze08 hmm true, it seems quite plausible as a budget goyf. I could try that out too to see how much of a valuable beater I can get throughout a course of few games as compared to my Thunderbreak Regents. Thanks for the suggestion once again!

August 12, 2015 4:03 p.m.

Dragaan says... #5

Phyrexian Arena does a much better Dark Confidant impression than Outpost Siege does. I greatly prefer it in Jund over Siege.

August 12, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Dragaan says... #6

Chandra, Pyromaster is also a must for any budget Jund build, imo

August 12, 2015 6:04 p.m.

phaze08 says... #7

I agree with everything Dragaan said. Even the pros generally run 1 Pyromaster. Card advantage and nullifying blockers.

August 12, 2015 7:38 p.m.

Dragaan says... #8

The only reason I'd consider Outpost Siege at all over Phyrexian Arena is because this version of the deck lacks any other double black cards and is heavy into double red (esp if Chandra, Pyromaster is included. But I'd still run Arena for a bit to see if it's at all a problem. I don't think it would be, esp if you're only running 1 or 2.

August 12, 2015 9:37 p.m.

Dragaan says... #9

Arena isn't something you're trying hard to curve into every game, anyway, so the double black shouldn't be such a big deal. Usually played a little later in the game in some of the grindier matchups (like the G/B/X mirror). (I really wish you could edit your comments on here...)

August 12, 2015 9:41 p.m.

phaze08 says... #10

It's basically Dark Confidant but it's a bit harder to turn off. Dragaan

August 12, 2015 10:31 p.m.

dilzzz says... #11

hey Dragaan! oh I see, hmmm interesting. chandra would definitely be tried and slotted in since you mentioned the pros have been using it HAHA. but what should I cut for the arenas and chandra?

August 13, 2015 12:11 a.m.

phaze08 says... #12

I'd cut the Hero's Downfall for arena, it's your hardest to cast removal and I don't feel it's really needed with all your other removal. Alot like it interacts with planeswalkers but no one plays them in modern hardly and in red you have dozens of options to easily Burn a walker, not to mention creatures.

For Chandra, Pyromaster I'd cut a thunderbreak, as good as he is, he's the exact same cost and its going to make your deck very very dependant on double red if you add Chandra without cutting one of the regent. Also you don't want to have too many 4 drops or it will make things clunky.

August 13, 2015 12:28 a.m.

Dragaan says... #13

I do NOT like Despise in the main deck. I'd cut those. It's one of those thgings where it's better off not trying to imitate the more powerful card if that's all you have to replace it with. Better off putting something completely different in if you must.

August 13, 2015 2:26 a.m.

dilzzz says... #14

phaze08 hmm fair enough. could give the arenas and chandra a try since I have a couple of em at home, thanks!

Dragaan the despise is sorta my thoughtseize replacement at the moment (playset arriving in about 2 weeks hehe) for the more budget player. I could be wrong, but I feel it could still take any unwanted creature threats like that we REALLY hate like wurmcoils(coz we dont have path) or maybe creatures that fill in combos. I know how you feel about this being a very conditional thoughtseize, but what would you suggest to replace it with? just curious since u do NOT like it hahah

August 13, 2015 4:20 p.m.

Dragaan says... #15

Anything, doesn't have to be similar. Like I said, this is one of those cases where you shouldn't even try to imitate the more powerful card (thoughtseize) if despise is your "replacement". Better off just putting in a better card. This is just my opinion, though I would bet on the fact that most pros and jund experts would agree (that despise isn't worth running).

If you are truly worried about Wurmcoil, you could always have Unravel the Aether in the side. I think it's better to have cards that disrupt a deck like Tron's ability to access that much mana early on rather than trying to just deal with all the gigantic threats after they do. (see Sowing Salt, Duress, Ancient Grudge, Ghost Quarter, etc).

August 15, 2015 12:48 a.m.

Dragaan says... #16

Jund's RG Tron matchup is so poor that I don't think including Sowing Salt in the sideboard is a bad thing. But neither is including Unravel the Aether.

August 15, 2015 12:50 a.m.

Dragaan says... #17

Btw, I'm also under the impression that Jund Charm is a much better choice than Rakdos Charm, although you DO already have 2 Anger in your sideboard. I just do not like Rakdos Charm, as I feel there are much better alternatives. I think including 1 or 2 Relic of Progenitus to deal with Delve/Graveyard strategies and an Ancient Grudge or two (or 1 Shatterstorm) would be much more effective if you have the room to include them.

August 15, 2015 12:57 a.m.

dilzzz says... #18

Dragaan hows the list now? :)

August 17, 2015 1:57 a.m.

phaze08 says... #19

Looking good man!!

One thing, though, Quirion Dryad's ability doesn't trigger twice on multicolored (unfortunately). The ability is inclusive which means if it's one of those colors, it triggers, it doesn't care if the spell is more than one color.... As long as it's at least one color. If he had 4 different abilities like Wilt-Leaf Liege, then each color in the spell would trigger separate counters. Unfortunately he's not THAT good but from my experience he's pretty good.

August 17, 2015 9:21 a.m.

dilzzz says... #20

phaze08 Omg, just checked the rulings page and yeah, you are right.... if only it was that good :( its no wonder why ive been winning constantly with dryad through my playtesting with some friends hahah

August 18, 2015 10:04 a.m.

phaze08 says... #21

Dryad is still great though, don't get me wrong I've won off him still.

It would be much better if it triggered twice on multicolor but it's still a good 2 drop I think.

August 18, 2015 10:13 a.m.

dilzzz says... #22

phaze08 yeap no worries, i know its always a threat when its unanswered early game :D probably the worst it could be is when u topdeck him with no cards in hand and any card advantage generators on the battlefield, am I right? XD

August 18, 2015 10:22 a.m.

phaze08 says... #23

I think it's best early game but if you have a CA engine you can pump him up anytime you're top decking it's a pretty useful card to have that's underrated I think.

August 18, 2015 10:30 a.m.

dilzzz says... #24

phaze08 yep thats what I thought ;)

August 18, 2015 10:37 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #25

October 8, 2015 1:50 p.m.

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