Things get big. Fast. The guild of science utilizing the powers of prophets, sages and mystics is truly a sight to behold.
4x Elvish Mystic = I considered this deck a little expensive, so this lead to the inclusion of Elvish Mystic ahead of traditional Simic 1-drops (such as Experiment One or Cloudfin Raptor).
3x Gyre Sage = Just that extra bit of ramp, with the added advantage of being a huge beater later on in the game. The deck is pricy manawise so this alleviates the problem to some extent.
3x Scavenging Ooze = Depending on the game, this card either gets big cheaply, or gets big at the expense of your opponents strategy. It ensures a no waste policy within the deck. When any of my bigger creatures comes into play, this becomes a huge threat.
Reverent Hunter
= Even in a horrible situation, this guy should be ETBing with a minimum of 2 counters. It's also relevant late game in board-stall situations where getting an additional massive creature can matter. I initially didn't like it, but in playtesting, he once entered as a 16/16. That sort of pressure warrants 3x.
3x Master Biomancer = He makes my guys Lightning Strike proof. He converts my Elvish Mystics into genuine threats late-game. He makes all the other +1/+1 counter stuff going on extra relevant. He's just good and I'm kicking myself for not realizing this sooner.
1x Nylea, God of the Hunt = Gives everything trample, which triggers Bident of Thassa nicely. Also, the combo of this plus Bow of Nylea is just nasty. It'll also be a relevant creature most of the time, maybe even getting bigger if Master Biomancer is out when it ETB's.
Prophet of Kruphix
= I always wished that my creatures could have Flash so I could play them during my opponents turns in previous decks. This thing basically lets that happen, and lets me spend lots more mana. It wins games.
3x Kalonian Hydra = Okay, this is the biggest update. I know I should be cutting down on high cost creatures, but this is just great. My previous version of this deck focused more on draw and lifegain, but I realized that by adding this guy and making a few tweaks, the deck could become a +1/+1 counter powerhouse. This also wins games.
1x Prime Speaker Zegana = Gets big and draws me cards. This might (just might) be overkill, but I guess that's the name of the game.
Ordeal of Thassa
= Can make my things bigger and draws me some cards when it's done. What's not to like?
2x Bident of Thassa = this does two very important things. Number one - it can force my opponent to attack into my big things. Number two, it gets me cards just for hitting my opponent, usually helped by trample and point number one.
2x Bow of Nylea = This is great. Obviously it works very well with Nylea, God of the Hunt. Deathtouch + Trample is wonderful. Plus, it offers numerous other relevant options depending on the scenario.
Pit Fight
= Okay, so this will usually kill what I want killed (including Gods sometimes). And if the creature I want dead takes mine with it, what harm? (Scavenging Ooze, cough cough).
Simic Charm
= There are numerous options for this card which can each be good in a variety of match-ups. Protects my guys from removal, beats other +1/+1 counter match-ups, kills their tempo or pushes through for extra damage. Woot.
3x Pithing Needle = Shuts down any new Legendary Enchantments, Planeswalkers and AEtherling. Along with just about anything else with an annoying activated ability or two.
Fade into Antiquity
= I chose these over Naturalize because exiling things has recently become much more relevant than before (looking at you, Gods). So yeah.
3x Ratchet Bomb = Kills hoards of tokens with 0 counters on it. Kills lots of things actually. I can see it having its uses.
Spell Rupture
= Counterspells are always useful. Should I come up against a deck I don't really have answers to, these will be the answer. It will work 99% of the time.
= In case I come up against Esper control or something nasty like that. Plus, it feeds into the +1/+1 counter theme, so it's great.
Anyway, that's it. Hope you like it. +1 it if you do. Any advice, suggestions and / or criticisms would be greatly appreciated! :)