"Wait, you're pushing for Grixis as tier 1????
That's right, first there were the devotion decks. Next it was Esper/UW control. Now it's time for Grixis to take Standard by storm!
![Alt text](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cc/Rock_paper_scissors_lizard_spock.png)
![Alt text](http://media-dominaria.cursecdn.com/attachments/85/527/635032493642063145.jpg)
Great removal, draw, counterspells, hand disruption, and hard to deal with finishers make this deck a nice contender in the current standard meta game.
===================WIN CONS===================
AEtherling = The blue "Jedi". Waves his hand at removal from opponents and turns it aside
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver = Nothing says "Grixis Win Con" better than using an opponent's resources against him/her mwahaha
Keranos, God of Storms
= WOW! FINALLY something to replace Jace, Memory Adept as a win condition. Either draws me an extra card or else a free Lightning Strike to whatever I choose!
Desecration Demon = Since going back to a main deck "kill" plan instead of mill, I figured it was about time for the demon to make his way back into the deck. He's a low cost option that closes games out quickly which I kind of like
Stormbreath Dragon = I finally gave in to including this guy in the main deck. He's soooo good vs midrange/control and is a perfect "planeswalker sniper". The pro white is gravy against a lot of the decks running white in their decks right now. Not to mention he adds 2 devotion to
Keranos, God of Storms
=================REMOVAL SUITE================
Ratchet Bomb = with the addition of Banishing Light into the meta, I needed something that can help get rid of them as well as Detention Sphere. also good vs aggressive decks as well or even the occasional Pithing Needle
Anger of the Gods = I originally wasn't going to include this in the main deck, however problems against EXTREME aggro and monoblue led me to put this in the starting lineup. One more is in the sideboard against these types of decks
Devour Flesh = I keep thinking of Rick from the Walking Dead as he ripped the guys throat out with his bare teeth when I see this card...
Izzet Charm = removal that is versatile as a digger or counterspell
Far / Away = can deal with 2 creatures at once or at the very least is good vs hexproof/tokens
Ah yes, the more "friends" I have on my side the better!
Jace, Architect of Thought = mostly used for his draw engine, but he also blanks Elspeth, Sun's Champion tokens and can help me steal a win con (or tutor for my own)
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver = I love the fact that my opponent is going to have to use their own removal on their own creatures in order to stop him. At the very least, he can be a win con at milling away an opponent's library and IF he gets to ultimate it is light's out for control matchups
= best counterspell in standard at the moment
= versatile counterspell that can be cast for as little as 2 mana
Elixir of Immortality = gains me much needed life and recycles my used cards back in for long games. This allows me to "rebuy" my planeswalkers or Rakdos's Returns to finish off my opponent post board
Thoughtseize = allows me to deal with a card BEFORE it becomes a problem. These come out vs decks that deal a lot of damage fast (such as Boros Burn)
Anger of the Gods = As of right now, this is the "board wipe" of choice. If White weenie aggro decks take off I may switch this to Drown in Sorrow to avoid the annoying blowout card of Brave the Elements
Doom Blade = I need some removal that can be instant speed target for R/G (Gruul) decks and this is the best there is at it
Mizzium Mortars = a good removal spell against a lot of the format and can be overloaded as a one sided board wipe. Main inclusion was for the ever annoying Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Brain Maggot
= comes in as extra hand disruption that also produces a threat on board. Good vs Boros Burn/control/and other decks that run limited removal
Jace, Memory Adept = having extra win cons vs control/midrange decks that take a long time to combat is very handy come games 2 and 3. Usually will replace Desecration Demon against control type decks
Negate = comes in vs control and Boros Burn decks
Rakdos's Return = With all of the monoblack, control, Naya, Orzhov, and other midrange type decks running rampant this will help me gain a HUGE advantage. Just empty their hand, follow up with a win con, and ride it to victory
Lifebane Zombie
= I like creatures...especially ones that can gain me card advantage and this is the best there is at it against decks running Green or White as a main color.
Let's make Grixis tier 1 and long live Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker!!
![Alt text](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120126041919/villains/images/0/02/Nicol_bolas_planeswalker_657x1022.jpg)