JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #2
True, thanks a lot! I will some more shocks and definitely use Ash Zealot . Thanks so much! But, what should I take out?
April 10, 2014 4:54 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #3
I meant use more shock lands. But I will only use Sacred Foundry because I don't want to use too much shock lands that I don't have. I have the Blood Crypt s but I don't have Sacred Foundry . What should I take out for the Ash Zealot ?
April 10, 2014 5:04 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #4
For the Zealot, I'd take out either Young Pyromancer or Guttersnipe . Both are amazing, but In a deck like this that's trying to establish aggression and speed as soon as possible, the Zealot is just stronger. I love the Guttersnipe , but he's more of a midrange card. Izzet uses him best. I'd cut him. It takes him by turn 3-4 to start benefiting your cause, while your Zealot is effectively a burn spell that starts doing things on Turn 2 or as soon as it arrives on the field. These are just my opinions of course.
I think Sacred Foundry is good for your shocks, and I think Temple of Malice is fine to keep too. You just want to find a good balance between speed and draw optimization (scrying).
April 10, 2014 9:41 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #5
Although Guttersnipe gives extra 2 damage when I burn someone and that's so good! But Ash Zealot is such a great card that can be utilized so well in burn decks. I may take out Desecration Demon but he is a great card that can be extremely deadly if not taken care of. Yeah, I'll take out Guttersnipe .
April 11, 2014 5:36 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #6
Good call. Though if you playtest some and find that the 'Snipe is doing a great job, then that may mean he's worth it. It's hard to say completely until you test some. I've just found that the Guttersnipe is a little slow for speed strategies, though he's flat-out incredible for midrange with burn. I have a budget Izzet deck that uses him really well.
Excellent deck overall!
April 12, 2014 12:54 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #7
True, I have playtested it at my friends house and I won some games cause of the Sniper. They are truly helpful, but I will only run 2.
April 14, 2014 5:40 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #8
I used this at my friends house, is it good?
April 14, 2014 6:01 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #9
I do indeed think it's very good. You have all the best (in my opinion) burn-based creatures on the board, you've got some of the best instants Standard has to offer, and you've got a nice curve set up. I can't think of any way to improve on it. Great deck.
April 22, 2014 10:54 a.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #10
I think Boros burn is way better than R/D/W because black has little to offer while is WAY more mandatory. My friends pointed that out and I learned to try Boros and it is more effective.
April 22, 2014 8:54 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #12
What Journey into Nyx cards should I run? Spite of Mogis and Magma Spray are pretty good...
April 25, 2014 5:59 p.m.
ThatRedGuy says... #13
I used to run the pyromancers and they tended to be pretty lack luster. you want your decks job to be burning them in the face, not swinging into them with creatures for the win. And personally i dont like the ash zealot for the exact same reason. Having a turn 2 boros charm is a lot better than 2 damage. post turn 2 the zealot becomes incredibly irrelevant. I would run only phoenixes, bump the land base up to 23, run the playset of skullcracks, run either 4 searing bloods main or 4 spite of mogis main (still testing this out), run 2 chains main and 2 side, and turn the guildgates into sacred foundries because having as little land come into play tapped is crucial as every matchup is a race. sideboard should have 4 firedrinker satyrs/rakdos cacklers for control matchup, 4 satyr firedancers for aggro, the rest of the board is personal preference. I really like the spark troopers against any form of creature decks because it is essentially another warleader's helix. Mutavualts are also incredibly helpful but also a little pricey so its totally understandable to not run them and the deck can function fine without them.
April 29, 2014 10:09 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #14
What should I take out for the crack and chains, ash zealot?
May 5, 2014 5:45 p.m.
I like the deck, first off. The only thing I see as off is the four copies of Spite of Mogis in the sideboard, as that seems counter-intuitive to run with a Elixir of Immortality .
May 18, 2014 1:07 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #18
Yes thanks for the comment! I do agree with you and when I use those two together, I will use the spite first and then get the cards in my library. But I am thinking of changing that to a just Burn deck and some burn spells. Any way thanks!
May 20, 2014 5:09 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #19
Hey guys I have one thing to say. Do you think my deck is ready for Game Day tomorrow. I'm taking it to Game Day at a local store in my hometown and I am wondering if it is ready or it needs changing. I'm deciding to whether or not I should keep the board wipes.
May 23, 2014 5:15 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #20
The wipes will help in the weenies matchup. Trust me. I see you dropped the Ash Zealot . I suppose I understand why. I don't really see her as a creature though. She's more of a burn spell, functionally. If she hits for 4 damage, she's done her job. The thing to remember is you want more damage than mana spent. So 4 damage for in investment of 2 is solid. Plus the Zealot could do even more than that if left on the field. Anyway, that's my two cents on that. I like Anger of the Gods for a sweeper effect though. So beautiful in a burn-paced deck. Mizzium Mortars is more flexible but is a tad slow on the wiper without outside assistance, like Goblin Electromancer (not in your colors). Still fun though.
May 23, 2014 5:54 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #21
I took out angers a second ago, but I should I put them back in? If so, should I take out the mortars? Well I see your point about Zealots and I will wonder is she is a mainboard or not...
May 23, 2014 5:57 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #22
I play a Boros Burn and she's a 4-of on my main deck. She hasn't disappointed. The only distant contenders for the 2-drop creature slot are Burning-Tree Emissary (basically a free play b/c you get back the 2 mana, which you can immediately play a burn with), and Young Pyromancer , which is really a mid-range card and doesn't have a huge impact in a high-velocity burn deck like this. If I were you, I'd drop the Dictate of the Twin Gods for Anger of the Gods ...dictate might be ok vs control but usually it won't help you win any faster, since you should already be close by the time you can play it. I see you have the Wild Guess for card advantage. Honestly that's fine, but your Chandra is already great in that role, so I'd just 2x her if possible. Between Ratchet Bomb , Mizzium Mortars , and Anger, I'd say you've got plenty of wipes. I'd also drop one Banishing Light for a fourth Chained to the Rocks . These are all just my opinions, though. I love the deck!
May 23, 2014 6:15 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #23
Thanks so much for all your help! I wouldn't have made this deck with you bro. I totally feel you and agree. I playtested my burn against brother's deck, and the dictate didn't do well... so if I can get my angers, I'll definitely switch them out. Once again thanks! You make this deck go 'round!
May 24, 2014 2:32 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #25
No problem, buddy. I'm super glad to help out! Any kind of advice you need is always my pleasure to offer.
JakeHarlow says... #1
Awesome! Thought about Ash Zealot at all? Also, you might want to sprinkle a few shocklands in there. They are really good, and having too many scries (not that they're bad) might slow you down in the crucial opening game.
I also believe it wise to run 2 Chandra, Pyromaster .
+1 from me bro.
April 10, 2014 8:59 a.m.