The Path to Insanity

Standard* Araj


FrozenOdin says... #1

I just want to note that your description is superb, thank you for going in to detail of why you chose the cards you did. A thousand hurrah's to you good sir.

May 24, 2013 5:28 p.m.

Dude this is probably the best red,black,white deck I'v seen in standard. And certainly creative.

May 29, 2013 9:50 p.m.

Very cool deck +1. Try out Staff of Nin so that you can draw 2 every turn once sire hits the board.

June 1, 2013 11:06 a.m.

Araj says... #4

Thanks for the support guys!

@Phoenix_Revolution what do you suggest I take out for the Staff of Nin , I'd probably do it as a 1 or 2 of. Advice on that? I like the idea very much!

June 1, 2013 3:06 p.m.

Take out one Rakdos Keyrune or the Assemble the Legion

June 1, 2013 3:40 p.m.

I run the Sire + Staff combo in my Junk of Insanity deck

June 1, 2013 3:46 p.m.

zemoGaneleS says... #7

You mention gloom surgeon at your fnm, yet they don't appear in your list. What did you remove to put them in, and in what quantity?

June 30, 2013 5:37 p.m.

Araj says... #8

Sorry, my sideboard was a bit screwy, should be all better now.

July 1, 2013 5:43 p.m.

zemoGaneleS says... #9

Thanks for the clarification! Have you been testing on modo? What are your best and worst matchups?

July 2, 2013 12:48 p.m.

zemoGaneleS says... #10

Also access to sin collector against control/tokens seems too good not to pass up, think you can fit him in the sideboard? Also Olivia is really powerful in your colors, think you could drop a something for her? Maybe a keyrune?

July 2, 2013 1:43 p.m.

Araj says... #11

I am not sure of what you mean by modo, but I have learned some of the matchups. I seem to perform very well against control, as either they are vulnerable to Blood Barons or Obzedat's or even Assemble the Legion. Staff of Nin is a huge help against control too. However I have struggled with aggro a little bit. The souls don't seem to have the impact I thought they would, and I'm considering switching them out for Vampire Nighthawk s. What do you think? I'm also thinking about upping the Blood Baron count so I have better recovery on turn 5. Olivia would be nice because she would fill the 4CMC slot. I'm also probably gonna up the Warleader's Helix count because they are instant speed, and I have learned the value of having something to deal with hasty creatures like Aurelia and Hellrider.

July 3, 2013 11:07 a.m.

zemoGaneleS says... #12

That sounds good, I've been trying out your deck, I feel like you want more shocklands than tap lands

July 5, 2013 1:12 p.m.

joegio66 says... #13

Cool list, need to try lifebane zombie. Have you tried running Sin Collector in the side board? its great against control and midrange like jund

July 16, 2013 10:51 a.m.

Araj says... #14

How'd I forget about Sin Collector ... Well he's in there now!

July 17, 2013 3:56 p.m.

NiRouBolas says... #15

2 things...Blood Scrivener in instead of Lifebane Zombie can give you the draw power you are lacking late game or against mirror matches. And Vault of the Archangel should be mainboard :) that is all

July 17, 2013 4:17 p.m.

Araj says... #16

Hey NiRouBolas, thanks for the feedback!

First off, I personally prefer Lifebane Zombie 's ability to remove most of the relevant creatures in almost any deck, save a few (Darn you Grixis...), and my hand rarely empties out completely. I usually have cards until atleast turn 6-7, and I think that Scrivener's lack of impact before that is inexcusable compared to the Zombie's immediate effect.

As for Vault of the Archangel , I see what you're getting at, but it really would only help out on Boros Reckoner and Obzedat, Ghost Council , and Olivia Voldaren , and I experience a lot of counters in my local meta, so I'd value the Cavern of Souls over the Vault, and I can't run too many colorless mana due to the deck's mana-specific demands (and I'm too cheap to get playsets of the innistrad lands...). Also, I feel like vault would be infinitely better if I played Lingering Souls which I no longer do. Thanks for the feedback though!

July 17, 2013 4:51 p.m.

NiRouBolas says... #17

Fair enough :) gimme some feedback on my mill control please! I plus1'd you

July 17, 2013 4:56 p.m.

joegio66 says... #18

Hey, check out my M14 updates to my deck (new name btw), took your advice with Lifebane Zombie added some others and changed the deck by lowering the overall curve. Works pretty well so far Journey with a Pyromancer

July 20, 2013 10:32 a.m.

ThomFoolery says... #19

Awesome. Just had to say, Awesome.

July 25, 2013 10:41 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #20

very nice

July 26, 2013 11:36 a.m.

Araj says... #21

7/26/13 1st Place FNM!!!! Went 4-0 to take 1st place.

Round 1: 2-0 vs. Naya Blitz

Game 1: He built a board of a Champion of the Parish (which was promptly pillar'd). He then played a Burning Tree Emissary into a Mayor of Avabruck. I chose to pillar the Mayor, and took some beats from the burning tree until I laid down a vampire nighthawk. I pulled ahead when I got to 5 and cast a Blood Baron on the tail of a warleader's helix the previous turn. From there I lifelinked my way to victory.

Game 2: He stalled on turn 1 (thankfully) and I capitalized by Doom blading a mayor that came down on turn 2. A Boros Reckoner from me stymied his aggro and it was only a matter of time before an Obzedat landed and swept up the game with the help of a few more removals.

Round 2: 2-0 vs. GB Midrange

Game 1: He didn't do a whole lot... He played a scavenging ooze but lacked the mana to pump it up past 2 toughness and I cast a Pillar of flame to deal with it. I soon closed out the game with a Blood Baron that was immune to his removal.

Game 2: Blood Baron was the star again. I held out against Ooze's and Corpsejack Menace's until I was able to Doom blade the scavenging ooze, and swing with the Blood Baron repeatedly for the win.

Round 3: 2-1 vs. Mono-Green Aggro

Game 1: He started off with an Ulvenwald Tracker and led into a Strangleroot Geist , I pillar'd the geist and played a nighthawk the next turn, only to be disappointed at the sight of a Predator Ooze . I played an Olivia, but I didn't realize the tracker's ability to force an "altercation" between Olivia and the Ooze would leave a stronger ooze and no olivia. The Ooze grew and I fell to around 12 life. I played down a blood baron next, and manned up to his swing and fell to around 4. An Aurelia the next turn though let me lifelink back the 8 I needed to survive his Ooze, and Aurelia won the game the next turn.

Game 2: This game, the Ooze was too much. I sided in my Celestial Flare s but they failed to make an appearance, and I was unable to race the Ooze that came down on turn 2, and received 2 rancors the following turn. That's it for this game...

Game 3: Did I mention this game was vs. my brother? Well it was... so this one came down to the wire. Interestingly enough, we had never played this match-up out before so we were both psyched up and ready to kill the other. He started off by going down to 6 while I kept at 7. He went first and stalled out on his first turn. Turn 2 he laid down a strangleroot geist who succeeded in dealing 2 damage before being pillar'd. A turn 3 Ooze led to a turn 3 reckoner from me. Turn 4, when the Ooze swung I had the flare ready and dealt with the ooze. I soon played down a blood baron who held out against a 2nd ooze.. 5 Turns was called after the board was changed around to contain a Desecration Demon , a Obzedat, Ghost Council for me and a Vorapede and Rubblebelt Raiders for him. He played a Wolfir Silverheart next and swung at my 8 life total. Another flare took out the vorapede who came back stronger and the Rubblebelt traded with my Obzedat. I threw a dreadbore at the vorapede and he was forced to sac to the 8/8 demon as his life total was 8. The next turn he threw down an arbor elf while I whiffed on my draw. The arbor elf tapped my Demon. Turn 4 of the 5, he threw another Rubblebelt onto the field hoping to stall me for the tie. I drew a doom blade and my demon finished the job at the last possible moment. Phew.

Round 4: 2-1 vs. Gruul Aggro

Game 1: I pillar'd a Rakdos Cackler turn 1, but felt the hurt when he played a Burning-Tree Emissary into a Flinthoof Boar . I held no more removal, and managed to last until turn 5 where I shrugged and threw an Obzedat, Ghost Council at him. Too little too late. He snuck some more damage threw and Shock ed and Searing Spear me.

Game 2: Same start as the previous game. Cackler meets Pillar. He plays Boar, i play mortars. A nighthawk sees an empty field, but every time my nighthawk swings in, he Skullcrack s me... In fact he drew all 4 skullcracks... that nighthawk did nothing... but kill him! I summoned a Blood Baron to join the nighthawk and together they killed him while I removed his creatures.

Game 3: Again, Cackler and pillar friends on turn 1. He then played a boar which sat on the field until it traded with a nighthawk. A Hellrider put on the pain until it met a Warleader's Helix . A Blood Baron helped stabilize and an Obzedat put me in a comfortable position as I pushed threw for the win.

My deck performed very well, and I feel comfortable with where it's at right now. I'm attending a tournament tomorrow so look for those results too!

July 26, 2013 10:12 p.m.

ThuneTangClan says... #22

Its a very well set up deck with tons of decent late game potential, but it seems like you are dependent on a turn 4 or 5 big drop to stabilize the board. Trouble is, a half decent aggro deck is going to end the game before you get the chance and when your cheapest creature is a Boros Reckoner it just doesn't seem playable vs aggro.

August 10, 2013 10:44 a.m.

Araj says... #23

@ ThuneTangClan

Thanks for your feedback! The funny thing is this deck has little to no trouble with aggro at all! Pillar's and Doom blades and the like stall for the 2 turns necessary before a reckoner or nighthawk hits the board, and when those hit the board it usually is a huge speedbump to aggro. At 4 CMC (after having played those critters) Warleader's Helix becomes available which is absolutely devastating to aggro. To be honest, I have much more trouble with control decks.

August 12, 2013 1:15 a.m.

Teachingjohn says... #24

I played almost this exact deck at fnm and went 4-0. I don't have Aurelia's or blasphemous acts but more Dreadbore s. I also had 2 main deck reverberates. they were amazing against an opposing Rakdos returns and Sphinx's Revelation . Well played against you, opponents are going to tap out leaving them without a counter spell.

I never had a problem with aggro. Gotta reckoner out followed by a war leader helix or blood baron and they couldn't come back from.

Much like many other decks, I did have problem with Burning Earth .

August 21, 2013 7:06 p.m.

Araj says... #25

@Teachingjohn Glad to meet a fellow BWR man :D

I personally like Aurelia, the Warleader because I feel she puts them on a must respond next turn clock or I usually will win. Although, I LOVE the suggestion of Reverberate , I'd never thought of using it before but that's a really mean thing to do to a Sphinx's Revelation . Even more mean (but slightly less playable) is Wild Ricochet . Anyway, I'm gonna give that one some serious thought, thanks!

I second the aggro, agree that I never have trouble stabilizing except off of a really crappy hand.

And yeah, who doesn't?

August 21, 2013 11:11 p.m.

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