
Creature (4)

Instant (3)


Peace of Mind and Zombie Infestation help dump your enchantments while also helping to keep you alive long enough to set the stage for Open the Vaults and Starfield of Nyx to combo (not to mention Starfield of Nyx is a force all on its own).

Exclusion Ritual and Skybind wipe the table clean of anything that threatens victory after the Vault/Nyx combo.

The other enchantments are fillers for the final result.

Phyrexian Arena helps the card draw while Aegis of the Gods helps protect the early game.

And Boseiju, Who Shelters All is obviously to ensure Open the Vaults .

This idea has been a long time running for me and I really would appreciate any advice anyone can give on it. Thanks.


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Game1: Elves took the first game. Aegis of the Gods held back the Shaman of the Pack and Zombie Infestation gave me blockers but I was eventually smothered by Ezuri, Renegade Leaderfoil.

Game 2: sided out my 1 slot enchantments and added all 4 Wrath of God. By turn four I was down to 11 life and had lost an Infestation to a Reclamation Sage. I wiped the table. I Gained six life on turn 5 from Peace of Mind. Turn six he had begun to amass a new elven army when I cast Open the Vaults. 2 Skybind, Exclusion Ritual, Purphoros, God of the Forge (thanks, FAGGOTUS-REX), and of course 2 Starfield of Nyx not to mention the smaller enchantments. Game was over turn 7.

Game 3: basically a repeat of Game 2. I managed to drop 2 Ghostly Prison and though he was amassing land and holding back creatures from my Wrath, the Game was over turn 8.

Elf ball is scary as hell!!!!
