Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate,
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate,
Hate, Hate...

Land hate, Creature hate, Player hate
The player hater's ball gives us an opportunity to hate on a diverse array of...
The premise of this deck is the heavy use of enchantments, which are difficult to remove in Modern. We use 3 basic tenants to achieve victory:
Disrupt mana fixing
Control board state
Prolong game, Win.
Disrupt Mana Fixing
"Why don't you click your heels 3 times, and go back to Africa?"
Crack a fetchland in response to sacking it and gain value for only .

Shuts down most control. Unadulterated nonbasic land hate, and apart from our fetchlands, this deck is constructed to utilize as few nonbasics as possible.

Disrupts their mana fixing, nullifies utility lands and manlands. Draws us a card.
Control the Board
"I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you and I hate your guts."
Slows your opponent down considerably. He will have to decide whether to swing at you or use his mana to try to build his board state instead. Either way, the game is going late.

Very underrated card. Red and white without the presence of blue is usually a weak combination in Modern, yet this card does what Path to Exile does without giving our opponent access to his mana.

This is a creatureless deck, so an un-counterable wrath of god fits right in. Use this to reset the board state when things look a little too heavy.
Prolong the Game. Win.
"What can I say about that suit, that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted."
Shuts down nonland permanents our other creature removal spells cannot get rid of, as well as any copies.

More utility than either Detention Sphere or
Chained to the Rocks
alone can give us. Use it to target Lightning Bolt and Inquisition of Kozilek.

We run 35 enchantments in this deck. Use Heliod to make more.
"Very insulting what you said about my coat. It's made out of your mother's pubic hair."
An enchantment/creature hybrid that is safe from our Supreme Verdict. Can also get quite large the longer we drag the game out.
Self explanatory, since we are splashing red.

[NOTE]: Clifftop Retreat ---> Indignation Cliff (the new 4/2 first strike Manland spoiled for Oath of Gatewatch. Manlands are our most reliable wincon, as they are generally safe from removal.
"Now excuse me while I go put some water in Buck Nasty's momma's dish."
I put a playset of leylines in every deck I own that splashes white. Being an enchantment doesn't hurt our theme. Sideboard against...

Another cheap hate enchantment. Sideboard against...

Effective against Knight of the Reliquary and Snapcaster Mage. Sideboard against...
- Twin/Delver
- Grixis Midrange
- Knightfall

This can limit some of our own fetchlands, so beware only to target fetchlands we will not utilize. Sideboard against

Chained to the Rocks
with this enchantment aura to deal with heavy aggro decks. The fact that it stops activated abilities makes it particularly useful against creatures such as Grim Lavamancer, Birds of Paradise, Knight of the Reliquary. Sideboard against...