

"I give my blood, my life, all I have in exchange for victory."

  1. She is a fantastic representation of the Mardu color wedge.

  2. She costs WBR to cast in this deck almost 100% of the time, no matter if it's the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time we cast her.

  3. She's a threat in her own right, she gets targeted and takes the heat while our deck can do its thing. If she dies, then see #2.

  4. Have you seen her artwork?

  • Licia is the Sanguine Tribune. She wants to spill blood and sacrifice her army, her life total and even herself. She epitomizes the recklessness of red, the price black pays for greatness and the rebirth and life in white. With that in mind we set out to do so by playing damage based effects that affect all players, we sacrifice Licia and other creatures to draw cards or give us acceleration and we pay life to further our strategy. We suffer but our opponents will suffer more.

  • Our commander cares about gaining huge amounts of life on her turn. Gaining incremental pips of life here and there is not the plan. We're not trying to put together a Rube-Goldberg machine of triggered lifegain abilities, so your Soul's Attendants and Cliffhaven Vampires are not going to be making an appearance.

  • We're here to take risks. Go big or go home! Draw ALL the cards, gain ALL the life and deal ALL the damage.

List of updates for the deck posted in order time
  • Manabarbs -> Demonic Tutor. Never found a "perfect" time to cast Barbs in the games that I drew it. Demonic Tutor is a staple and will give the deck more flexibility with how many answers it runs.

  • Tithe Drinker -> Tainted Sigil. Sigil is a very important piece to the deck. Both as deterrant for attacks and as a combo piece. Tithe Drinker is basically there for the extort stapled onto it and that just isn't powerful enough.

  • Fumigate -> Rolling Earthquake. Fumigate might find it's way back into the deck but I want to try to run *more boardwipes that can come down on turn 2-4 in case of explosive starts from my opponents. It also serves as a win condition. Toxic Deluge is also a card I'd want to find a spot for.

  • Damnable Pact -> Ad Nauseam. Huge power upgrade for the deck. The deck loves to play with it's lifetotal and this digs to our multitude of combos and synergistic pieces.

  • Oreskos Explorer -> Weathered Wayfarer. Getting ANY land trumps the explorer. The lower cmc is welcome as well. Hopefully in the future the deck will run more utility lands, ABUR duals and Ancient Tomb so the Wayfarer should only become stronger as time goes by.

  • Pestilence -> Molten Disaster. Now Pestilence might make a comeback but probably not at the expense of Disaster. The split second on Molten Disaster makes it very appealing and gives us a great way to wipe the board or flat out win the game while our opponents think they're safe behind a Counterspell or a Teferi's Protection.

  • Sorin, Grim Nemesis -> Sword of War and Peace. I'm truly sad to see Sorin get cut, I've had some great moments with him and he always seemed to stay on the field longer than you'd think. Before I get too emotional I'll just say that he will be fondly remembered. Regarding Sword of W&P, it can gain us a ton of life while also giving us protection from Red and White which is relevant since most of the board wipes are red and damage based so the equipped creature will have the damage prevented.

  • Plunge into Darkness -> Font of Agonies. Plunge has been subpar so far. I just never want to cast it when I have it in my hand. I've been loving the powerful 1 cmc spells this deck has and Font seems like a very synergistic piece. I'm excited to see it in action.
  • Night Dealings -> Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. I've not been impressed with dealings since it's a bit low power for the deck. I really like Gisela and wanted to find a home for her. She works very well with the damage based board wipes the deck runs.

  • Well of Lost Dreams -> Axis of Mortality. I've also not been impressed with Well of Lost Dreams. This deck has so many efficient card draw spells or huge bursts of card draw that spending this much mana for a card that needs set up is not worth it. Axis will enable some crazy shenanigans instead. Both of these additions are quite high up on the curve and might get cut at a later date when this deck continues to get streamlined.

  • Gisela, Blade of Goldnight -> Alhammarret's Archive. Gisela was shortlived and will find a better home in my Boros deck. The Archive works great in the deck especially the lifegain aspect. There will be huge changes coming very soon to the deck with new cards from the Ravnica blocks and others to support them!
  • Axis of Mortality -> Bolas's Citadel. With War of the Spark the deck gets one of it's most powerful inclusions ever! This card is nuts and can win us games so easily it's not even funny. Pay (life) to win!

  • Nomad Outpost -> Fetid Heath. Fetid Heath helps us cast color intensive cards like the Necropotence and Citadel and doesn't come in tapped.

  • Chromatic Lantern -> Smothering Tithe. The manabase is so solid that the lantern isn't necessary. Furthermore I've planned to add in some wheels to this deck at a later time. The ceiling on Smothering Tithe is so high that it must be included.

  • Gifted Aetherborn -> Sensei's Divining Top. I'll miss the little vampire but TOP is a combo piece and a very strong turn 1 play to help smooth out the early game.

  • Merciless Eviction -> Austere Command. The flexibility and extra choice really trump the exile clause, testing it out.

  • Divinity of Pride -> Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion. Pride might make it back in but I want to try out Neheb in the deck. With the amount of cards the deck can draw in a turn it seems like a perfect fit since it can turn useless cards into mana and draw into more gas if it connects once.

  • Sudden Spoiling -> Enlightened Tutor. Sad to see Spoiling go... It's saved my bacon a few times but the tutor can basically get any important piece the deck would want. As the deck gets more competivive the cuts get harder...

Hide / Seek -> Rest in Peace. I'm seeing a lot of graveyard decks in my meta and Hide / Seek hasn't really been very impactful the times I've played it. It still is on the short list and is a card that is likely to show up again later.

Evra, Halcyon Witness -> Eternity Vessel. Playgroup has caught on to Evra and she's very fragile for her cost. I want to see how the Vessel does as an engine for the deck, it seems incredible but it's also quite expensive.

Kambal, Consul of Allocation -> Insidious Dreams. Insidious Dreams is one of the BEST cards in the deck. It functions similarly as a Doomsday pile grabbing Citadel, Reservoir and Necro/Top to finish the game. I got one in foil and it looks awesome!

Blind Obedience -> Scheming Symmetry. A fun political card that is also a top of library tutor for the Citadel.

Lapse of Certainty -> Hatred. I've wanted to play with Hatred for so long now. Not too happy with the cut but we'll see what happens.

Alhammerret's Archive - > Vampiric Tutor. One of the best tutors available. There have been so many changes recently that I think I'll have to go over the deck carefully soon to see if it's functioning like I want it to.

Blood is life, blood is death and blood is violence.

I'll be updating this primer periodically and I'm open to criticism and card suggestions!


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #40 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 1 Mythic Rares

48 - 5 Rares

22 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.69
Tokens Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders commander decks, EDH Stokkarnir, Licia decks, Want to builf, EDH, EDH Gauntlet, EDH Decks, want to test irl, Deck to Build, Licia
Ignored suggestions
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