I'll drop that...or will I? (Post Rotation)
geneticfreak09c says... #2
Well he is a vampire and worked well for me before the new set came out when comboed with Olivia, Mobilized for War or madnessed into play due to discarding a card to pump a creature I brought into play and paying his CMC if the Falkenrath Gorger is on the board (reason I want 2 more in the deck) to play him the same turn. Maybe plates to it yourself to see? He's another win condition for me and hasn't proven a bad play when he gets on the board.
July 25, 2016 11:21 p.m.
Yeah, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is a great card. Don't cut him, especially not from a vampires deck.
July 26, 2016 4:55 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #4
Chatora I agree I guess if the deck was more for speed I could see why someone wouldnt want Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet in being 4 CMC and double black could be a pain and slow things down but in this style of play I like the way he works out.
July 26, 2016 5:59 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #5
What do you all think of Hanweir Battlements in this deck? I luckily have 4 from the booster box I preordered and It seems like it could be good for giving creatures haste when Olivia, Mobilized for War isnt out just without the +1/+1 counter or the discard. What are your thoughts?
July 26, 2016 7:49 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #7
Distemper of the Blood seems like a monster of a card too for combos like; Olivia's Dragoon + Distemper of the Blood to combo off the discard? A 4/4 with flying and trample isn't something to shake a stick at in theory. It could even be used like Distemper of the Blood + Furyblade Vampire on the pre-combat discard to have a swinging 6/5 with trample coming at your face or a Distemper of the Blood + Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Olivia, Mobilized for War madnessed in off the discard making for a 5/6 with flying, first strike, trample just about guaranteeing the combat damage getting through chump blockers and the 4/4 swing from Olivia making for a 9 point swing on turn 4 very possible. The combos are almost endless and unexpected in this deck with it in play with or without Olivia, Mobilized for War on the board hmmm
July 26, 2016 8:59 p.m.
YggdrasilShadow says... #8
Have you thought about adding the card Stensia Masquerade? I believe that it would help speed the game up a little bit unless you run into someone who runs enchantment killers. The Stensia Masquerade combos well with Bloodmad Vampire for some crazy damage.
July 27, 2016 1:28 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #9
YggdrasilShadow thanks for stopping by. I thought about playing Stensia Masquerade but in my local meta alot of Dromoka's Command and other enchantment hate is played heavy here. It is a great card for this deck and I probably will use it in casual play with friends because I really do like the card. Bloodmad Vampire is also a good card if the damage gets through, but suffers against tokens and with the influx of G/W humans, U/B zombies and White weenies it would never get combat damage through to the player and has no evasion at all reason I didn't add it to the mainboard after testing.
July 27, 2016 1:45 p.m.
YggdrasilShadow says... #10
Yeah, I know the feeling of Dromoka's Command That is why I personally use Orbs of Warding to counter it quite often. And also adding a Breakneck Rider Flip will help get that damage through to bump them up. but that is wandering away from the vampires. Just a random train of thought that quickly derailed. LOL
July 27, 2016 1:58 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #11
hahaha I have 2 Orbs of Warding but it's just too high for my curve without madness or instant speed with my cap out at 4 and that's barely with just Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet filling that slot. If this deck was a bit slower I wouldn't mind playing it to save my ass a bit if I wanted to slot in Stensia Masquerade .
July 27, 2016 2:12 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #12
Updated description within the next hour. I'm writing it up as we speak
July 27, 2016 2:49 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #13
hmm so I'm rethinking the Stensia Masquerade move and how it could possibly fit. Maybe side out the Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and 1 Olivia's Dragoon for 3 Stensia Masquerade . I can see how it could make Furyblade Vampire with him already having trample it's almost a guaranteed +1/1 counter each swing and anything buffed with Distemper of the Blood will most likely gain a counter too once trample is gained. It could be a neat discard combat trick madnessed into play off of furyblade and first strike is nothing to mess with when my whole deck could get +1/1 counters off of it essentially... Although my meta has enchantment hate I think running 3 of them could keep it fairly consistent. I love Kalitas to death but if this can play out as good as it looks in my head I may have to let him go lol Thoughts?
July 27, 2016 7:18 p.m. Edited.
Blastraider says... #14
Good idea. I would take out Nahiri's Wrath because you are playing aggro(I assume) as you won't have enough cards in hand to use it effectively and not enough mana to take advantage of madness.
July 28, 2016 8:11 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #15
Blastraider Nahiri's Wrath is in the maybeboard and thats a huge maybe and hasn't been put into action as of yet and I feel it never will since my hand is always if not most of the time bare bones and wont get much out of the card and it would be a dead draw.
July 28, 2016 8:37 p.m.
Goblinkid21 says... #16
Bro, i like the deck, but i would take Heir or Dragoon out because you madness like crazy in this deck it looks like and you don't have a late game, so i would run call the bloodline just in case when you just pull land and you can chum block for days with it and gain some life too :D
August 11, 2016 10:45 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #17
Heir and dragoon are both great madness outlets and flyers for cheap with no negative pay off in this deck. I don't see how any madness deck runs without either or both in the mainboard. I've thought about Call the Bloodline just no place to put it. Maybe dropped the 2 dragoon for 2 bloodlines? I'm not sure how to fit it.
August 11, 2016 10:54 p.m.
Goblinkid21 says... #18
Its mainly there for late game chum blocking until you get your vampires
August 15, 2016 5:38 p.m.
Goblinkid21 says... #19
But also would drop 2 heirs because they only discard once...
August 15, 2016 5:40 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #20
Not sure you see the significance of the Heirs...they are flyers when flipped early on in the game. Yes they're a one time discard but they turn into 3/2 flyers as soon as turn 3 once flipped making them a very aggressive play against any deck and gives defense against decks with flyers. If olivia or drana aren't on the board early game to defend against them then Heir will be 90% of the time and already doing damage. Dragoons are an option to be dropped mainly because they dont gain flying unless I discard a card. Their discard is infinite though and I can use them to madness just about everything in my hand if needed and they'll be flyers at my combat step. So both do more than just their face value if used properly.
August 15, 2016 6:18 p.m.
your hands empty out quickly. have considered adding Bloodhall Priest for that eventuality. it can be played through madness.
August 16, 2016 9:05 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #22
I did think of using her and even tried her out for a few days but whenever she showed up in my hand I normally had more cards in my hand that I couldnt just get rid of and she sat there or just got played and was a 4/4 with no upside for a while so I removed it. I get more value out of Asylum Visitor coming out early and when my hand is empty giving card dry and also being a big body on turn 2. Maybe I'll try again 2 or so Bloodhall Priest and see how I like it with the recent changes since removing it.
August 16, 2016 9:12 p.m.
geneticfreak09c says... #23
Quick note to go with the update added. Discard Biting Rain to Stromkirk Condemned with a solid board state and 9 times out of 10 our board survives the wipe and makes it a one sided board wipe most times especially against tokens. The reason I have it in the sideboard instead of Radiant Flames more control over who gets hit for the most part was a big thing.
August 22, 2016 12:59 p.m.
Southpaw152 says... #24
how does bloodline work for you? doesn't that make you have too many discards? to use a discard for bloodline and then stromkirk is pretty hard? not too sure. but i do love stensia masquerade. helped me stomp Bant company. when do you play bloodline? what turn sequence because i like that you can turn them into 2/2 creatures with lifelink. i like kalitas but its just hard to sub other creatures out. great deck. it is very similar. great minds think alike hahaha. and what suggestions would you have for my deck. I'm thinking of taking out 1 for each of my play sets with distemper and alm. still not sure man. lists for this deck is tight.
August 22, 2016 8:38 p.m.
Southpaw152 says... #25
and what makes you run only 2 olivia? do you find her not that good? just curious
Zombie055 says... #1
Kalitas doesn't really make sense in this deck just go full vampire madness
July 25, 2016 11:05 p.m.