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The Reckoning of Boros Tokens

Modern* Aggro RW (Boros) Tokens



Creature (4)

Artifact (4)

So I literally day dreamed this deck. I want to bring swords back to play. So I have four swords of war and peace. Despite what many think I think it is still vaiable in play ESPECIALLY sense BNG. I have Brimaz and Hero of Bladehold because they are token engines of themselves. Honestly this could actually be a good extended deck but I don't know anyone who would plays that. Anyway it's an old school standard idea. I know it won't win tournaments but this idea is for those who miss the days that sorin and elspeth with swords ruled the format in token decks. I chose Boros colors because they have the best aggro right now. Anyway I know I need help with land selection and any idea ANY ideas would help me greatly. This is only the base of the kind of cards I want to use.

UPDATE: I sided boarded Swords and Reckoner to make way for two pump enchantments.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 4 Mythic Rares

10 - 4 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Human 1/1 R, Human 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
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