Could really use some advice on what cards might better serve here.
Just got back into MTG after a two year hiatus. Built this with cards won/traded since the BFZ pre-release. Def looking to make it a more solid Sultai deck. I like midrange/ control, and love these colors.
I'm planning on getting some Shaman of Forgotten Ways, dual lands, another Ob Nixilis Reignited. Ideally, I would get another Ugin, the Spirit Dragon as well, swapping him in for the Kiora. But as I said, this was built with what I had on hand.
Card Choices
Win Cons
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - This is the card I'm looking to get out ftw. I've got 6 cards to help me get him out of the deck and into my hand. By the time he lands, I will have killed/ countered /exiled most of the major threats.
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Looking to get one more of him in the deck. Once out, I'd basically protect until I can get the -10. I don't have a lot of high powered creatures in here, but if anything I'll have a high enough mana base after for lots of removal.
The Workforce
Fathom Feeder - He does sexy things. No explanation needed.
Conduit of Ruin - One of the most crucial parts of the deck. Helps me find Ulamog and play him for cheaper. Secondary card choice would be Bane of Bala Ged if I've already got Ulamog in hand.
Lifespring Druid
and Whisperer of the Wilds - Standard mana ramps. Want to swap out the Lifesprings with Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Blisterpod - Just good ole fodder. If I'm playing a slower deck, would probably sideboard with
Dominator Drone
Clash of Wills - Start off with these to help potentially minimize mana usage. If not as usefull as expected, will trim down and add in a few
Scatter to the Winds
Infinite Obliteration - Pretty usefully all around. Helpful against decks that run strong creatures.
Ruinous Path
- Planeswalker removal is a must.
These cards primarily change by deck to straight control. Depends on the situation.
Transgress the Mind
- When countering/ removal isn't working like I want it to.
Crux of Fate - Never know when you might need a board wipe