The Power of Burning Humans

Standard Araj


Vos_Is_Boss says... #1

Like Araj stated, not getting one of those white duals, or Cavern of Souls available one turn is usually a huge blow to the start of the game, however, it is quite often not a problem. Whether it is luck, or good deck building, it seems to work well.

Now, Kessig Wolf Run vs Gavony Township , it all depends on the enemy. If you're able to stabilize creatures on the board, having a turn 5 "pump all my dudes to swing for the win" is very powerful. It prevents trading of creatures, 5 mana (for gavony) creates potentially more damage than pumping Kessig Wolf Run for 2. On the other hand... if you're playing against a deck with a lot of removal, and you cant keep your humans on the board, Kessig Wolf Run can keep even 1 creature a dangerous threat. I run Kessig Wolf Run because, as style points dictate, i need a "kessig" card in my deck now that i got rid of Kessig Malcontents (another card to consider ;D)

I like the pump for a single creature, one with double strike mostly. But i can see, in many scenarios, where Gavony Township is a beast. It just comes down to whether you think Gavony Township packs more of a punch.

As far as the enchantments go, Rancor is brilliant against any deck. But Volcanic Strength is superb against a deck with mountains. It a nut shell.

Angelic Overseer is a powerful card when you control humans, but i really think she fits better in a mid-range deck. If you are able to play her on turn 5, it usually means you're being overwhelmed, and haven't won the game yet. She feels more defensive than offensive in that regard. So, in my opinion, she doesnt fit in the aggro deck, but she is a very strong card mid game, when combating your opponent's choice of attack.

February 20, 2013 9:13 a.m.

Raxin says... #2

I ran card:Angel of Glory's Rise in my sideboard for my w/g version of this. I wouldn't go this route with all the graveyard hate around, but something to consider. I saw some rage quitters when they survived the rush, to only see everything come back to the field for a gg.

I also chose to run Grove of the Guardian as my colorless land and to expand the top end of the deck. When i tried the township, it rarely did much to push me over the top, but having a huge vigilant body late game proved invaluable.

February 20, 2013 11:16 a.m.

Araj says... #3

Thanks for the feedback! I'm gonna throw an Update to shuffle all this stuff out of the way. I agree with the Angelic Overseer analysis, and I have always liked the idea of that end-game card:Angel of Glory's Rise! Cheers!

February 20, 2013 5:28 p.m.

Sean8t says... #4

I just want to say that I love the deck (stealing it for FNM in a week) and that it would be nice if you could write in the description when to side in the cards in your sideboard, and although not really necessary list the reasoning for all cards not just half.Thanks for reading.

February 22, 2013 1:59 a.m.

Araj says... #5

Well I do have some free time right now... so I'll get to work . I'm glad to see someone putting my deck to use Tell me how it goes for ya!!! Cheers

February 22, 2013 9:26 p.m.

Araj says... #6

Hmm Italics is an accident, trying to put a smiley face... what a fail...

February 22, 2013 9:27 p.m.

Sean8t says... #7

Maybe put in Rootbound Crag/Stomping Grounds in for the Mountain and Forest, no testing around it it just seems like it might be useful.

February 23, 2013 8:17 p.m.

If you are running Madcap Skills , you should also run Alpha Authority . Prevents them from blocking at all

March 29, 2013 9:55 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #9

Thats a lot of filler for a single combo :/

You don't want to add too much to the deck, because it will then take away the main purpose of the deck, which is to amass humans and attack early. The only downside to enchantments is that one removal spell, Supreme Verdict or Terminus , will wipe out your creatures, but also your enchantments.

Too me that would seem like a lot of effort to make one thing unblockable. Maybe in a different deck.

March 29, 2013 10:01 a.m.

Araj says... #10

Indeed, Madcap Skills + Alpha Authority requires me to commit 4 mana to making something unblockable where as I could that 4 mana to a much better use in more creatures or burn spells. The earliest I could get the combo up would be on turn 3, and by then 1 creature wouldn't be enough, even if it was unblockable... Sure I could hold them both in my hand until turn 4, but by then playing two enchantments is kind of putting my neck on the line and asking for a boardwipe against me... Thanks for the suggestion though!

March 29, 2013 10:05 a.m.

Araj says... #11

I always messed around a little with the land base, let me know what you think:
+4 Stomping Ground -2 Sunpetal Grove -2 Clifftop Retreat

I was finding that too often I would play a Cavern of Souls on the first turn and be left with one of the M13 dual lands coming in tapped on the second turn which is simply unacceptable!

March 29, 2013 10:08 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #12

Its up to you, you're the one paying life for land... however... in THOSE situations... you take a mulligan :P

March 29, 2013 10:18 a.m.

paololol says... #13

Really nice deck you have for humans. im considering in making this i already have a humans deck up on tapped. Oh, the Human..ity!! -- Do you fair well when being staggered in your momentum ? -- say someone uses Tragic Slip on Champion of the Parish - Mizzium Mortars follow up? can it make a quick come back? - also field wipes i would say, to add in at least one more Boros Charm but hey, just my perspective i am play testing with this and it is super quick.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it. ;) +1!

March 29, 2013 10:54 a.m.

Araj says... #14

Hey paololol, thanks for the comment!

The deck uses only 2 Boros Charm s in the mainboard because its not all that often that I personally see Board wipes. The Tragic Slip on turn one is quite tragic... but the deck still pumps out damage quickly even without the Champion of the Parish , and we still are able to power a beatdown with Lightning Mauler , Burning-Tree Emissary , and a mayor or Silverblade Paladin . So all in all it is still fairly resiliant and is able to recover pretty well (I mean, all aggro is vulnerable to early spot removal right?) Thanks for the discussion!

March 30, 2013 11:30 a.m.

Matticus90 says... #15

Love this deck. Super fun to play + 1

April 7, 2013 11:17 p.m.

mencius1989 says... #16


April 10, 2013 11:12 p.m.

darth_hajile says... #17

I love the deck. Im a big fan of aggro, creatures,etc. and particularly naya. +1 If you get the chance, can you check out my Boros deck and tell me what you think? im in need of some pointers.

April 10, 2013 11:16 p.m.

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