The Remorseless Flames

Standard* dustymortrax


TMBRLZ says... #1

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip.

You need four of him.

Another Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  Flip along with a couple more burn spells and Kolaghan's Command wouldn't be bad either.

If you make sufficient use of Jace VP and Chandra, Flamecaller's second ability than Delve spells like Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time are invaluable to you as well.

February 25, 2016 4:04 p.m.

dustymortrax says... #2

I would love to put even a single Jace VP but I simply don't have the money. I would also love to put in the Kolaghan's Command, but the cash is a bit much on that one too. I will, however, put in two Treasure Cruise. That's a great idea I didn't think of! If it still doesn't work, I'll put in another Chandra, FOK. Thanks, it was all very helpful! If only I had more money to spend :(

February 25, 2016 4:20 p.m.

What TMBRLZ said. I would also like to add that you should remove Oath of Chandra for anything else, probably another Fiery Impulse or removal in general. Running 1 doesn't do that much for you, and the second ability will really not net you much damage at all.

I tried running 3 of them in my own Super Friends take, deck is here if you want to check it out [OGW] Blue Mardu Superfriends!, and at the time I tried it I had 10 walkers or 14 if you count Jace, and the most damage I got out of it was 4, which isn't awful but considering that you have nearly half of the walkers I do I can't see it do that much more than it did for me and you are better off running more instant speed removal, another Chandra, or even Dig Through Time instead.

I could be wrong but I also think that 12 main board counter spells seems excessive and you should take out a couple for more sweepers, removal, card advantage, or general utility. The awesome thing about walker based decks is that you really don't need to worry about getting your own creatures caught into your own board-wipes, so running a 1 of or 2 of Languish would work well I think, or even a 1 of Crux of Fate would be pretty decent; if we take in considerations that Dragons are almost non existent other than Rakdos Dragons and the random Atarka you see in ramp decks here and there, this essentially works as a black Planar Outburst minus the Awaken.

Have you tested this deck? I am asking because I am curious about how Remorseless Punishment has worked out for you. It has been a card that I have been wanting to try since it was revealed but never quite seemed like it could get there.

Hope that helped!

February 25, 2016 7:51 p.m.

dustymortrax says... #4

Thanks, The_Riddlebox! I didn't know that Oath of Chandra was as bad as it was, so I guess that'll be limited to just the sideboard. The deck started out as an Esper-counter control, so that's why there's so many counters :P. I will try to take out a few, and I did see the problem with the complete non-existence of board wipes. My question is: would you more recommend 2 Languish, 2 Crux of Fate, or one of each? I haven't playtested the deck much, but Remorseless Punishment hasn't seemed too bad yet. Either way, it is just a one-of. I do really appreciate the feedback!

February 25, 2016 8:46 p.m.

It really depends on preference and meta. You may want to run any combination of the 2 depending on what you need more. You an certainly start with 2/2 split and see how it goes, you might realize Languish is not as good for you, but Crux of Fate is, and you might decide just 2 is enough, or maybe the 2 MB Radiant Flames might just be enough for you. You do always have Chandra, Flamecaller that also works as a board-wipe as well. Another card worth noting, although highly dependent on the meta, is Flaying Tendrils

February 25, 2016 10:55 p.m.

This isn't a walker deck, but I was just browsing mtgtop8 and saw this Grixis control list that made top 8 in a recent tournament and figured it might help you out with some ideas:

February 26, 2016 5:23 a.m.

dustymortrax says... #7

Thanks! I definitely do see a valuable card in there, that being Transgress the Mind. After a few rounds of playtesting, if I need it/can make a spot for it, I'll probably throw two in. Those two, for now, will find their way into the sideboard. I actually just bought the deck on TCG Player so I'm excited (and a bit nervous) to see how it'll come out. Your assistance has helped tremendously. Still, any help anyone can provide is appreciated as I work to expand on the deck!

February 26, 2016 11:06 p.m.

Coool man! Keep us update on how your deck does if you go to events, so we can better help.

Just don't get discouraged if you don't do so great the first few FNMs, if you plan on going to some, the best way to figure out what needs to be updated in a deck is to lose a match and understand why you did.

February 27, 2016 2:49 p.m.

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