The Overflowing Forest (T3 Win!)

Casual Bluejayninja


Nemesis says... #1

well this isn't a win con but you may want to consider Spell Burst to keep problems off the field until you get one of your win cons.

December 16, 2013 2:04 a.m.

Bluejayninja says... #2

Thanks for the suggestion! I might try and put in one or two.

December 16, 2013 3:11 a.m.

smash10101 says... #3

You seem super reliant on drawing an Arbor Elf and a Freed from the Reel. You may want to try Voyaging Satyr and Pemmin's Aura . Also, you're doing infinite green mana, so you can't easily BSZ. I would look into something that instawins, rather than a creature without haste. Try Fireball or Blaze . The last mana can be any color, so the single red should be ok.

December 17, 2013 2:50 a.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #4

I'd recommend adding Staff of Domination . I'm using it in an infinite combo with Elvish Archdruid , but as long as you have infinite mana you'll have infinite health, tap, untap, and draw card.

December 17, 2013 12:20 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #5

@smash10101: I actually draw them both pretty fast because I have four of each. Voyaging Satyr MIGHT earn itself a place in the deck, the only thing holding me back from him is that I can't achieve the turn three win with him because he costs two cmc. Pemmin's Aura I've playtested with it in the deck and I've found that the deck works fine without. And the only way I could have infinite of any color is if the forest is enchanted with two Fertile Ground / Verdant Haven so I'm not going to splash any red cards.

@Bigbadbear88: Staff of Domination is a good card just I don't know what I would take out and I don't think it really helps me that much. It doesn't really win the game for me.

December 17, 2013 2 p.m.

smash10101 says... #6

the thing about Fireball (and actually I remembered that Banefire only costs 1 red) is that it only costs 1 red. SO you tap a forest with Fertile Ground for green and blue, untap Arbor Elf with the blue over and over again until you have 8 bajilion green mana. then you tap the forest for green and red and use that single red to cast Banefire . The problem with BSZ is that you can't win with it on turn 3 because you'll never have triple blue and infinite mana until turn 4 if you're super lucky. And I would look into using Voyaging Satyr and Pemmin's Aura over the two two drop cantrips. I think it would make your deck more consistent.

To recap:

-2 Elvish Visionary /+2 Voyaging Satyr

-4 Wall of Blossoms /+4 Pemmin's Aura

-2 Blue Sun's Zenith /+2 Banefire

December 17, 2013 2:46 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #7

@smash10101: I think that the deck works fine how it is. I have playtested with Pemmin's Aura but I never seemed to have to much of a problem getting a Freed from the Real . I already added in two Voyaging Satyr ( Swapped out for Elvish Mystic ) and Blue Sun's Zenith is a possible win-con and a good draw if I'm in a tight squeeze. (I don't need Banefire I already have 12 cards that could win me the game.

December 18, 2013 3:47 p.m.

smash10101 says... #8

there is less than a 50% of having Freed from the Real on turn 3. Pemmin's Aura would greatly increase the chances of getting the t3 win, and even more with the turn 4. And my thing about BSZ is that you can't win with it on t3, and it's unlikely to win on t4, (you would need 2 islands or 2 Fertile Ground ) and therefore should be replaced with a card that can win on t3. The only time when BSZ is better is when either a: you don't have your combo and need to draw into it (likely turn 4 or later at this point) or b: you've been milling them with just ramp and no combo and want to use it as a finisher.

for a, there are much better things to use than bsz to find your combo (4 mana to draw 1 card sucks, and triple blue is hard here).

for b, that's what the sands are for. with just a ton of ramp you can still mill them out pretty easily, and you get 8 uses out of Increasing Confusion and as many as you want out of Sands of Delirium .

December 18, 2013 4:02 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #9

I can't think of anything to say about this. It's a great combo and it undoubtedly works. Its weakness is that the infinite mana combo requires 4 parts - land, 2x enchantments and a land untapper. Even this does not win - you need another card to spend the combo on. It sounds like it's fantastic in casual but in a tournament setting mana dorks like Arbor Elf get removed pretty quickly. Having said this, I can't think of anything that would change that.

December 18, 2013 4:02 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #10

@smash10101: I just playtested this deck 20+ times and 90%+ of the time I would have won the game on turn 6 or potentially lower. I only have only two Blue Sun's Zenith in the deck and they have saved me the game sometimes with the draw. I get a freed from the real pretty easily with help from my draw creatures ( Wall of Blossoms and Elvish Visionary ). I thank you for your help but I am not going to put in Pemmin's Aura and I will keep BSZ in.

@ChiefBell: Thanks! This deck isn't meant for tournaments. It's meant to play with my playgroup. My playgroup also doesn't run too many cancels and don't really see cards such as Llanowar Elves ,Arbor Elf , or Elvish Mystic as threats so this deck is pretty solid with my playgroup!

December 18, 2013 4:29 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #11

Fools! Mana dorks are dangerous.

December 18, 2013 4:31 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #12

Haha yeah. My cousin has a deck pretty much built out of mana dorks... It's an elf deck with less then 10 lands! I'm trying to help him cut it down to 60 cards and improve it so it has at least a semi-solid win-con. :P

December 18, 2013 5:44 p.m.

zcstover1 says... #13

i'd suggest you get other ways of producing infinite mana, i playtested your deck 10 times and each time i didn't get the infinite combo until at least 8, once it took me 26 turns!

think over the suggestions from smash again, because adding in more ways of getting your infinite combo could turn a win that would have been turn 15 into a win that was turn 7

December 21, 2013 2:21 a.m.

Davik100 says... #14

this horseshit...


January 5, 2014 3:57 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #15

@Davik100: Thanks! xD

January 5, 2014 4:04 p.m.

ZensDead9 says... #16

I bought this deck on a very low budget (about $24) on Amazon. I replaced the Wall of Blossoms with Overgrown Battlement just to have a 0/4 wall and replaced the Omnath, Locus of Mana with some X/X green creatures. So far it's great! Did a 3v3 and crushed both opponents in the same turn haha! 10/10

January 7, 2014 3:19 a.m.

Davik100 says... #17

you should get rid of Omnath. If you didn't already know, mana that was produced by lands fizzles out after each phase, so every bit of mana you produce has to be used otherwise it does effectively nothing. also, ZensDead9 actually had a great idea. the X/X creatures can absolutely destroy your opponent, or you could consider splashing red for a destructive burn spell like Devil's Play or Fireball

January 7, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Davik100 says... #18

I just reread omnath >_> but still, if it's a million/million creature w/o trample, you should probably replace it with an X burn card like the ones above. Devil's Play is pretty much counterproof, and Fireball is an easy cast either way. I could chump block your infinity omnath if it doesnt have a way to trample over me. Also, another funny win condition is milling yourself to death with a Laboratory Maniac in play and then Zenith for 1 and win. Funniest way to kill somebody ever, trust me.

January 7, 2014 11:08 p.m.

Davik100 says... #19

also this deck is completely modern legal. Try taking it to a modern tourney at your local cardshop and see how it does!

January 7, 2014 11:17 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #20

@ZensDead9: I don't know about Overgrown Battlement . I think the draw from Wall of Blossoms is a little bit more beneficial. I agree with you about Omnath, Locus of Mana kind of. If he is on the field and I don't have my combo out I could easily just stack mana on him until I draw an Increasing Confusion in which case they are as good as dead! :D But I think I'll try replacing him with some X/X creatures like Mistcutter Hydra or something. Have any suggestions on some modern legal X/X creatures with trample?

@Davik100 Thanks! I can't really rely on cards like Devil's Play or Fireball because they require red mana. I might implement the maniac if for the lols. The only problem is what to remove! :P

January 8, 2014 12:48 a.m.

Bluejayninja says... #21



Sorry. Forgot to put your guys' names in brackets so you would get the notification.

January 8, 2014 3:34 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #22

Bluejayninja Primordial Hydra is a modern legal x/x hydra that gets trample when it's power is above 10

January 8, 2014 3:54 p.m.

Bluejayninja says... #23

@Bigbadbear88: That sounds like fun! >:D I was considering Primordial Hydra but set it aside because I forgot about the trample part. I think I'm going to replace omnath with Primordial Hydra and see how it goes. I might actually replace Blue Sun's Zenith with either two more primordials (bringing the total up to four of them) or putting in two Laboratory Maniac s.

January 8, 2014 4:03 p.m.

ZensDead9 says... #24

@[Bluejayninja] I got my last few cards in today. Now in place of one of the [Omnath, Locus of Mana] I'm running 1 [Mistcutter Hydra] and an extra [Blue Sun's Zenith]. Runs pretty well, despite not having the minor draw force from the walls.

January 10, 2014 2:36 a.m.

ZensDead9 says... #25

Oh, I also swapped 2 mana for 2 more [Voyaging Satyr]. I felt 24 was a little steep for a deck that can run sufficiently on 3 mana, but that's just me.

January 10, 2014 2:41 a.m.

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