The Ooze of Doom

Commander / EDH* Grimgrinner

SCORE: 21 | 131 COMMENTS | 11642 VIEWS | IN 12 FOLDERS

solnox says... #1

Phantasmal Image I'd take out Llanowar Elves and replace it with Birds of Paradise Take out Horncaller's Chant and Replace it with maybe Notion Thief Love that Card so much. Even better combo it with Whispering Madness or Windfall

July 18, 2013 2:44 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #2

I can see Notion Thief working, but almost nobody in my playgroup uses any meaningful kind of draw power, so It would mostly be a dead card in my hand. Phantasmal Image is going in. The downside of that is definitely worth the low cast cost. The other cards are very much worth considering, but I hope they don't fall into the "unfun" category. The idea with Horncaller's Chant is to copy one of my copy tokens using populate. Ideally, something like Consuming Aberration or Lord of Extinction

July 18, 2013 3:31 a.m.

Shinkari says... #3

two cards Krosan Cloudscraper and Master Biomancer

Mimeoplasm is played, copy of Master Biomancer counters = Krosan Cloudscraper. Put Greaves on that bad boy now you have a 15/19 Master Biomancer that makes all of your creatures enter the battlefield with 15 additional counters.

The fun doesn't even need to be had with the Cloudscraper, you have Doomgape , Sylvan Primordial , and Lord of the Void .

Instead of Phytoburst you might want Decree of Savagery

I have a similar deck if you want to check it out, mine is more based on making the creatures huge with +1/+1 counters

July 18, 2013 11:56 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #4

Shinkari, you are a true simic mad genius. Both the biomancer and the cloudscraper are going in. Perhaps I should give Death's Shadow a shot too then. On that note though: You're wrong about the biomancer effect. If I already have one Biomancer (a 2/4) out, and then have my general as a 15/19, then that means they enter the battlefield with SEVENTEEEN counters instead of 15. I'm practically drooling at the thought.

July 18, 2013 12:11 p.m.

Shinkari says... #5

Extra lulz? Corpsejack Menace

What's that? My huge Master Biomancer makes my Elusive Krasis a 34/38 Unblockable, let's give this guy some greaves and let him go to town!

Oh no he's dead, darn it, well looks like I won't be seeing him again, oh wait! The Mimeoplasm

July 18, 2013 12:51 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #6


July 18, 2013 1:16 p.m.

solnox says... #7

I can actually build most of this deck, Maybe ill get to making it

July 18, 2013 1:36 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #8

Does Clone trigger "Enter the battlefield" effects, such as Thragtusk or Sepulchral Primordial ?

July 18, 2013 9:37 p.m.

solnox says... #9

yes it does

July 20, 2013 2:15 a.m.

famzim13 says... #10

A nasty combo in Mimeo is Buried Alive into Death's Shadow and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon if you want to throw that into your deck.

August 6, 2013 4:39 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #11

Oh wow, Buried Alive is looks like it was almost made FOR the mimeoplasm. Skithryx though would count as "unfun" to my playgroup though. I may use it if I ever decide to compete with this deck, but my friends would just hate that.

August 6, 2013 5:28 p.m.

famzim13 says... #12

Yeah, in my group we are not too fond of the combination, but we do play at a more competitive level.

Please get rid of Naturalize for Slice in Twain . Naturalize is just so boring and weak.

I have more suggestions, but I do not know what the type of budget is on this deck because the cards range vastly in price.

August 6, 2013 5:34 p.m.

solnox says... #13

Rhystic Study is always fun

August 6, 2013 5:39 p.m.

solnox says... #14

i think elvish mystic does too little

August 6, 2013 5:40 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #15

switching Elvish Mystic for Kodama's Reach and Horncaller's Chant for Buried Alive .

famzim13, the budget is i'd say right around $50-ish, maybe a bit more over time. As I said, I'm allowed to have 5 proxy cards, and I already have all 3 shocklands, Kalonian Hydra , Witchstalker , Thragtusk , Tooth and Nail , and Lotus Bloom . Without the cards i just listed the deck's total value would be WAY down.

August 6, 2013 5:59 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #16

Thanks to famzim13 for suggesting Buried Alive . That's so much fun with mimeo.

August 8, 2013 3:10 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #17

Is the enchantment hate too much? The best player in my group has a Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts deck with a ton of enchantments, especially ones that make me pay for attacking him, or Pacifism kind of effects. Still I feel it might be too much though.

August 8, 2013 3:53 p.m.

Hello, I also play the Mimeoplasm as one of my main decks. I have some suggestions that could help you out.

First of all, you are running a dangerously low amount of lands. I would remove the following cards and replace them with lands:

-Augury Owl : Too low impact. If you want deck manipulation, try Crystal Ball instead.

-Duskmantle Seer : This guy wants a ridiculously low curve to work at his best. You curve out at 7 with the exception of Omniscience (and topdecking that will definitely hurt!).

-Gyre Sage : Pretty low impact. Needs a lot of setup to tap for more than a few mana.

-Thragtusk : Great value in Standard, but not worth it in EDH when there are so many better cards to run.

-Wall of Frost : Cards with defender are almost never worth it. Especially in Mimeoplasm, where you would ideally want each card to be a potential copy target.

-Phytoburst : This card is pretty bad.

-Lay of the Land : Do a straight swap for Rampant Growth .

-Alpha Authority , Shade's Form , Spectral Flight : Auras are bad and they should feel bad. It's generally not worth it to run too many Auras like these due to the inherent risk of getting two-for-one'd. I would replace one with Darksteel Plate and toss the other two.

-Instant-speed enchantment hate: I would scrap most of it. Reduce it to Krosan Grip and Golgari Charm . Then add Back to Nature , Relic Crush , and Acidic Slime . These along with your Sylvan Primordial should form a nice suite of removal for when you need it. If you need more than that, consider Deadeye Navigator to pair with the slime or the primordial (Just don't go overboard with Deadeye + Sylvan Primordial).

-Fog and Druid's Deliverance : Generally not worth it in EDH.

-Howl from Beyond : Replace with a great removal spell (Putrefy ) or a better pump spell (Hatred ).

That leaves 8-10 slots to replace. I would recommend adding 5 more basic lands. With the other slots, here's some all-stars from my deck:

-Rune-Scarred Demon : A potential Mimeo target and a tutor on a stick. What's not to like?

-Corpse Connoisseur : An all-star for sure. A mini-Buried Alive on a body is incredibly useful.

-Phyrexian Ingester : Saved me more times than I can count. Exiling an Avacyn (or that Tajic your friend runs) can be incredibly relevant. Plus they get nothing in return, you get all the benefit! Bonkers with Deadeye Navigator.

-Fauna Shaman / Survival of the Fittest : A creature tutor and a discard outlet combined? Seems legit. The enchantment is obviously better since you can use it multiple times in a turn, but if you're on a budget, the shaman is a decent replacement.

-Birthing Pod : Sacrifice outlet, plus you get another creature straight onto the field. An excellent card all around.

Lastly, a good strategy to get quick kills with Mimeo is to set up your own graveyard so you have an 8-power creature and a 13-power creature there to make that magic number 21 happen. Potential 8-power creatures include Terastodon , Hydra Omnivore , and Gaea's Revenge . Potential 13-power creatures include Death's Shadow (Which you already have here) and Krosan Cloudscraper . Cast Mimeo and pick 2, then slap on some greaves and you're ready to rumble.

I hope this advice helped! If you want to look at my list, it's here:

The Ooze That Conquers All

Enjoy the ooze!

August 16, 2013 8:39 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #19

gruvyslushytruck, This is the exact kind of comment I've been fishing for here. Thank you very much. I'm pretty new at EDH; so I need somebody to blast apart the parts of my deck that don't work, lol.

Funny story about Augury Owl , It's kind of a leftover from my Grimgrin, Corpse-Born deck, since it made such a nice sac target. Out it goes.Duskmantle Seer , I suppose you're right. The idea was to make them take life damage too, but with my mana curve he could be suicide. Gyre Sage has done me good in the past. You may be right, but i'll keep for now.Thragtusk I feel is a good card in here because I have so many clone spells. Hardcast it once, and then Clone it, and suddenly I've gained 10 life and have 2 amazing creatures that can leave decent blockers; and even makes a good Mimeo target.Wall of Frost , Phytoburst , Lay of the Land . You're absolutely correct. out they go. I don't really see a problem with Howl from Beyond . I use it like one would use a Giant Growth . Wait till undeclared blocker and then BAM! Helps push thru Mimeo to lethal 21 too. Funny, I thought Rune-Scarred Demon was already in here. guess i forgot. Fauna Shaman : Yes please. Survival of the Fittest : I would, but at $25 I'm going to leave it for now. Good suggestion nonetheless. Fog , Ok, that can go, but i was thinking that Druid's Deliverance would be able to populate a copied token, especially a Cackling Counterpart or Progenitor Mimic , but I think you're right; it's reaching for magical Christmas land.

August 17, 2013 3:17 a.m.

Grimgrinner says... #20

Oh, I would also like to ask; How can I deal with Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts ? A deck like that has so much creature hate, and Teysa can't be blocked. My playgroup really hates on control builds though, which is why I didn't have any of those elements present. I suppose a couple kill spells will suffice, but it could draw me hate. Alpha Authority was there to protect Mimeo or something else, Any other suggestion on how to protect it from One Thousand Lashes , Murder , or even something that keeps it locked down? I wasn't worried about destruction so much, since I operate in the graveyard here, but I am worried about a board lock.

August 17, 2013 3:26 a.m.

solnox says... #21

Acidic Slime is always good on blowing up enchantments and other pesky things, Same with Woodfall Primus , persists allows you to do it again. Glen Elendra Archmage can protect your creatures from opponents removal and doing other silly things. Also Phantasmal Image is a good idea. It's a 3rd cheap clone.

August 17, 2013 12:07 p.m.

To deal with the Teysa deck, I would try Asceticism . Protection against board wipes and hexproof to everything. Darksteel Plate is also good to put on something that you don't want to lose.

August 17, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #23

Really looking to trim down the maybeboard, lol. What do you guys think? I own a lot of the cards on the maybeboard too (with the exceptions of Green Sun's Zenith , Grave Titan , and Vorosh, the Hunter . )

August 23, 2013 1:25 p.m.

Shinkari says... #24

I suggest Oracle of Mul Daya over Into the Wilds , she essentially does the same thing but she allows you to play an additional land each turn.

Omniscience seems great, but unless you can protect it basically saying "Hey Naturalize , Wear Away , Sylvan Primordial , Acidic Slime , Bramblecrush , Golgari Charm , Krosan Grip ((You get it)) ME!"

August 23, 2013 4:30 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #25

That reminds me, What's that enchantment where everybody gets to draw two cards and play 2 lands? Somebody in my playgroup seems to play that every match, and it's good fun. I don't like how Mul Daya becomes an instant creature removal target btw.

August 24, 2013 12:53 p.m.

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