A brew I had about where the long lost jund could go.
With the recent amount of UR Delver, there hasn't been very much room for jund and other formerly popular aggro decks.So to combat this jund has to fight fire with fire by adding cruise to its line up. Though jund has been in decline, its brother Junk has been doing very well recently, so look for a junk deck made by me in the future.
Please all comments and feedback is welcomed!
Lets get down to business (pop culture references ftw)
Lets go over our choices of cards:
The Creatures:
Tarmogoyf- Probably one of the if not the best two drop ever. No explanation needed here.
Scavenging Ooze- A great card with some nice utility. Allows you to hate on graveyards whilst giving you life and making it bigger. A little non-synergy with goyf, but in my mind you can play around it and is worth it.
Huntmaster of the Fells
- Probably one of my favorite magic cards ever printed, its oozing with flavor and you can get some sick value out of it. The reason its only a one of in this deck is because it costs four and in this deck the utility is nice but not required.
Dark Confidant- Everyones best friend Bob. A two drop that gives you card advantage with losing life to be the only advantage, great! Just a text book black card.
The Removal:
Abrupt Decay- Easily the best removal in modern, as it hits pretty much everything (except pod sadly :( ) at instant speed and has a 2 cmc.
Maelstrom Pulse- Depending on how you look at it is a better or worse version of Abrupt Decay. While it is at sorcery speed and cost one more, it hits everything and has the possibility to two for one.
Lightning Bolt- The hands down best burn spell ever printed. For one mana you get three damage at instant speed. Just an auto-include in any red deck. No more explanation is needed.
Terminate- For two mana you get an instant speed kill spell, great!! And as a benefit you they can't regenerate.
Slaughter Pact- Why have something that can lose you the game? Because when your opponent pods out Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and is threatening to go infinite with
Restoration Angel while your tapped out you can have one big grin on your face.
The Discard:
Inquisition of Kozilek- The premiere discard spell in modern as most cards people play are under 3 cmc, and you don't lose life like you do to Thoughtseize.
Thoughtseize- Just like Inquisition of Kozilek except you lose life. Both are Especially good when you play either on turn one w/ fetch and then play Tarmogoyf on turn two.
The Significant Others;
Treasure Cruise- This is the reason we splash blue. This card is just ridiculous, and I wouldn't be surprised if banned in the future.
Liliana of the Veil- The reason this isn't under discard is that she is jus so much more than a discard outlet. She is also a removal spell that can hit bogles and her ultimate can destroy your opponents board state.
The Lands:
I won't go into detail about all the lands but here are explanations for some of them.
Creeping Tar Pit- An unblockable 3/2 for three mana that dodges Anger of the Gods, you've got the job.
Raging Ravine- Another manland, yeah. A 4 mana 4/4 for the first activation is great, and is even better on any other activation as the counters remain on it even when it is a land.
The Sideboard:
Ancient Grudge- Just a solid artifact hate card. Not sure if I should play Smash to Smithereens instead, but Ancient Grudge gives you some nice value.
Anger of the Gods- Post board this deck can become a midrange type deck with Anger of the Gods and Obstinate Baloth. Anger of the Gods is a solid board clear that also by passes the graveyard.
Fulminator Mage- Land destruction is always great. Solid include for most boards in modern.
Grafdigger's Cage- Hates graveyards and flashback. No more explanation needed.
Slaughter Games- A card that makes winning with
Scapeshift really awkward and impossible, YEAH!
Electrickery- For match ups against delver.
Grim Lavamancer- For more grindy games that go fr a very long time.
Obstinate Baloth- Great vs aggressive/burn strategies. Also good vs 8rack, Junk, and the mirror.
Thank You for visiting please, leave comments, questions, and constructive criticism.