The Poor Planeswalker's Guide To Modern B/W Tokens

Modern bigpappyj


bigpappyj says... #1

Ha, what'd it do to you?

August 20, 2015 8:33 p.m.

It was a pawn in my self destruction.

August 20, 2015 9:04 p.m.

My Tokens

Not budget entirely but here is how I set mine up.

August 20, 2015 11:54 p.m.

Pretty solid budget tokens. But...

Mortify is crazy. Especially with 3X Sundering Growth on the sideboard. Bone Splinters, Tragic Slip, Go for the Throat, Doom Blade, Vendetta, and Ultimate Price might all be somewhat better depending on what decks you play against often. Think about what you can get out of a card like Mortify, now think about what you get out of Utter End for one more. There's just better things out there no matter what you're trying to accomplish with your removal - especially when you want to be casting some of your key stuff on turn 3.

Less important suggestions:You might want a bit more lifegain in some matchups. I think some number of sideboard Timely Reinforcements could be huge. Also, given the huge number of Pyroclasm out there these days - plus the huge number of Elves and Merfolk, I really like Brave the Elements more than Forge Tender, because it can effectively make your guys unblockable against 3 of the best aggro decks around, and occasionally against others.

October 5, 2015 10:48 p.m.

TheShandras says... #5

+1 first of all, really like the idea and it does look super cheap which is something to note (budget seems to have a wide range of meanings with some people...) Oh, it also looks effective.

Been thinking of building a deck with the same idea, and as I'm actually on a budget (and not a $200 budget) I'll be so bold and use your list here as a basis. Which leads me right to my next question: IF I end up with spare money, what's the first thing you'd suggest for going non-budget-y? I've got playsets of the Caves of Koilos and Isolated Chapel, should I invest in a better mana base, or should I rather look towards Path to Exiles?

I also got my hands on two copies of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, worth throwing in or not?

December 15, 2015 7:11 a.m.

xzzane says... #6

B/w tokens is very difficult archetype to build on a budget. Ideally you want to be able to play a turn one hand disruption spell and a turn 3 Spectral Procession, but that is very difficult without an expensive mana base. A way around this is to focus a little more on 2 cmc hand disruption spells. Incidentally I would recommend Castigate over ride hollow ever since Kommand. What is your exact budget, and what are all the cards you have?

December 15, 2015 10:48 a.m.

TheShandras says... #7

xzzane: If your comment was directed at me, my budget is about $100, and aside from the Caves, Chapel and Gideon (and basic lands) I have next to nothing x) which is why I was looking for a very cheap base to begin with. From the list above, for example, Caves and Chapel are the only cards I have (maybe one Beckon Apparition somewhere, but yeah...)

December 15, 2015 11:55 a.m.

xzzane says... #8

Beckon apparition shouldn't be in the side anyway. Even on a budget there are much better sideboards that can be built. Take a look at this.

December 15, 2015 12:15 p.m.

bigpappyj says... #9

Woah, hey, TheShandras and thanks! xzzane is the TappedOut expert on B/W Tokens so his input is pretty darn valuable and may invalidate my thoughts, but I'm happy to share.

Starters, I've had pretty good casual luck with this deck on MTGO. It's a joy to play and it's always fun to win against a deck that plays multiple single cards worth more than my entire build. Lots of salt.

Upgrading - I think Path to Exile should be the next investment, this deck is pretty tough to work without the control part. For the Budget version, I picked up a set of Path on MTGO and it's made a pretty big difference.

Caves and Isolated can cover you for a bit, I've personally gone cheap on my manabase for my less budget paper version (Elspeth's Token Friends) but went all out for Path and Thoughtseize and it really makes a difference. I'll upgrade the manabase with time, but the core cards are key.

And Beckon Apparition isn't worth worrying about. I have it in my sides but I never side them in. Need to replace with something else.

Planeswalker wise, a copy of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is absolutely worth a thought (I have one to add myself) but Sorin, Solemn Visitor really makes the deck shine.

December 17, 2015 5:14 p.m.


They should print a promo

Lingering Souls with your face

On it.


  • in all seriousness, On a budget, You can use Duress

and Castigate

Your next investment should be

Path to Exile without a doubt.

You can get by with:

4x Caves of Koilos

4x Isolated Chapel

12x Plains

4x Swamp

December 17, 2015 6:53 p.m.

xzzane says... #11

Hahahaha but then I'd scare all the little kids away with my ugly mug xD

December 17, 2015 7:07 p.m.

Ha maybe just like a Black background with swirly ghosts in red letters

December 17, 2015 7:57 p.m.

But back to the deck,

Why Mortify ??

December 17, 2015 8 p.m.

bigpappyj says... #14

It was more or less a MTGO meta call. I found I was facing a lot of instances where I wanted to kill a creature or enchantment and this worked. Upgrade to Path removed them.

December 17, 2015 9:55 p.m.

TheShandras says... #15

Okay, thanks for all the valuable input! Browsed about a bit and read a few other lists, and then finally went into testing stage, so I'll share my experiences so far.

Ended up with enough money, so I bought the four Paths straightaway, and even though I did no testing with budget substitutes they've been super useful. However, what really carried this deck so far has been Duress and Castigate; One of my friends was very put out when I pulled turn 1 Duress the third time in a row. Though I have yet to play more creature-heavy decks, so the experience may be a bit onesided - and Path, too, is decidedly more useful if they play only a few creatures and combo around them like Kiln Fiend. Another thing that I had the money for was Windbrisk Heights (though they really weren't very costly), and I was super surprised by how incredibly useful they ended up. Getting a second Spectral Procession out on turn 4 is pretty sweet, particularly for less mana than it would actually cost (leaving you with the mana to possibly cast a hymn on the same turn!)

Manawise I feel like the strongest addition I could make are Fetid Heaths, they're really useful for playing black mana turn 1 and still having three white on turn three. But that's one thing that fell to budget consideration. On a sidenote, I may be getting a Sorin, Solemn Visitor from a friend who doesn't need his - wish me luck!

So far Secure the Wastes didn't do much for me, the best it got was a more expensive Spectral Procession without flying on the creatures, though I suppose the games were mostly just over too fast. I also never get a useful Zealous Persecution out, not sure why.

Will put a list online soon-ish, would be great if people could have a look and suggest stuff! :)

December 21, 2015 2:17 p.m.

TheShandras says... #16

B/W Budget Army Aaaand there we go!

December 21, 2015 3:34 p.m.

Castigate is so UNDERRATED.

Deck is looking good man.

December 21, 2015 4:23 p.m.

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